After a frank conversation, the two sides fully exchanged opinions, and the result was regrettable. This is a relatively high EQ way of saying it. To put it in a low EQ way, the two sides had a big quarrel, each holding their own opinions, and failed to reach a consensus.

Yeyue said silently in her heart: Since you have this attitude, don't blame me for being unreasonable.

Kojima Ikuko stared at Yeyue, "You are Izumi Takeo's friend, are you going to pay him back?"

"Money? What money?" Yeyue looked puzzled.

Kojima Ikuko was stunned. Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? We argued for so long, and he didn't even hear what we were arguing about? "Of course it was the 300 million yuan that Izumi Takeo lost when he traded stocks for me!"

"Trading stocks for you?" Yeyue pretended to be confused, "When did he trade stocks for you? No! He is my stockbroker, how could he trade stocks for you?"

Kojima Ikuko was confused, "What are you talking about? I hired him to trade stocks for me, but there is a contract!"

"Contract? Where is the contract?"

Kojima Ikuko was furious, and realized that Yeyue was playing dumb, so she ran to the safe and took out the contract, "This is our contract, do you still want to quibble?"

Yeyue took a look, oh, it's the original!

The most high-end business wars are often carried out in the simplest way.

Yeyue grabbed the contract without saying a word and stuffed it into Izumi Takeo's hand, "Okay, now there is no contract, we can go back."

Fuck! Izumi Takeo was stunned, you said you would help me solve the problem, and this is how you solve it?

Indeed, the contract was in duplicate, one in my hand and one in her hand. Without her share, no one can prove that I have an employment relationship with her. When did I trade stocks for her?

Ikuko Kojima was stunned for a few seconds, then jumped up, "You! What are you doing? Robbery! I'm calling the police!"

Izumi Takeo was frightened by this and didn't know what to do. Yeyue walked towards Ikuko Kojima with a stern face, and frightened her to step back, "You, what do you want to do?" She was afraid that Yeyue had improper thoughts about her.

Yeyue was naturally not interested in this kind of old woman, and just lowered her voice and said, "Last year, your company's revenue was 9.5 billion yen and taxed 2.25 billion yen. The year before last, your company's revenue was 9 billion yuan and taxed 1.98 billion yuan. The year before last, your company's revenue was 9.1 billion yuan and taxed 2 billion yuan... Do you want me to continue?"

Ikuko Kojima was struck by lightning, and her face turned pale and she stepped back repeatedly, leaning against the wall directly.

"You, why do you know all this?" If it was just a bluff, Ikuko Kojima would not be afraid at all, and she would confidently say that she is a conscientious entrepreneur who pays taxes legally. But the problem is that Yeyue described it in too much detail, even the numbers after the decimal point are accurate and completely consistent with the actual situation.

That's right, her company evaded taxes... This matter should be done perfectly, and only a few shareholders in the company know about it. Why can Yeyue say it accurately?

There is a traitor! There is a traitor in the company!

Yeyue's information was certainly not obtained through inquiries, but obtained through the skill [There is only one truth]. Ikuko Kojima probably never dreamed that the person who leaked the information to Yeyue was herself.

"Aren't you going to call the police? Come on, I'm waiting." Yeyue just stood there, waiting for her further action.

Ikuko Kojima trembled all over and begged, "Don't call the police! Don't call the police!"

Izumi Takeo, who was ten steps behind Yeyue, looked stunned. What's going on? Wasn't it Ikuko Kojima who wanted to call the police? How did she become the one begging Yeyue not to call the police?

What did Yeyue just say to her?

The change in the situation made Izumi Takeo completely unable to react.

"I'm sorry! Forgive me, don't call the police, please don't call the police!" Ikuko Kojima knelt down directly, "The loss in stock trading is my responsibility, it has nothing to do with Izumi Takeo, you can take the contract... By the way, I can write a receipt!"

With Yeyue's permission, Ikuko Kojima really wrote a receipt, and Yeyue handed the receipt to Izumi Takeo. Before leaving, Yeyue turned back and said the last sentence to Kojima, "Oh, by the way, you should also pay off the payment for the goods owed to Mifune Electronics..."

When Yeyue and Izumi Takeo left, Ikuko Kojima was still stunned.

The payment for the goods of Mifune Electronics?

Ikuko Kojima did buy a batch of electronic components from Mifune Electronics, and she has not paid the balance. But she didn't understand why Yeyue brought this up, which seemed to have nothing to do with Izumi Takeo


"Wait... Could it be that this guy named Yeyue was sent by Mifune Electronics?" Kojima Ikuko was pale, "Because I dragged my feet on paying the balance, Mifune Electronics sent someone to investigate me and found out that my company was evading taxes..."


After leaving Kojima Ikuko's residence, Izumi Takeo still felt like he was dreaming.

Not only did he not have to pay Kojima Ikuko anymore, but Kojima Ikuko should kneel down and apologize to him. It was incredible... All this was because of Yeyue!

"Mr. Yeyue, what did you say to her?" Izumi Takeo was very curious.

Yeyue made a pretext, "Haha, none of these big bosses are actually clean. I just hired a detective to investigate and found evidence of her company's tax evasion."

Izumi Takeo suddenly realized that this was the case. No wonder Kojima Ikuko was so scared that she knelt down and begged for mercy. If the tax evasion is serious, she will go to jail. She was caught by Yeyue with this handle, so she naturally dared not be arrogant anymore.

"Thanks to you, Mr. Yeyue, from now on my life is yours!"

After hearing what Quan Wuxiong said, Yeyue found that he had permanently acquired the skill of [Stock Trend Prediction]. From now on, he can predict stock trends every day without having to refill the skill every now and then.

However, this does not mean that Yeyue will abandon Quan Wuxiong from now on... Ah, what abandonment? This statement is too weird!

In short, Yeyue thinks that Quan Wuxiong himself is also worth making friends with, because this guy is not only honest, but also does things in an orderly manner, which makes people feel at ease. So Yeyue said, "What life is given to me? It's not that exaggerated... But I'm in need of a secretary now. Are you interested in doing things for me?"

"Ah? But I'm a man." Quan Wuxiong answered subconsciously.

Yeyue almost fell, "What are you thinking? The secretary I'm talking about is a serious one!"

"Ah? Oh, sorry, sorry, I misunderstood." Quan Wuxiong hurriedly said, "Since Mr. Yeyue needs my help, then I will naturally do my best! I will put down all the things and concentrate on doing things for you!"

Yeyue said, "As for the salary..."

Yeyue was interrupted by Quan Wuxiong before he finished speaking, "Mr. Yeyue! You are too polite, don't talk about salary, I don't need salary... I just hope you can allow me to buy stocks with you!"

"Okay, then it's settled."

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