Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 493: - Meningitis, bacteria

"Oil fish?" Everyone, including Qianyu, showed a rather bewildered look—this name was obviously quite unfamiliar to them. "what is that?"

"A very interesting fish, often used as cod..." The doctor's expression was rather subtle. "If you ingest oily fish by mistake, because the oily fish contains ingredients that humans can't digest, you will have these symptoms...such as the steatorrhea and the previous vomiting symptoms."

"Does it also include a rash?" Chiba asked. "The rash on his body doesn't seem to go away?"

"I guess it may be a skin disease," the doctor shook his head. "The symptoms of accidental ingestion of oily fish should not include this, but I think this is likely to be a disease that does not belong to the same cause as vomiting and diarrhea - such as dermatitis or allergies. If the condition is caused by the ingestion of oily fish, it is unlikely that other conditions will be caused by another rare disease."

"Can you confirm that this is the disease caused by accidentally eating oily fish?" Ai Haibara suddenly spoke up. "If eating oily fish by mistake only meets some of the symptoms, why can't the diagnosis be biased, but it's actually another disease?"

"So I'm going to make sure," the doctor shrugged. "The easiest way...if there is an oily fish mixed in between the cod, it must not be the only one who is late for the oily fish, and others may have similar symptoms - as long as someone has similar symptoms Symptoms, we can basically diagnose."

"..." Qianyu suddenly remembered something, and then called the storage memory of the auxiliary unit.

The steamed cod that Honda eats are very small cod fillets, and any fish can be cut into many pieces. And he didn't eat too many pieces. Could such a small amount really have such serious physical consequences? If a few pieces can have such serious consequences, why don't others have this symptom? After all, it's likely that someone ate more nuggets of oily fish disguised as cod nuggets than a Honda, but no one has the severity of a Honda's illness right now. Even if the amount of food eaten is less than that of Honda, there should be some patients with mild symptoms but similar symptoms to Honda's.


"Are you there either?" The doctor frowned and looked at Qianyu and Haibara Ai. "Anyone vomited?"

"No," Qianyu shook her head. "On my side, there are one or two who are not very comfortable, but there are no symptoms of vomiting."

"Among the people I investigated, three had mild rashes, and one had a slight gastrointestinal discomfort," Haibara Ai also said that she had found nothing on her side. "It looks like Honda is the only one with those symptoms."

"That's weird," Honda shook his head. "It doesn't make sense unless..."

"Statistically speaking, this has ruled out the possibility that this symptom will occur as long as you eat oily fish," Qianyu nodded. "Maybe something special happened to Honda?"

"I'll go back and have a look first. You go to Honda's room to see if there are any clues..." The doctor had a gloomy face. "I have an idea to try."


When the doctor returned to the infirmary, he was greeted by an assistant who had put on a gas mask.

"Are you sure?" the doctor asked with a livid face.

"There is no relevant test, so I can't confirm it, but the symptoms..." The assistant nodded and handed the sealed package of the gas mask in his hand to the doctor. "Come and take a look, very obvious symptoms of stiff neck - it is more appropriate to put on a gas mask first."

"Understood," the doctor nodded, then unpacked the gas mask and put it on his head. "Take me in and see."

The two walked into the isolation room next to the infirmary together, and looked at Honda, who was lying on the bed. At this time, Honda's neck was resting on the pillow, but his neck shape was strange and completely anti-gravity. Abnormal leaning posture.

"..." The doctor walked to Honda and tried to break Honda's head with his hands. He found that Honda's head could rotate in the horizontal direction relatively freely, but would encounter mild resistance when tilting his head sideways. The head-down movement simply encounters strong resistance—a typical symptom of neck stiffness. Because the stiffness of the neck extensor muscles is particularly obvious, the patient’s head-down movement will be significantly limited.

"Acute onset, high fever, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, neck stiffness..." the doctor muttered. "Prepare a puncture needle—forget it, there's probably no such thing here, find me a 20G needle."

After about a minute, Honda's shirt has been pulled up to about his chest, his body position has been adjusted to a side lying position, and his body has been held in this position by several restraint straps attached to wall hooks. ——The patient is basically in a coma now, and there is no sign of any movement in his body, so the doctors just restrained Honda a little and skipped the step of using lidocaine for anesthesia.

"Huh—" The doctor looked at the syringe in his hand, and then glanced at the small piece of skin above Honda's waist that had been smeared with alcohol.

If other symptoms are okay, the stiff neck symptoms that his assistant discovered just now is really a very troublesome condition - this is a typical meningeal irritation sign, which is commonly seen in brain infections such as meningitis or brain tumors Such non-infectious combined with high fever, vomiting, disturbance of consciousness and other symptoms...

If the lumbar puncture that I am about to do for Honda can extract the turbid cerebrospinal fluid, then this is a typical meningitis (meningococcal meningitis), and it is still a malignant case that has developed to the stage of sepsis + meningitis. (That's why they wear gas masks, because meningitis can be contagious).

Thinking like this, the doctor took a deep breath, put the syringe against Honda's skin, adjusted the angle, and stabbed it in. Soon, the doctor felt that the needle of the syringe encountered resistance, and this resistance disappeared after piercing for a certain distance, and the doctor immediately stopped the behavior of continuing to pierce deeply - the disappearance of resistance means that the needle has been inserted. The ligament was breached and the part of the subarachnoid space where the cerebrospinal fluid could be collected.

The clear liquid quickly flowed down the needle.

"..." The doctor's brows furrowed slightly, because clear liquid is actually quite a troublesome result. Although this is not a symptom of meningitis, it is indeed possible that the cerebrospinal fluid may not appear cloudy in the early stage of meningitis. As a rule of thumb, if the cloudy CSF is not extracted the first time, you should try again in a day or so to confirm the results.

At this moment, the public telephone of the infirmary rang-although there was a telephone in the infirmary, there should not be many people who knew the existence and number of this telephone. With some curiosity, the assistant connected the phone with the doctor's permission. But just after listening to the person on the other side of the phone say a few words, the assistant's face changed.

On the other side of the phone, Chiba and Haibara Ai, who also looked bad, were leaning against the closed door of Honda's cabin.

Just under the bed in the cabin, a test-tube bottle with a red Siamese cat logo was opened wide.

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