Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 478: —— Takamichi Fujio

Walking along the route of the ventilation ducts that she had traveled before, Chiba did not hesitate at all.

He was very familiar with this road, because it was the same ventilation duct that Mitsuhiko took to pull Ayumi up from the ventilation duct in the living area. If there is something wrong with the person over there, it might be able to explain why Genta and the others were caught even if they were hiding in the ventilation ducts... Thinking of this, Qianyu came to the vertical direction that trapped Ayumi before. the pipe mouth. Before, he climbed down through the invisible umbrella, but this time he needed the invisible umbrella to provide him with enough force, so the invisible umbrella could not be used as a rope. Fortunately, he had made preparations in advance, found a few tablecloths from the logistics side and tied them into a long enough rope. As long as the tablecloth is tied to the metal leather raised in the pipe, Chiyu can climb up and down freely through the tablecloth rope. (It was the piece of upturned skin that Mitsuhiko and the others used to hold the end of the unmarked umbrella rope before they were taken away.)

Stepping on the wall of the pipe, Qianyu gently crawled down—in order not to startle the snake, Qianyu had to slow down her pace as much as possible. Judging from the room layout, if she made a sound rashly, it would probably be heard by that person.

I am afraid that the reason they were discovered before is not only the process of climbing down the pipe to find Ai Haibara, but also because of the sound of Ayumi walking around in the ventilation pipe in the living area, right? Thinking like this, Qian Yu gently landed on the ground, and then walked to the nearest blind window without any hesitation.

Putting one hand on the edge of the blinds, it was convenient to open the blinds at any time and jump down, Chiba took a deep breath—as long as she jumped down, she should have encountered the culprit of all this head-on.

Without warning, Qianyu rudely opened the blinds, and then jumped down without hesitation, and during the process of landing, he made sure that there was no one in front of him.

Without wasting any time, Qianyu reversed the direction of her gaze by landing, and then accurately aimed the arrow launcher at the end of the Umbrella at the person in front of him.

The reporter named Takashi Fujioka was smoking a cigarette when he turned his eyes from the phone in his hand to Chiba in astonishment.

"Is it really you?" Qianyu glanced at the phone in Fujioka Takashi's hand and said lightly. "I'm still wondering why you're jumping like that, and you're still showing us the danger of that germ, like a propaganda campaign by the red siamese guys—by the way , what's wrong with your face, why are all the rashes?"

"Why are you here?" Fujioka Takashi showed a surprised expression, and then took a few steps back. "Stay away from me, I may be infected with bacteria, and if it infects you, you will die! I am locked here by everyone!"

"Are you infected with bacteria?" Qianyu tilted her head. "Wait a minute, you don't mean to say that these rashes on your body are caused by bacterial infection?"

"Of course it is!" Fujioka Takashi showed a heartbroken expression. "So stay away from me, or you'll be infected too! Hurry up and ask them to come over to unlock the door and get you out!"

"Why do I think Mr. Fujioka, you are healthy now?" Staring at the distribution of the rash on Fujioka Takamichi's body, Chiba didn't panic at all, just said lightly. "After all... with all due respect, is your rash a little too finely distributed? It's like a shape designed by a professional artist - at least I've never seen a rash like the one you have now. Such an existence that can delineate the dividing line in such a delicate way.

Fujioka Takamichi looked at the rash on his hands with a bit of astonishment—after all, he couldn't see the condition of his face and neck at all.

But Chiba could, and could clearly see how strange the rash on Fujioka Takamichi was.

Under normal circumstances, the impact of lesions on the skin is uniform, so the rash generally spreads out with a certain point as the center in a pattern similar to a circle. But... the distribution of the rash on Fujioka Takamichi's body is extremely uneven. It doesn't look like it can occur naturally at all. (I really don't want to complain about this... You can go to the original painting... The rash on Fujioka Takamichi's body can be seen by looking at the distribution... Such an obvious handprint... As a result, they haven't seen Conan in the original work. Come out... I really can't bear to make Chiba be the same idiot as the people in the original book, so I let him notice this anomaly)

"Did you put something strange on your hand, Mr. Fujioka?" Chiba asked with a sigh. "To be honest, I always think that Mr. Fujioka, the rash on your body is really fake and can't be fake anymore. Anyone who is not panic should be able to see that the symptoms on your body are artificially created. ——In the Your current cover-up can only deceive those who are panicked, and it is impossible for those who are not frightened by you to not see the flaws in you."

"Is that so?" Takashi Fujioka said with a surprised expression on purpose. "That's really a pity. I thought that the acting skills after long-term rehearsal should be okay, but I didn't expect that even a child like you could see through it - even a shrewd child is just a child."

"So, do you want to go out with me?" Chiyu asked. "As the mastermind, trying to hide here is not something a person with backbone should do!"

"You'll die if you go out!" Takashi Fujioka sneered. "You may not know yet, we have completely controlled the entire airship, and regardless of whether you can get out alive or not, even if you can get out alive, there are only my subordinates outside."

"Oh, really?" Chi Yu's expression was rather ironic. "Well, we can ignore for now, if only one person must survive, who will survive among us—"

Saying so, Chiba aimed the seamless umbrella at Fujioka Takamichi's neck with one hand, and pulled open the backpack behind her with the other hand, and then took out an MP5.

"Let's not talk about this, at least I don't think there is any doubt," Chiba fully unfolded the seamless umbrella to a size that could be used as a shield, and then used the MP5 to aim at Fujioka Takashi again. "Even if we go out, I can assure you that there will only be Self-Defense Forces or special personnel outside, and your people will at most shrink back and fight stubbornly, and they can't save you no matter what - don't you think about why broadcast Will it be so noisy? It's just to provide room for our protagonist to enter the scene!"

A genuinely surprised expression appeared on Fujioka Takamichi's face.

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