Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 25 He did this to an old man like me six times!

"Devil, you are a devil!" Director Jinchuan was lying on the ground, screaming weakly, but his breath was too weak, so the scream was not loud. At least Conan outside didn't hear it, otherwise he would have rushed in long ago with his temper.

"It seems that he is still afraid of me!" Kishida touched his chin puzzledly. Could it be that he got the wrong person like last time? No way, is it that I am so unlucky?

Kishida had a bitter face, and his previous arrogance was gone. He wanted to simply deal with this matter and then go home to have a good rest for the night. Unexpectedly, things turned out like this.

"Forget it, let's try it again!" Helplessly, Kishida still planned to shock him one last time.

"Devil, if you shock me again, even if I have to go to jail, I can sue you!" Director Jinchuan finally had the opportunity to say what he had wanted to say when Kishida was about to take action.

"It's okay. Didn't you just want to kill me? So this is called self-defense! Since I chose self-defense, I can't be too fast, right? After all, I'm a man!" Kishida said meaningfully.

"But you are over-defending, and it has nothing to do with whether you are a man or not!" Unfortunately, the two spoke Japanese, so Director Jinchuan couldn't get Kishida's point at all.

"Ah, a dealer who sells those things actually talked to me about the law! This is the funniest joke I heard today." Kishida looked at Director Jinchuan with a sincere expression.

"Xiaoxiao, I am thanked. Well, as a thank you, I will let you go!"

"Huh~" Director Jinchuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then was shocked by Kishida again when he was caught off guard.

"You..." He fell into a state of half-dementia before he finished speaking.

"( # ^.^ # ) Sorry, I was just kidding!" Kishida smiled, with no trace of apology on his face. Since he could trick you once, why not trick you again?

As for whether Director Jinchuan would sue him for excessive defense, Kishida said that at most he could ask the undefeated queen of the legal world, Xiaolan's mother, Eri Kisaki, to be his lawyer. Since he had saved Xiaolan once before, she should accept the case.

And this would at most cost a little more money, and what is money for? Of course, it is for happiness! And Kishida said that he was really happy to call Director Jinchuan again. Don't you know that people who grow flowers hate people who sell this stuff! ? So the money is still worth spending, Kishida thought to comfort himself in his heart.

""Beep~Woo~~Beep~Woo~" At this time, the sound of sirens came from downstairs.

Kishida looked at Director Jinchuan under his feet, and then looked at the police car downstairs through the window. He saw a familiar fat man in brown clothes coming down. Is this Officer Megure coming out to clean up? Sure enough, in the Conan world, the police always appear last. Of course, it is not only in the Conan world...

"Officer Megure, please come up!" Kishida shouted downstairs. Well, he was lazy and didn't want to move Director Jinchuan down by himself.

"Brother Kishida! ?" Officer Megure was surprised that Kishida happened to be here, and then led a group of subordinates upstairs with curiosity.

"Knock knock knock" Kishida in the small room heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that there were not only the sweaty Officer Megure and his group of subordinates standing outside, but also Conan and Ayumi.

"Officer Megure, what are you doing? "Kishida asked curiously, looking at the sweaty Inspector Megure.

"Ahem, the elevator was overloaded, so we had to run up the stairs! Let's not talk about this, brother Kishida, did you ask us to go upstairs for something?" Inspector Megure coughed to cover up the embarrassment of being out of breath after running to the third floor.

"I found someone selling this stuff!" Kishida took the bag of powder and showed it to Inspector Megure.

"This!! Who is the criminal! ?" Inspector Megure was shocked and asked hurriedly.

"Yes! Lying there!" Kishida turned his body and pointed at Director Jinchuan who was lying behind the table.


"Let me tell you first, he wanted to attack me, so I was defending myself!" Inspector Megure was interrupted by Kishida before he asked.

"I understand! Brother Kishida, but can you tell me the details of the incident first? "Inspector Megure wiped the non-existent cold sweat and asked. Then he used his eyes to signal his subordinates to check the prisoner's body.

"Okay! I have a recording prepared in advance, you will understand after listening to it!" Kishida said, before he took out his mobile phone, he saw Conan and others squeezed in, and it seemed that they wanted to participate. He thought about it and stopped the action in his hand.

"What's wrong, brother Kishida?" Inspector Megure asked hurriedly after seeing it.

"No, it's these children!"

"Oh, you mean Conan and the others, what's wrong with them?"

"Inspector Megure, don't you think it's good for the children's future growth to always let these children participate in such things? Especially Conan, I think he seems to be particularly keen on this kind of thing. What if they get into danger in the future and get close to him, wouldn't that be bad?"

"This makes sense! "Inspector Megure thought about it and felt that what Kishida said made sense, so he ignored Conan and others' objections and asked his subordinates to throw Conan and others, who were looking curious, out of the small room.

"That's right, children should behave like children!" Kishida nodded with satisfaction, then took out his mobile phone again and played the recording.

"Hmm~" Director Jinchuan groaned and woke up in a daze. He saw several policemen with police IDs surrounding him, and then heard the devil's voice "I'm so scared~".

This made him sober up instantly. He quickly pulled the policeman beside him and said, "Officer, I want to report it. Although I broke the law, he also knocked me down six times with electric shock. He was excessive defense, I want to sue him! Six times, six times in total. He is simply a beast. He actually did this to an old man like me!"

Hey, you old man! It's true that I shocked you six times, but what you said later, others don't know what I did to you! Kishida complained under the strange eyes of Officer Megure and other policemen.

"Director Jinchuan, you are arrested! As for what you said now, wait until you get to the police station to talk!" Officer Megure pressed his hat and said to Director Jinchuan.

"Humph!" With the "backing" of the police, Director Jinchuan became proud. He still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, which came from Kawashima and others. As long as he kept his mouth shut and did not testify against them, Kawashima and other capitalists and politicians with status and position would not be able to be brought down by Kishida's testimony alone. And by then, he could be released from prison early under their manipulation!

Thinking of this, Director Jinchuan still felt that his life was full of hope! It was not until he heard the recording that was temporarily paused by Officer Megure because he woke up that his face changed. He was actually being recorded...

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