Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 476: --threaten

"How about you?" Qianyu asked in the power engine room, sitting in the roaring machine group.

"There are five in the observation hall, and I saw six people in the observation hall..." Kidd's mouth twitched. "If they hadn't called in, there would have been at least 19 people in the red Siamese."

"20, I just killed one in the cab..." Qianyu spread her hands. "How many people did they come? I was surprised that there were 16 people hiding outside the airship. I didn't expect there were 20..."

"..." Kidd frowned. "What the **** are these guys thinking? If there are 16 people, why haven't they been seen everywhere before? This is not an occasion for a reserve team..."

"Also, can you do me a favor?" Qianyu asked suddenly. "I just consulted the team of designers on the ground, and they gave me an idea—"

Just when he said this, the light of the walkie-talkie in Kidd's hand came on - this walkie-talkie was adjusted to silent mode, and it only lights up when a signal is received, and will only turn on after the radio button is turned on again. The received sound signal is released.

If you turn on the walkie-talkie here, the sound should be covered up by the machines in the computer room, so it won't get out, right?

Blinking his eyes, Kidd turned on the radio button.

"The second time, Kaito Kid, can you hear it? Well, the last call, Kaito Kid, can you hear it?" There was such a voice on the radio. "I'm giving you an ultimatum now."

"I'll give you the last 10 minutes and ask you to give up your resistance within 10 minutes and go to the viewing hall on your own. Otherwise, we'll take on the hostages we already control. There are no negotiating conditions, follow, or give us a training session. The opportunity for marksmanship."

After finishing speaking, the intercom resumed the usual noise again, and fell silent after less than half a second.

"..." Qianyu raised her eyebrows and looked at Kidd.

"Well—" Kid smacked his lips, then looked at Chiyu. "What do you think?"

"Your words must have to go..." Qianyu spread her hands. "If I'm right about your character, you'll probably go to them, right?"

"Yes," Kidd shook his head with a wry smile. "I can't help it, I've already been so provocative. If I don't go there, I can't help it..."

"Are you really going?" Chiyu asked even though she had already guessed the answer. "Even if you do go, if you don't follow the other party's request, you may still be threatened by the other party with hostages."

"I'm not worried, this method is used at most once, and the second time is too incompetent..." Kidd shook his head. "And if that's the case, I'm going to run away—I've done my best."

"That's right..." Qian Yu was obviously thinking about something, and nodded in a low mood.

"What's the matter?" After feeling the abnormality of Qianyu's emotions, Kid looked at Qianyu. "Worried about your little girlfriend?"

"Well—" Qianyu sighed after thinking for a while. "Perhaps... that's probably the case... I'm really worried."

"Heh~" Kid showed a rather subtle smile, and then touched Chiyu's head. "Very frank little guy."

"..." Qianyu didn't respond, obviously thinking about something—under the current situation, she was obviously worried about Haibara Ai's safety.

"Anyway, I'll go take a look first, and then find a way to save them all..." Kidd withdrew his hand and stood up. "Let's do this first, I'll go first--wait a minute."

Kidd, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly remembered something and looked at Chiba. "What did you say that the designer team on the ground gave you?"

"Ah?" Qian Yu finally came to his senses, and then remembered that now is not the time to be sad (he turned off the auxiliary unit's function of reminding him to concentrate, which seemed quite noisy at this time, when he was sad just now). "Uh, that..."

Chiyu's eyes suddenly lit up. "Wait a minute, maybe we can..."


Fifteen minutes later, the viewing hall.

"Five minutes left," the leader glanced at the clock. "I'm sorry if Kidd doesn't come in five minutes."

Saying so, the leader glanced at the direction of the door, and then adjusted the angle of his body as if nothing had happened. "But this is probably understandable, right? After all, Kidd is essentially a person who is afraid of death, and it is impossible to take risks for your life-being a coward is sometimes not a particularly shameful thing, and there is no need to be stabbed in the spine. Life is important, right?"

The red Siamese cat member closest to him was a little stunned, but he reacted quickly, and then looked at the door for the first time, and several members next to him also quickly realized something and looked at the view. Hall door.

"Well," at this moment, such a leisurely voice came from the entrance of the observation hall. "Looks like I've been discovered?"

Ignoring the commotion from the hostages, the leader sneered. "You finally came out, huh?"

"There's no way," Kidd spread his hands and walked After all, you've already said so. If I don't come out, I'm afraid I'll be stabbed in the spine, right? "

"Perhaps, but it's not the spine that you may get stabbed when you come out, but the physical spine." Saying this, the leader raised his gun and aimed it at the phantom thief Kidd. "Since you dare to come, are you ready?"

"Of course." Kidd tilted his head. "Anyway, I just came here as you asked, and I have no plans to catch it."

"Is this up to you?" the leader asked back. "Since you dare to come here, do you still feel that your own life is in your hands?"

"Perhaps," Kidd chuckled. "Maybe, I really have the ability to retreat from your side, maybe."

"Oh?" the leader pretended to be surprised. "Really? In that case, I really want to open my eyes. Would you like me to see it?"

"Of course I wouldn't mind mortals' doubts," raising his head slightly, Kid showed a rather flamboyant expression. "If you think I can't do it, you can try it anyway."

"Okay." Taking a deep breath, the leader put his second hand on the MP5's magazine and held his breath. And Kidd's expression became serious, and his right leg began to quietly relax.

As a common sense, in the case of continuous shooting, the MP5 series submachine gun will deflect in the direction of about 2 o'clock to the upper right from the fourth bullet. Experienced people will definitely choose to press in the direction of 8 o'clock when they are prepared. The gun, but if it is to act in advance, it may be difficult for the other party to remember the matter of pressing the gun at the first time, that is to say, if you suddenly act at a time unexpected by the other party...

At this moment, there was a noise that had never been heard before on the radio.


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