Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 362: Yumi Miyamoto is happy to see Kishida (Amei:???)

If he remembered correctly, this should be the incident in "Metropolitan Police Department Love Story"!

This case seems to describe the story of Officer Sato who had to be handcuffed with a male prisoner in the toilet due to an accident.

Hmm, it seems like we spent the night together in the toilet~

When he thought of the unseemly development of this kind of plot, several movie titles flashed through his mind involuntarily.

For example: "The Prisoner of the Amateur Public Policewoman Stealing Films", "The Bondage of the Prisoner's Obligation", etc. These are wonderful movies that cannot be described in detail...ahem!

Shaking his head repeatedly, under the strange looks of Mingmei and Haibara, he dispelled these "woo woo" thoughts in his mind. After silently apologizing to Takagi and Sato for his improper thoughts, Kishida There was a little wry smile on his face.

After all, I was still a little irritated by Mingmei's charm and softness just now!

Fortunately, this is a world where nothing else is serious except SQ or QJz.

Whether it's Ke Xue, or inexplicable murders, and time!

What Kishida felt even more confused about was time. ,

Because he still clearly remembers a famous scene, the scene where Dr. A Li was kicked unconscious by Conan using the foot strength-enhancing shoes he invented. And the time when that scene happened should be during the day and not at night. !

So, is it my own butterfly effect again?

Kishida was thinking and driving, and suddenly asked Haiyuan:

"Xiao Ai, did your young detective team have a script or something to perform recently?"

"How do you know? But because of someone, our garden party performance had to be canceled."

Haiyuan was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, this guy already knew enough things, so he wasn't surprised anymore, and instead teased lightly.

Since they had to go home immediately after school, they had no time to rehearse or anything, so they had to cancel...

Of course, this is good news for Haiyuan. Otherwise, she would be forced to be the reason!

But what interested her a little was that Mitsuhiko's script was quite interesting and made her smile knowingly.

"That's it..." Kishida sighed quietly.

Sure enough, it's the butterfly effect again.

Huh! ? wrong!

Could it be that this is why Officer Takagi and Sato didn't answer his calls?

This question just came to Kishida's mind, and then he quickly pressed the brake lightly with his foot, letting the car stop slowly.

Because after turning the corner, there were only a few cars on the road at first, but before you knew it, the vehicles in front suddenly slowed down, making the road gradually become congested...

"There's a traffic jam?"

Kishida looked ahead. He was quite familiar with this intersection, so he knew there were no traffic lights ahead.

However, at this moment, he took a quick look and saw that there was already a long queue in front of him.

Moreover, with his sensitive ears, he vaguely heard the faint sound of police sirens in the distance.

"Did there be another car accident? This is a bit of bad luck!"

Kishida muttered speechlessly, knowing that it was not far ahead, he would probably be home in another seven or eight minutes of driving.

"It's okay, the car in front can still move~"

Mingmei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at it for a while and then said with relief.

However, the speed of the vehicle in front is not much better than a turtle speed...

"Well, it's just that it's getting late."

Kishida looked up at the sky and saw the setting sun, which had already filled the sky with its lonely afterglow.

It's so late and there's a traffic jam, so dinner won't have to be until eight or nine o'clock!

"It doesn't matter. It's not far from home anyway. So if it doesn't work, Xiao Ai and I will get out of the car and walk back. We can prepare the food when we get home and wait for you to come back, okay?"

Akemi seemed to understand Kishida's thoughts and glanced at the sky with a smile.

The afterglow of the sun slanted into the car through the car window, and the warm tones made Mingmei feel as tender as water.

"Okay...well, it shouldn't be necessary."

Just as Kishida was about to nod, he found that the traffic jam ahead began to move slowly. Although it was still not fast, at least it was moving in an orderly manner.


Ten minutes later, when the Bentley arrived at the intersection, Kishida, who was no longer blocked by many cars in front, saw a beautiful traffic policeman wearing a traffic police uniform and white gloves, whistling and giving instructions with his hands.

Yo! An acquaintance!

Kishida chuckled lightly. Apart from Yumi Miyamoto, there is probably no other beautiful traffic police officer in the area who can be so energetic, have droopy eyes, and long hair that reaches her waist and shoulders!

"Do you know me, junior?" Upon seeing this, Mingmei asked curiously.

"Well, the last time I had a car accident, it was Officer Miyamoto who handled it."

Kishida explained, and was considering whether to roll down the window, and then said hello to Officer Miyamoto as the vehicle passed by. However, he saw Officer Miyamoto's eyes lit up in front of him, as if he had discovered his vehicle, so he turned to this vehicle. He smiled and waved.

Probably the car model and license plate were recognized.

But, if you wave like this, aren't you afraid that others will mistake it for a traffic police gesture?

Oh, it turns out there is a little-known police officer with twin ponytails next to him, who is in charge of directing the operation together.

Kishida complained in his heart, but did not think about it more deeply.

Hmm! ? No, if the police officer was only responsible for handling the car accident of the junior, and they knew each other, why would they recognize the model and license plate of the junior's car in a second?

Moreover, she seemed to be quite happy?

Hmm, something is wrong!

However, Kishida did not think much about it, but Akemi became alert in an instant.

"Mr. Kishida, this way!"

When Kishida rolled down the window at the intersection and was about to say hello to Yumi Miyamoto, he heard Yumi Miyamoto's happy urging and saw her waving her little hand.

Kishida: ? ? ?

Kishida blinked in confusion. Counting the Metropolitan Police Department, he and Yumi Miyamoto had only met a few times, so she should not be so happy to see him.

Could it be that I clicked on the charm attribute, and my charm increased again?

Kishida subconsciously freed one hand and touched his cheek.

Because he found that Yumi Miyamoto's action seemed to want him to stop the car in the empty space behind her traffic police car.

Is there something to tell him? But is it so urgent?

Kishida thought of this beautiful police officer, who was known as the "gossip expert" in the Metropolitan Police Department and was extremely well-informed about the gossip.

However, no matter how much he wanted to gossip, he couldn't gossip here, right?

Kishida glanced at the rearview mirror, but found that there were not many vehicles behind him.

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