The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Gin glared at Vodka, "What are you thinking about? Am I that kind of person?"

"Ah, no, no, I'm not thinking about it!" Vodka quickly denied it.

Gin explained, "There are many gray industries under the name of the organization, including many custom shops. Of course I know this rule."

"Oh, that's it." Vodka suddenly realized that I was overthinking!

Amuro Toru put down his coffee cup, thinking and talking to himself, "If Hirota Akira's punishment is really just ten days of detention, then we can be sure that the police really found nothing."

After a pause, he continued, "After all, the maximum detention of fifteen days is just a nice thing to say. If the police really want to deal with you, no rules will work. I heard that some people have not been convicted, but have been detained in detention centers and detention centers for many years, and the higher-ups just drag their feet and never transfer them to the court for trial. None of those policemen are good guys..."

Toru was also merciless when he criticized himself.

Gin agreed, "In short, once Hirota Akira is released, he will definitely escape again. We must catch him back as soon as he leaves the police's sight."

This time, the police did not intend to continue detaining Hirota Akira, and had decided to release him the day after tomorrow. Now Hirota Akira has become a bait, and the police want to use him to lure the organization's people over.

It doesn't matter if Gin doesn't go out in person to catch big fish like this, it's better to catch some small fish. In the end, even if Gin found out that this was a trick of the police, he would not suspect Toru Amuro.

After leaving Gin, Toru Amuro immediately found an opportunity to contact Yuya Kazami.

"Mr. Furuya, what's the matter?"

"The news has been leaked!" Toru Amuro went straight to the point, "Gin knew what happened in the Metropolitan Police Department..."

Yuya Kazami was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly, "Why, how could this happen? Is there a traitor on our side?"

"I'm afraid so, the traitor is investigating Section 4."

"Then, what should we do?"

Toru Amuro pondered, "Although Gin hasn't discovered that we are fishing, I always have a bad feeling... Our plan may have to be changed. Keep it strictly confidential in advance, take emergency action when the time comes, and split into two groups... Even if the traitor knows the news, he won't have time to spread the news."

Toru Amuro recounted his thoughts. Yuya Kazami felt that this plan was risky, but he didn't object.

The plan was to let the media suddenly publicize the clues about Hirota Akira and the Ghost Tiger Gang when Hirota Akira was about to be released, so that the Fourth Investigation Division could transfer him from the detention center to the Metropolitan Police Department.

From release to transfer, Hirota Akira must take a police car on the way, and two policemen will escort him on the left and right. He gets on the car inside the detention center and gets off the car inside the Metropolitan Police Department. If the organization wants to take action, they can only drive behind and snipe.

This is just the surface. In fact, Hirota Akira will not get on that car at all, but will be transferred to another place by another car. There will only be dummies in the car escorting Hirota Akira. Not only Hirota Akira is a dummy, but also the police responsible for escorting him are dummies. Only the driver is a real person.

Because the car glass is black, it can be mistaken for the real thing from the outside.

"We will arrange other cars before and after the escort car. Once the organization's people take action, we will make two breads with cheese."

"Okay, let's do it!"


In a blink of an eye, it was the next night. Yeyue went to Kojima Ikuko's house with Izumi Takeo as agreed to help him solve the dispute over the stock loss of 300 million yuan.

"Do you still see double vision when you see people now?"

"No, I rested for a day and I'm completely sober."

"That's good."

The two rang the doorbell at the door, and a woman's voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

Izumi Takeo answered, "It's me, Izumi Takeo."

"Oh, it turns out to be you..." The voice inside became a little contemptuous.

The door opened, and a face as white as a paper man came out. Yeyue and Izumi Takeo were frightened and stepped back. Yeyue shouted "Fuck", while Izumi Takeo shouted "Ghost!"

"What's going on?" The man said coldly, "It's just a mask, a mask!"

Yeyue looked carefully and realized that there was only a woman with a mask on. I was speechless! Don't you know how scary it is to wear a mask? You didn't even take off the mask before opening the door. You want to scare people to death!

Wait... a mask?

Yeyue suddenly felt enlightened and had an impression of the woman in front of her. It turned out to be her!

Yeyue had forgotten the plot completely, but she still remembered her mask. Just like the line in Stephen Chow's movie - I don't remember him, but I remember his butt.

Kojima Yuko was not ashamed of scaring others by opening the door with a mask on. Instead, she had an arrogant attitude, "What are you doing here? Are you ready for 300 million yuan?"

Izumi Takeo said that he came for this matter, and the other party invited him in. When Yeyue wanted to go in, President Kojima asked, "Who are you?"

Yeyue replied, "My name is Yeyue, and I'm here to solve the problem for Mr. Izumi."

"Oh, then come in." President Kojima didn't think much about it, and thought that Yeyue was paying off Izumi Takeo's debt. After all, she also knew that Izumi Takeo would definitely not be able to come up with 300 million yuan on his own.

Both parties sat down in the living room, and Kojima Yuko was still patting her face, as if she wanted the mask to absorb faster. She didn't even look at Yeyue, and asked unhappily, "Tell me, the one called Yeyue, how are you going to solve this problem?"

Yeyue looked at the top of Kojima Ikuko's head, where a glowing text was floating.

[Autocratic: Make your mind as firm as a rock, and no one or anything can affect your decision, even hypnosis and brainwashing can't change it. Just be reckless! ]

As soon as Yeyue saw this text, she was sure that she was the kind of person who did what she wanted, and it was probably useless to reason with her. But we are civilized people, and we pay attention to talking, learning, and singing... No, it's courtesy before force.

"President Kojima, I don't think Mr. Izumi should be responsible for your losses on stocks. After all, you insisted on buying those stocks."

As soon as she said this, Yeyue saw Kojima Ikuko's eyes change.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to shirk responsibility?"

Izumi Takeo immediately cried out, "I have no responsibility in the first place. I even advised you not to choose those stocks."

Kojima Ikuko tilted her neck and said, "It is already stipulated in the contract that I hired you as my stockbroker, so you must be responsible if I lose money."

Izumi Takeo immediately defended himself, "I am only responsible if I lose money by operating stocks without authorization. Those stocks were obviously chosen by you, and I couldn't persuade you!"

"Ah, when did I do such a thing? It was obviously you who bought those stocks without telling me, right?" Kojima Ikuko bit back, with a snickering expression.

"You--" Izumi Takeo stood up angrily and pointed at her, "It was obviously you who bought them."

"My stocks have been completely handed over to you for management. You have done every step of the operation. How could I buy stocks by myself? Don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence..." Kojima Ikuko seemed to have taken Izumi Takeo for granted.

Izumi Takeo collapsed. Evidence, evidence, and evidence. I have no evidence at all!

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