Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 477: - Interference, liquidation

"Huh?" The leader was obviously disturbed by the noisy sound from the broadcast. "How is this going?"

"Maybe some kid did something, what do you think?" Kidd's face showed no surprise at all.

"What do you mean?" Frowning, the leader looked at Kidd again.

"Guess what," Kidd's mouth twitched slightly. "But before you can guess, I probably don't have much time left. After all, I don't need to continue playing this kind of boring game."

Before the leader could react, Kidd's right leg had already let go of its strength, and his entire body had collapsed to his own lower right.

"!!!" The leader subconsciously pulled the trigger, but the muzzle drifted in the opposite direction after three or four shots, so Kidd was not hit at all.

After missing the first shot, the detonated smoke bomb shrouded Kidd's figure.

"Cut!" The leader frowned and aimed his gun at the smoke.

This time, however, Kidd's goal was clearly to escape—everyone could clearly hear his footsteps quickly fading into the noise of the broadcast.

The leader's expression was quite serious, and then he looked at the broadcast.

The end of the broadcast was in the cab, and he arranged for three people there - they have not issued any warning signals so far.

"CatL," the leader dialed the walkie-talkie and sent a communication. "CatL, can you hear me?"

The only thing that came from the walkie-talkie was the noise that had never happened before, which made the leader a little surprised-this walkie-talkie is specially designed for noise, which can block out any natural interference factors, so the occurrence of such a large-scale noise is really Pretty rare condition.


Chiba showed a rare tired expression, then leaned against the wall with one hand to support her body.

The first moment was already uncomfortable... and he might have to last for more than 15 minutes.

Of course the noisy sound from the walkie-talkie just now was not a natural phenomenon, but Chiba's masterpiece. To be precise, it is a masterpiece of the electronic suppression capability of the auxiliary unit. As long as the call frequency of the radio walkie-talkie is locked, the auxiliary unit can respond to the communication of the other party by means of frequency band suppression.

As for why the radio is noisy...

In the end, Chiba, who was sitting on the ground, looked upwards—a small section of the wired cable erected along the wall had been cut, the outer protective layer in the middle had been broken, and the signal transmission fibers on both sides had been completely broken. Open, but some of the roots are intertwined with each other, barely maintaining signal transmission.

In this case, the communication method of the red Siamese cat has been completely cut off, right? Not only the signal communication ability, but also the most basic hearing will be greatly affected.

Thinking like this, Qianyu called the auxiliary unit's signal reception ability, and then read her rough position through the GPS satellite navigation system.

The height is up to 2700 meters.

Should be enough, right? Qianyu sat on the ground, thinking—the place where he is now is relatively remote anyway, so there is no need to worry about someone touching it.

From now on, there should be no need for him to do anything, because soon there will be people who are really stronger than these red Siamese guys.

A sense of exhaustion swept through Chiyu's body, causing him to sigh.

Before this, he didn't seem to be so nervous before? Although it may be true that such a desperate situation has rarely been experienced before, such tension is unprecedented.

And the main source of tension is worry. As for the object of worry... Ai Haibara's figure appeared in Chiba's mind.

A few years ago, the master seemed to have taught him such a principle.

"Love is such a thing, it can make people very contradictory - they can be both fragile and strong."

"Vulnerable yet strong..." Qianyu murmured. "This is really... hehe..."

He probably already understood why he is both fragile and strong, and he has also felt why love can make people vulnerable.

Then, when love makes a person strong, when will he feel it?

Just in Chiba's thoughts, the auxiliary unit whose reminder function had been turned on again sent him a notification: the auxiliary unit extracted the sound Chiba had been waiting for from a large amount of background noise. From the previous actions of disrupting the broadcast to the current actions of suppressing the walkie-talkie, the whole purpose of Chiba was for the smooth entry of the owners of the voices that had just been received. In the clouds in the distance, multiple helicopters were already galloping with the ripping sound of the propeller blades cutting the air - these are the gunships that the Metropolitan Police Department mobilized after reporting to the Air Self-Defense Force, and they appeared here before. The solution jointly negotiated by Qianyu and the Metropolitan Police Department is to solve the red Siamese cat members entrenched on the airship at one time by airborne invasion after secretly lowering the flying height of the If not If it had been a series of disturbances by Qianyu before, then what had been raided by these helicopters would have been detected by the members of the red Siamese cat through the flight noises that could not be hidden at all. But right now, the people on the airship don't know anything about it.

Originally, if the helicopter group was too reckless, it was actually possible to crash into the observation hall that could be seen through the observation glass window, but the designers of Pearl Tree had informed them in advance of the observation range of the observation window, so they Now completely hidden in the viewing blind spot of the viewing window.

The next thing is much simpler, as long as the helicopter reaches the outer entrance of the airship, and then lowers the hanging ladder to let the official special personnel land on the airship, then the members of the red Siamese cat will fall into a complete power disadvantage—— In any case, it will not turn into the worst case of the airship crashing completely, as long as it is handled like a normal hijacking crime.

But before that, there's another thorny problem, and it's a legacy from the early days of the red Siamese hijacking to the present day.

Chiba stood up and completed the path drawing through the auxiliary unit.

Before that, Qianyu had actually taken over the telephone contact system inside the airship, and had intercepted a group of numbers that had been communicating. Through intercepting and deciphering the content of the dialogue, Qianyu has determined that one of them is the leader, and the other is the big inner ghost who belongs to the red Siamese cat and is hidden on the airship.

Next, I should go there, the mastermind behind these things will always be behind the scenes...

Chiba stood up, and then turned into the ventilation duct through the blinds with the help of the cabinet next to her.

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