Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 549: - the insurmountable gap

"It's possible," Qianyu nodded. "In this way, it is understandable that so many drug-resistant bacteria appear."

"Are you doubting them?" After looking around and confirming that no one nearby could hear what they said, Haibara Ai said softly.

"Do you know any clues?" Qianyu also replied softly. "If you know, then the suspicion is very big, if you don't know...the suspicion is still very big..."

"They won't re-domesticate the existing devil," Haibara Ai immediately shook her head. "This is one of the few steel rules in the organization, and people who study these can't open Pandora's Box, not even if they try to touch it."

"Is that so..." Qian Yu smacked her lips. "That's fine, if they really did it..."

Speaking of which, Chiyu sighed. "All I can say is, it's okay..."

If these bacteria are really the results of the organization's research, then Qianyu really doesn't know who he should favor - Logically speaking, he should be against the organization, but from the heart...

"Today, where is Edogawa sleeping?" Haibara Ai suddenly asked. "Are you still with the Maori detective?"

"Probably so," Qianyu nodded. "I didn't see him move things over after dinner just now. What, continue to stroll around this airship tonight?"

"Forget about visiting the airship or something," Haiyuan shook his head sadly. "It's too dark to see the road."

"Okay," Qianyu nodded. "Then I'll go out for a walk by myself later."

"Whatever you want," Hai Yuanai glanced at him. "Anyway, you can see clearly outside."


About half an hour later, Chiba was lying on the bed, continuing the previously unfinished body armor design.

If the final shape is integrated, it should be able to be sent to the merchant, and the bulletproof vest should be sent soon...

At this moment, Chiba's door was knocked.

It doesn't look like Haibara Ai's style—if it was her, she would have sent a text message to say something first.

"Which one?" Qian Yu frowned slightly, sat up and asked.

"That, it's me..." A timid voice came from outside the door.

"???" Chiba's face immediately showed a look of astonishment—because if he heard correctly, the owner of this voice was Yoshida Ayumi.

Opening the door, Chiba looked suspiciously at the timid Ayumi in front of her. "You... what's the matter?"

"I want to chat with you." Ayumi nodded and said.

"With me?" Qianyu hesitated a little. "What are you talking about?"

"Hmm..." Ayumi glanced hesitantly outside the door, then walked in and closed the door.

"What are you doing?" Qian Yu was stunned.

"That..." Ayumi stood at the door and hesitated for a moment before saying. " did you become so knowledgeable?"

"Huh?" Qian Yu was even more confused. "This... what are you asking this for?"

"Because..." Ayumi said hesitantly. "When I listened to Uncle Fujioka and his previous affairs, only you, Xiao Ai, and Conan could understand. Many times before, we couldn't understand the topics you three talked about... So, I want to know about you. How did you become so knowledgeable..."

"..." Seeing Ayumi's nervous appearance, Qianyu probably had an idea in her heart. "You want to be as smart as Conan? Or at least you want to have a common language with him?"

"Yeah!" After being punctured by Qianyu, Ayumi nodded vigorously. "So Qianyu, why are you so knowledgeable?"

"Uh..." Qian Yu said after thinking for a while. "This thing is not something that can be helped by such a question. I need to ask a question first - why are you doing this? Is it because you like Conan?"

"Yes." Ayumi nodded after being silent for a while. "I like Conan a lot."

"So, you want to be able to communicate with him, right?" Qianyu asked again.

"Yes." Ayumi nodded. "That's why I want to be as knowledgeable as you are."

"That's not the problem," Qianyu smiled and shook her head. "Knowledge may be a good thing, but it doesn't help you get any closer to Conan."

"Huh?" Ayumi was shocked.

"You should have noticed that Conan is smarter and more knowledgeable than many adults, isn't he?" Qianyu spread her hands. "Even in a situation where many adults are often helpless, Conan will be able to see through the overall situation."

"Yes." Ayumi nodded.

"In other words, Conan's knowledge is beyond those of normal adults," Chiba continued. "But do you think Conan is harder to get along with than normal adults?"

"No." Ayumi immediately shook her head. "It's strange for adults to get along better with Conan."

"That is to say, the distance between you and Conan does not come from knowledge, otherwise you would not think that Conan is easier to get along with than adults," Qianyu still had a faint smile on her face. "The distance between you and him is in other respects."

"Other aspects?" Ayumi Conan seems to like Sister Xiaolan, is it also for this reason? "

"Hmm..." Qian Yu raised her eyebrows. "How did you see it?"

Chiba knew about this, but not because he could see it from his daily life, but because he knew that Conan was Kudo Shinichi, and Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan had a rather unusual relationship.

But if this is the case, there is one more reason to persuade Ayumi.

"If Conan already likes Sister Xiaolan, are you sure you want to try dating Conan?" Conan asked. "He already has someone he likes!"

"But doesn't Sister Xiaolan like Brother Shinichi?" Ayumi replied immediately. "In that case, what's the point of Conan liking Sister Xiaolan?"

"..." Qianyu showed a somewhat helpless expression. "this……"

If Conan can like Maurilan when Maurilan likes Kudo Shinichi, then Ayumi also likes Conan when Conan likes Maurilan.

But... Conan likes Maurilan because as long as he changes back, he can achieve success, but Ayumi can't be liked by Conan anyway...

"To be fair, I don't think you can succeed," Qian Yu said helplessly. "Really, I don't think so."

"Why..." Ayumi pouted, her voice quite aggrieved. "Can you tell me where the gap between me and Conan is... If I'm not good enough, I can learn knowledge and practice talent; if I'm not stable enough, I can think more about things, but you should always give me a suggestion and tell me Where do I have to work hard?"

This... It doesn't seem like a problem that can be solved with hard work, Ayumi-san...

Chiba looked at Ayumi with a wry smile.

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