Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 492: - oil fish

"He vomited again?" The doctor looked at Honda, who was brought in again, obviously helpless. "What's the matter, he's drinking again?"

"Absolutely not this time," the male reporter B who accompanied him immediately denied it. "He didn't touch any wine this afternoon, and he just ate a little fish just now."

"Eat fish?" The doctor frowned. "What fish?"

"Perch and cod," male reporter B replied after thinking about it. "He ate grilled sea bass and grilled cod if I remember correctly."

"..." After a moment of silence, the doctor nodded thoughtfully. "Understood……"

"Then what should we do?" Reporter B asked. "Is he so dangerous?"

"Well—" the doctor said after thinking about it. "I'm going to make him vomit immediately, and let him spit out what he ate - the patient doesn't have movable dentures or something?"


After a few minutes.

"Then, let him rest here for a while," the doctor said to reporter B. "His body is very weak now, and it is still relatively reluctant to go back. I think it may be better to rest on my side until tomorrow morning."

"Okay," reporter B nodded. "Then please."

Just like that, the doctor watched Reporter B leave with an impeccable smile. When Reporter B disappeared at the corner of the corridor, the doctor's smile disappeared. Immediately afterwards, a somewhat solemn expression appeared on his face.

This situation is somewhat subtle, perhaps... thinking of this, the doctor looked in the direction of the restaurant.

At the same time, Yuanta and Mitsuhiko were in the cabin.

"..." With a rather helpless expression, Qianyu glanced at Haibara Ai.

Haibara Ai just glanced at Chiba, then shrugged.

"So, do Chiba and Haibara-san plan to investigate together?" Mitsuhiko asked.

"Qianyu and Xiaoai come together!" Ayumi also pleaded. "If you two come too, you'll find something!"

"Why didn't you call Conan over?" Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "If there is him, the efficiency will be much higher..."

"Because Conan will definitely stop us," Yuanta spread her hands. "But Chiba, you and Haibara-san wouldn't do that, would they?"

The corners of Chiyu's mouth twitched, and then she looked at Haibara Ai again. "That……"

Haibara Ai tilted her head and acquiesced to Chiba's idea.


monitoring room.

"What?" The security guard in the monitoring room looked at the children at the door in surprise. "No! Children, don't come to such a place to make trouble!"

"That uncle might have been poisoned!" Mitsuhiko argued with a firm tone. "Every time he gets sick when he eats, the food must be poisoned!"

"..." The security guard's eyebrows twitched, showing a rather speechless expression. "you……"

At this moment, the security guard noticed that the children standing outside the door behind the boy (Mitsuhiko) who was arguing with him were all looking at the corridor to their left. Seconds later, an adult appeared behind the children—a man he knew, the doctor on the airship.

"Uncle," the doctor said to the security guard after taking a look at Mitsuhiko. "I also want to see the video from that time."

"Huh?" The security guard was obviously a little surprised, because he didn't expect the doctor to make such a request.

"What they said makes sense," the doctor said calmly. "I also want to confirm this issue."

"..." After hesitating for a moment, the security guard nodded, and then operated a few times on a console where the monitor screen apparently placed in the restaurant belonged, and the screen immediately began to play backwards at high speed. "It's lunch time, isn't it? What time is it--ah, it's here!"

At this time, the screen has probably been put back to the moment when Honda developed symptoms. The position of the probe is quite good, and the table where the Honda is sitting is right in the view of the probe.

"Keep going," said the doctor. "The important thing is that when he brought the plate back, if someone poisoned it, it must have been at that time."

Right in front of them, the screen continued to be played upside down, and soon came to the place where Honda was carrying the plate to his seat, and the security immediately pressed the positive button.

"Continue to step back a little bit?" Qianyu asked worriedly. "I think it might be a little more rigorous to start with Honda picking up the plate?"

"?" The security guard turned his head and looked at the doctor.

"Do as he says," the doctor nodded. "I think it makes sense."

So the video continued to be played backwards, until the scene of Honda picking up the plate appeared in the video.

"Has his companion been sitting there all the time..." The doctor looked at Reporter B, who was always sitting in his seat, and frowned slightly. "I thought they took the meal together..."

If they didn't pick up the meal together, then the video of Honda picking up the meal would basically be of little significance - it is impossible for reporter B to move the Honda's meal plate more than ten meters away while sitting in the seat. What hands and feet.

Chiyu's eyes focused on the position where Honda should sit - if Reporter B poisoned Honda, then his possible plan now is what he might use on Honda, such as using tissue paper, or sitting on Honda. some chemical spray or something like that.

But in fact, Reporter B was quite honest and didn't do anything unusual while eating at Honda.

"Have you found a problem?" The doctor frowned, looking at Honda who had already started to have and everyone began to shake their heads.

"Well, it looks like this road won't work..." The doctor sighed. "That……"

At this moment, the doctor's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" The doctor answered the phone, and after a few words, his expression became subtle. "you sure?"

Just like that, the whole group looked at the doctor with a very bad expression.

"..." The doctor hung up the phone with a heavy heart, and then realized that everyone looked at him with a strange expression. "Ah, it's alright, it's just that my assistant found the Honda's condition a bit strange."

"Can we go with you?" Mrs. Yuan asked.

"You?" The doctor was a little surprised, but then asked thoughtfully. "Well—if you like to come with can, but you have to do me a favor then."


When they returned to the infirmary, they saw a young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old sitting on a chair with a complicated expression - there is no doubt that this should be the doctor's assistant.

"Where is the stool sample?" the doctor asked as soon as he came in.

"Uh..." The corner of the assistant's mouth twitched. " tastes..."

"Of course I know," the doctor rolled his eyes and said slowly. "But there's no way, if...want to see—"

"I took pictures," the assistant interrupted before the doctor could continue.

"Hmm!" The doctor raised his eyebrows, and his tone immediately became lighter. "If that's the case, it'll save a lot of trouble, let me see."

The assistant handed the doctor a few pictures, and the doctor took a look and sighed.

"Wouldn't it be someone who regarded oil fish as cod?"

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