Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 309: The First Intimate Kiss (Part 2)

As soon as Haibara's words came out, Kishida quickly turned around and saw that the customers eating behind him had stopped holding their knives, forks and chopsticks, and were looking at him and Akemi with expressions of curiosity, surprise, excitement, or indifference. , some people even seemed to want to take out their mobile phones and take pictures! This kind of performance means that no one is serious about eating, even because it is already very late, so there are not that many people in the restaurant, only a few people, however, these various people with good looks Still makes Kishida very dissatisfied!


Of course, Mingmei also heard Haibara's words. After her eyes drifted to the surrounding customers, her whole body turned red again, and she buried her head in Kishida's arms. She was very embarrassed, very embarrassed, and she even planned to be bored. He died in Kishida's arms without coming out.

"What's wrong, now you know how to be shy? You don't even look at the situation and just make trouble for yourself in your mind!"

Kishida patted her back gently and said with a pretended dissatisfaction.

"Let's go out first and then talk..."

Akemi said sullenly in Kishida's arms, feeling very embarrassed.


Kishida nodded lightly. Of course, he didn't want to be watched like a monkey. But just as he finished nodding, he saw from the corner of his eye the guy who had taken out his cell phone and was already pointing it at him.

"If you want to take pictures, take pictures of yourself as a woman hugging another man! Maybe you will be happier! Of course, for someone like you, it doesn't matter whether you have a girlfriend or not!"

Kishida, who was already in a bad mood, glared at the guy fiercely, and then frowned under the guy's disapproving expression, and blurted out vicious words in an instant.


"Hahahaha~~" The few remaining customers laughed instantly.

"You eldest brother, please stop laughing at your second brother!"

Kishida glanced at these people coldly, and after speaking, he directly pulled Akemi, and with Akemi covering her face with one hand, acting like a little daughter-in-law, and with the sneer expressions of several other customers, she walked out of the Columbus restaurant. .


As soon as he left the restaurant, the night wind blew in his face with a hint of chill from the distance, making Kishida exhale softly and calmly, and his heart gradually became calmer.

"Why are you hiding your face? If you're really afraid of being embarrassed, don't say such heart-wrenching words. Besides, your shame is not real!"

Kishida said very unhappily as Akemi lowered her head and said nothing.

He knew that Mingmei didn't feel embarrassed because she was quarreling with those customers, but she just couldn't get angry at all.

"....I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you angry!"

Minmei's lowered head seemed to be lowered even further.

"If you continue like this, I will really get angry!" Kishida rolled his eyes and couldn't help but get a little crazy.

"Ah?!" Mingmei was surprised.


Kishida didn't answer, but just pulled her to the parking lot, with Haibara hanging slowly behind.

"Hmph...don't you say you don't know why I like you?"

Kishida snorted lightly, thought for a while, and then slowly asked.

"Yeah." Mingmei replied in a low voice with her head lowered.

"Look up and I'll tell you!"

Seeing that she still didn't raise her head, Kishida said very domineeringly.

"I..." Mingmei hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her head, but when she met Kishida's gaze again, she was so shy that she wanted to lower her head.

However, this time, Kishida had already expected it. His hand suddenly touched her white chin and lifted her head up forcefully.

"Uh~~" Mingmei panicked instantly.

Alas, what time is this plot about a bloody domineering president? Just this once, never happen again! !

Kishida sighed deeply in his heart. However, there was really nothing he could do except learn from the male protagonists of several female-channeled novels he had read on the jj literature website in his previous life.

I hope those female authors who write romance novels can use the routines in their books in this era!

They would write such a plot, they must be looking forward to men treating them like this, right? Mingmei, who is also a woman, should be no exception! ?

The palm of his hand fixed Mingmei's chin, making it impossible for her to break free. Kishida stared at Mingmei with his eyes, locking her gaze tightly, attracting her gaze like a magnet, making her gradually stop dodging.

"I like your gentleness and cheerfulness; I like the smile that always has no trace of haze on your face; I like your sincere seriousness and confidence when making desserts; I like the way you always think about me; I like your temperament; I like your intelligence. ; I also like the food you cooked for me with your own hands; I like that you chose to trust me without hesitation; I like you and you will never hurt me; I like the feeling of being with you, and I like everything about you, whether it is advantages or disadvantages !

You are excellent, really excellent. I am very confident. You are the best among all the girls I know! That's why I like you. Although I don't know at what point in time I fell in love with you. Maybe it was subtle, and I fell in love with you naturally!

So, I will only say this once, I will choose you and confess to you, there is no other reason, because I like you, I like you more than anyone else in the world! "

Kishida looked at Mingmei's eyes, and as his words became more gentle, his tone was very soft, and his speaking speed was not fast, but he became more sincere and serious.

It was just his ears that turned red for the first time, which was very rare...


Mingmei's eyes gradually turned red, and her cheeks were flushed, as if the red wine just now had taken effect. The deep affection in her eyes seemed to be hazily covered with a thin layer of mist, which was about to drip down from the corners of her eyes.

"Thump, thump~~"

The heart was beating violently in the silent and deserted parking lot, and the heartbeat seemed unusually loud.

"LOVE must need our patience!"

Kishida put down the hand that was holding her chin, and said softly with a smile on his face.

"LOVE must need our patience........Is this the meaning of the five letters L, M, N, O, and P?" Mingmei murmured in a low voice, and asked softly without avoiding Kishida's gaze.

"Remember? I said before that I have to spend my whole life to answer you, let you know that I choose your answer! And let you know that your choice is not wrong, not at all! But, you seem to be too anxious and have too little confidence in yourself!"

Kishida touched her cheek and smiled helplessly.

"I won't do it again..." Mingmei pursed her lips and spoke in a mosquito-like voice.

"Yes, but you have already made me say it in advance, and it's so difficult for me to say these words!"

Kishida scratched her nose lovingly and teased.

"I won't do it again~" Mingmei pouted, her voice raised a little, and her tone was a little coquettish. ()

"Are you a repeater?" Kishida laughed, then looked at her, and continued with a half-smile on his face:

"You made me feel very uncomfortable today, and I was in a bad mood just now. Do you think you can just let it go with a simple "I won't do it again in the future"? "

"Hmm? Then what do you want, junior brother..."

Amei looked at him in confusion, but found that Kishida's eyes were looking at her lips vaguely. In an instant, not only her face but also her neck was stained with a thick blush.

"Why... I have to give you a little punishment, right? Senior sister..."

Kishida had a deep smile on his face, and while teasing, he slowly moved his head closer.



Amei protested softly from her mouth, closed her eyes shyly, but couldn't help raising her head, subconsciously wrapped her hands around Kishida's waist, deeply feeling the burning breath on Kishida's body.

"Plop, plop~"

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Accompanied by the heartbeat like a war drum, two moist and cool lips were imprinted on Kishida's mouth........

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~(ˇεˇ)

PS: There is not enough time, I wanted to write more...嘤嘤嘤(╥╯^╰╥)

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