Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 361 The day when I officially lived with Mingmei

Seeing the scene just now, Kishida suddenly realized it!

He still underestimated his importance in Mingmei's heart. In other words, Mingmei would have no choice but to make certain sacrifices because she was spoiled by him.

Of course, this does not refer to the sacrifice of life, because Kishida has known this for a long time. When the other party encounters great danger, they will definitely do so without hesitation.

Therefore, this kind of sacrifice is actually an accommodation of habits and personality. At first glance, it seems that this kind of sacrifice is insignificant compared to life!

However, in fact, many lovers and couples who can devote their lives to each other often quarrel endlessly because of minor personality problems in daily life, resulting in an extremely depressed life.

"Of course, my personality seems to have changed a lot because of my senior sister..."

On the stairs, carrying a suitcase and a cardboard box on his side, Kishida could still think and mutter with ease.

He used to live his own life, flaunting his personality casually, because he had no worries, so there was no need. As for now...well, at least it's not that wasteful anymore!

"What are you mumbling about? Do you need me to take over a box?"

Mingmei asked curiously, looking back from time to time to see if he could carry it so he could respond at any time.

"What do you think?"

Kishida weighed the two boxes up and down, looking at ease. Showing that he was relaxed.

"Sister, since he is so strong, you don't have to worry about it. And if you have any physical work in the future, just let him do it!"

Seeing that he didn't seem to be forcing himself, Haiyuan turned to Mingmei and chuckled.

"Hmm~ let him do all the heavy work in the house from now on!"

Hearing this, Mingmei, who was originally very surprised by her boyfriend's strength, nodded frequently in agreement.

"Well, I just have more energy now."

Kishida explained in a low voice and euphemistically.


However, Mingmei seemed to have some misunderstanding, and the head she had just turned back quickly turned back, staring at Kishida with a red face.

"What I mean is, if you need me to do gravity work in the future, please don't hesitate to call me! This is what I should do."

Kishida forced a false smile on his face and said "from the bottom of his heart."

Although Kishida said it very insincerely, Mingmei nodded with satisfaction after seeing that he finally expressed his stance.


Haiyuan glanced at the two of them with a half-smile.

She may have understood what the two of them had just done in the single room of the apartment...


"By the way! Don't you need to return the apartment key to the landlord?"

After putting the suitcase away, before getting into the car, Kishida suddenly turned to look at Mingmei and asked.

"No, let's keep it for now. Anyway, the house hasn't expired yet, so if we keep it like this..."

Akemi glanced at Kishida and paused.


"If someone continues to bully me these days, I can still pack my things and come back~"

Mingmei curled her lips and continued teasing.


Kishida rolled his eyes speechlessly, and it took him a long time to reach out to her angrily.

Akemi:? ? ?

"Bring the keys, I'll return them to the landlord."

Kishida Kyor said with eyes.

"So, you are not going to give me a way out~"

However, Mingmei suddenly calmed down and looked at Kishida and asked seriously.

"I am your retreat!"

Kishida said equally sincerely.

"...In this case, no matter what happens in the future, even if you regret it, I will not leave. Well, I will still not pay the money!"

After pondering for a while, Mingmei suddenly took out the key from her pocket with a smile, and then continued:

"Actually, the landlady has already traveled abroad a few days ago. If my junior is really free, you can come over and return the key for me~"

After that, he actually handed the key to Kishida.

"Why do I feel like I've been tricked by you?"

Kishida said depressedly, but still took the key.

"Then, please give me your advice from now on~"

Seeing this, Mingmei bowed slightly and said sincerely.

"Uh, so sudden and formal?"

Kishida blinked.

"Hey, junior brother, haven't you always liked the sense of ceremony~ This is a very important thing to me!"

Ming Meiyan explained with a smile.

"I understand, get in the car!"

Kishida nodded clearly, then opened the car door and signaled.


Mingmei responded briskly, and while getting in the car, she added silently in her heart.

"Because from now on, we will officially live together forever!"

Compared with the formal cohabitation in the future, Kishida's small overstep just now seems not to have left much disturbance in Mingmei's heart.

These things will definitely happen in the future, but now it's just a little earlier, and it's still at that point, so there's no need to be too pretentious, well, that's it! (.)

Then, the car drove slowly with Mingmei trying to comfort herself with such thoughts, and then left the village.

"When I go back, I'll invite the doctor to come over and have dinner with me."

On the way back, Kishida glanced at Haibara through the rearview mirror and said.

"No need, the doctor just sent me a text message. Just after he sent the children back, he was called by the town developer to start it himself. The 'Rainbow Paradise Explosive Bomb' exploded tonight. He said it was him. His invention has finally come into use, so he asked me to go to dinner with you tonight without waiting for him."

Haiyuan chuckled and explained.

She was very satisfied that Kishida did not forget to ask Dr. Agasa to have dinner with him.

"Well, the 'Rainbow Paradise Explosive Bomb' has been invented! Speaking of which, I originally planned to help, but I didn't expect that the doctor had already done it himself!"

Kishida was stunned for a moment and then answered a little awkwardly.

Because he has really forgotten about helping.

"Don't worry, doctor, he has long been used to it." Haiyuan teased in a funny way.

"Hahaha~" Hearing this, Kishida became even more embarrassed.

You know, Kishida originally wanted to ask the doctor to help him invent clothes for his "right noble concubine" after he was free from work on the bomb.

However, when it comes to the 'Rainbow Paradise Explosive Bomb', Kishida has a vague impression that this seems to be a case related to Officer Sato.

"Xiao Ai, do you know what kind of building you want to blow up?"

Kishida asked suddenly.

"Well, it seems to be the Aipido Museum of Art. The building is too dilapidated, but the Aipido Museum of Art is quite emotional in the hearts of the citizens, so I deliberately chose to give it a beautiful ending with a rainbow bomb on the 40th anniversary of its founding. ”

Dongshou Ai explained to Kishida consciously.

"Fortunately, the doctor's invention happened just in time."

Kishida confirmed some of his guesses, but he was even more confused...

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