Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 308: First Intimate Kiss (Part 1)

A pair of arms hugged Mingmei tightly from behind, using great strength, as if they wanted to lock her body tightly in his arms and never separate...

"Huh~ So, Miss Crybaby, don't you know how good you are?"

Holding Akemi tightly from behind, Kishida placed his mouth next to her ear and blew gently into her ear. When she was too stiff to turn around, he whispered once again. .

Miss Crybaby?

This title seems to be really suitable for my sister?

After listening to Mingmei's narration just now, Haibara noticed Kishida sneaking back. He saw a hint of bewilderment flashing across Kishida's face, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

This guy is not as experienced as I thought~~

"Xue, junior fellow student, you, you heard everything?"

I don’t know how long she had been silent. Mingmei, whose head was completely shut down, finally regained some consciousness. After turning around mechanically stiffly in Kishida’s arms, she stammered, not even daring to look up at Kishida. .

"Yeah, I heard everything!"

Kishida stretched out his hand and slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. His movements were very gentle, as if he was treating an injured kitten.


Looking at Minmei's appearance, Kishida breathed out a sigh of relief. He felt very uncomfortable. He once again felt the emotion called "heartache", which was an emotion he had never felt many times in his two lives.

He only remembered that the last time he felt distressed was in junior high school, when the stray cat he kept secretly in the orphanage disappeared after he came back from school. Of course, forget it was missing.

However, when he saw several orphans from the orphanage coming back from the outside with their bellies rubbed and smelling of meat that night, he felt completely bad!

Although the final result of those guys was not very good, after all, the cat that had been raised for a while was stuffed into the stomach, and it was very abominable that they did not call him! Of course, this is purely a joke. Kishida is not actually pica. Well, it would be about the same if he were replaced by a rabbit...ahem! Anyway, Kishida felt uncomfortable for several days after that, and then he just did whatever he had to do... As for the last time, Kishida had already forgotten when it was!

"...Have I let you down again? I just agreed last time that we should be more dignified when we fall in love, but I just can't help but be afraid. I'm afraid that you will be jealous and angry and treat me. I have bad thoughts, I don’t want the hard-earned happiness to be shattered, so I think of deceiving you..."

Mingmei buried her face in Kishida's arms and nervously grasped the corners of his clothes with both hands, as if she was afraid that he would let go.

Damn Shuichi Akai! ! !

Several blue veins popped out of Kishida's forehead, and his teeth made a "crunching" sound.

He probably understood why Mingmei felt inferior and uneasy in her heart!

This is probably because although she has indeed let go of the past, when she and Shuichi Akai were together, their way of getting along was too humble. Moreover, she turned into a pleaser personality even though she knew Akai Shuichi didn't like her. These bad pasts still left a mark on her heart, and even got worse. Because her feelings for herself surpassed her previous feelings for Akai Shuichi, and she felt that her past with Akai Shuichi would make her worse in her heart.

As a result, after a few days of wonderful love, she felt even more uneasy and inferior, easily sensitive, and always wanted to get into trouble, and was very entangled. At this time, she would be hesitant, overly entangled, and always fearful about love issues. .......

These are the reasons why Mingmei has relatively little experience, plus she has had traumatic experiences, including the bad memories with Shuichi Akai, so it is easy for her to have perfectionistic fantasies and fantasize about those very beautiful things in real love. But once the fantasy scene actually happens, such as what happened with Kishida in the past few days, she will start to be afraid again, and she will even show herself timidly in love, and she will be particularly afraid of falling out of love!

To put it simply and popularly, Mingmei...may be suffering from a little love phobia!

And she has always acted mysteriously, and there is no way to tell her many secrets. In addition, she still doesn't know why she likes her, and she is afraid that one day she will get tired of her and leave her. It seems reasonable!

A storm flashed through his mind. Kishida looked at Mingmei distressedly. For a moment, he was at a loss as to what to do. After all, he was just a chick and had less experience than Mingmei. If he hadn't read many romance novels, he probably wouldn't have known Mingmei's complicated psychology.

Is this the trouble of love?

Kishida sighed inwardly, feeling even worse about Shuichi Akai!

As long as he didn't disappear without a word for three years, such an outstanding Mingmei wouldn't be too inferior! Of course, he disappeared directly while he was still there, otherwise, he would have no chance, ε= (′ο`*))) Alas!


After waiting for a long time, there was no response from Kishida. There was only a sound of gnashing teeth. Mingmei's head couldn't help but leave Kishida's arms, and she raised her head carefully, but her hands were still holding the corners of his clothes.

"I'm not disappointed, it's just that I regret it now. I shouldn't have let him go so easily this morning!"

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Kishida put his palm on her cheek and said with a very unpleasant lip.

"Ah?" Mingmei was puzzled.

"Didn't you say that you would always believe in me?

Kishida did not answer Mingmei's doubts, but asked her very seriously.

"Ah! I, I will always believe in you, my junior brother, but I, I don't believe in myself..."

When Mingmei heard this, her face was a little flustered, and she hesitated to explain.

"Don't answer me in a hurry. Before that, I want to ask you, do you know what the five letters L, M, N, O, and P mean after the four letters H, I, J, and K? "

Kishida loosened his arms around her before she finished speaking, and gently stroked her back with his hands while interrupting her words gently and calmly.


Amei felt a little itchy on her back, and couldn't help but hummed softly, but didn't ask Kishida what the letter meant. It seemed that she wanted to just lie quietly in his arms, and then didn't plan to think about anything, just wanted to listen to Kishida tell her the answer directly.

"Really~ You are really like a cat now..."

Kishida shook his head helplessly when he saw this, and wanted to Tell her the answer directly.


There is no other way. She is obviously in a bad mental state. I can only pamper her.


Just at this moment, Huiyuan on the side finally couldn't help but speak.

Kishida raised his head and cast a puzzled look at her.

You are so ignorant, Ai! Don't you know that I, your sister, am comforting your sister in secret? !

"Hehe, although I really don't want to disturb you now, but if you keep hugging like this and we don't leave, I'm afraid that the three of us will have a high probability of being on the gossip news in the fun newspaper tomorrow."

Huiyuan seemed to see what Kishida was thinking. She glanced behind him and gestured as she spoke.

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