Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 519: --collision

Just in front of everyone, the red dot on the screen suddenly disappeared—of course, everyone was somewhat prepared for this, because it represented that the debris had entered the far side and was about to complete the final collision with Jupiter.

At a certain moment, Chiyu suddenly felt his heartbeat speed up a little - although there was nothing abnormal on the screen at this time, he always felt that something might have happened.

"I bumped into it?" Beside him, Hai Yuanai asked softly.

"I don't know," Qianyu shook her head and asked in a low voice. "How did you know?"

"I don't know either, I thought you knew," Haibara Ai glanced at Qianyu's hand and replied. "Your hand trembled again just now."

At this time, the time on the screen has quietly come to 20:15, which means that this collision is likely to have been completed, and the final experimental results of how much the comet can affect Jupiter will soon appear in everyone. before.

So, what was the result? Will it produce a massive spectacle even large enough to produce a fireball, as the radicals predict, or will it have no impact at all, as conservatives estimate?

Suddenly, red dominated the small picture where Jupiter was located—right in front of everyone, a red ball suddenly appeared on the edge of Jupiter, and a fireball rose up in front of everyone. Undoubtedly, even if Shoemaker Levi's A-shard cannot cause as much trauma as the radicals believe, it is definitely enough to overrule the conservatives.

"Here..." Qianyu murmured. "This...I don't think it will be small..."

"It should be here," Haibara Ai also said softly to Qianyu. "It looks like it won't be small this time."

"This has exceeded their previous estimates," Mouri Kogoro murmured beside them. "My goodness……"

Before the actual observation, the most optimistic prediction in the academic world is that the asymmetrical ballistic fireball produced by Shoemaker Levy may rise enough to reach the edge of Jupiter and finally be observed from the earth. No one could have imagined that this fireball would rush into the field of view of Earth observers at such a speed - and judging from the current situation, this fireball may have flown higher.

"Wait a second..." Qianyu murmured. "Judging from the crash situation, maybe we'll be able to see the impact marks soon. I think we may see something terrifying..."

"I suddenly thought of an interesting thing," Haiyuan said indifferently. "If we see something interesting later, maybe an interesting theory will be very marketable."

"What do you mean?" Qianyu turned her head.

"Let's take a look first," Haibara Ai didn't answer the question directly, but just shrugged. "If the effect is not as big as it seems, I don't have any point in saying that."

Chiba thought for a moment, but immediately saw the "interesting thing" that Haibara sadly referred to.

On the screen, Jupiter has completed a small rotation, and something quite surprising has appeared in front of them.

"It's really amazing..." Qianyu said in surprise. "What about the size..."

"?" Several people nearby looked at Chiba strangely, but Haibara Ai just raised her eyebrows.

"If you just watch the fireball, it's fine until now." At this moment, Suzuki Jiroyoshi's voice sounded. "Although Jupiter's rotation is really fast, if you want to see the traces on Jupiter's ground, it may take more than an hour to see them clearly - don't worry too much, the traces are there and can't run."

For Qianyu, the auxiliary unit has been able to observe the impact crater of the A fragment that appeared on the edge of the visible surface under the rapid rotation of Jupiter, but this impact crater is still relatively difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the specific shape, and it is also difficult to intuitively. Realized that it was a circular impact crater.

So in order to be consistent with the others, he should keep quiet, and then keep a timely silence until everyone can see the pit.


After the centralized screening, in the restaurant, the members of the young detective team surrounded the smug-looking Maori Kogoro in the middle of the restaurant, and they kept offering the food on their plates.

"Uncle Detective!"

"Master Detective!"

"Hmph," Kogoro Mori raised his eyebrows and looked at Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and the others with flattering faces. "You little bastards, do you think I don't know your mind? Don't you just want to know what's going on in the whole case?"

"Mmmm!" Mitsuhiko nodded. "Can you tell us something?"

"Well—" Kogoro Mori glanced at Officer Nakamori and the others in the distance, and lowered the volume a bit. "You should know that while the drugs are the same all over the world, the prices of these drugs are different around the world for a variety of reasons - among them, the price in New Zealand is different due to regulatory factors. The highest batch, so they came up with an idea to smuggle it from the cheaper US to New Zealand for Then the suspect named Masako, who was born in Guam, is joining this vine Ganglong Road's airship hijacking gang used to be a member of a local gang in Guam, and then she took the opportunity to contact people in their gang who had a good relationship with her, and then they stole a batch of drugs from their gang, Going to sell it in New Zealand and make a fortune."

Chiyu raised her eyebrows, and then exchanged a slightly subtle look with Haibara Ai.

I don't know why, although they did violate the law and deserved it, but they still sympathized with these unfortunate **** - they finally played with their lives on a big list, and they failed.


At ten o'clock in the morning, Chiba and Haibara Ai had returned to the movie screening room together - at this time Jupiter had already rotated, exposing the entire impact to everyone, and Haibara Ai also realized it for the first time. Why was Chiba so surprised before.

A rather terrifying scar has appeared on the surface of Jupiter - if you consider the huge size of Jupiter itself, the diameter of this large crater on Jupiter is at least 5,000 kilometers. On one side of this big pit, a crescent-shaped trace several sizes larger than this pit is clearly visible.

"This..." Hai Yuanai's expression changed. "Hey, are you sure this isn't from before...?"

"No," Qianyu immediately shook her head. "There shouldn't be any crater at this location on the Jupiter map... I'm afraid this is the crater that was knocked out by the A debris just now... Honestly, the actual size of this crater is one size larger than what I estimated at the time - according to The size of Jupiter, this crater is about 6,000 kilometers away..."

"This is just a pit made by a little guy with a diameter of about one kilometer!"

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