Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 520: ——The Scientific Significance of Shoemaker Levi

A fragment of a comet with a diameter of about a thousand meters smashed a crater with a diameter of about six thousand kilometers on Jupiter. If the comet fragments hit the earth...

"It looks like that theory may be confirmed..." Haibara Ai said in a complicated mood. "Seriously, I thought things like asteroids hitting Earth wouldn't matter at all."

"You mean... Chicxulub?" Chiba was probably aware of Haibara Ai's thoughts. "I remember it was supposed to be..."

"Yes," Haibara nodded sadly. "A potential suspect in causing the extinction of the dinosaurs."

In 1991, a University of Arizona student and his advisor published their research in a journal, noting that there was geological evidence that there was likely a large impact crater in the area north of Colombia or west of Cuba. The report attracted the attention of the International Geological Society, and at the same time, according to a reporter from the Houston Chronicle, they found that as early as 1987, a geophysicist was working for Pemex in the Yucatan Peninsula. A large arc, which may be part of the crater, has been found in the ground to the north and is approximately 180 kilometers wide.

In fact, the main debate for this argument is whether it is possible that such a meteorite impact could actually have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs - but with the stunning performance of Shoemaker Levi's fragments, the initiative of such debate will take place entirely Reversal: It may not necessarily be a very rare giant meteorite that made such a huge crater, but maybe just a relatively common little guy, which makes the probability of this happening from almost impossible It has become very rare, which is a very likely event.

In a word, with the amazing collision results of Shoemaker Levi A fragments, it may have a strong impact on academic knowledge in many fields, and even a subversive revolution.

"So the next step is to look at the follow-up influence of Shoemaker Levi," Chiba shrugged. "If Jupiter's atmosphere has been seriously affected, it may be said that meteorites can indeed cause a devastating blow to the earth."

"I'm more concerned about another issue," Ai Haibara shook her head. "If the documents I saw at the time were correct, the scientists' estimate for this meteorite was more than 5 kilometers in diameter, which means that this meteorite was larger than the sum of the bodies of Sume Kelevi. ."

"So you think it's unreasonable to only come out with such a small pit?" Qian Yu raised her eyebrows. "Uh... Maybe this should be asked by professionals, anyway, I don't know."

"Forget it, it's not your major and mine anyway," Haibara Ai suddenly thought of something, and then shook his head mockingly. "It's time to look at the latest geological journals for this kind of thing. No matter how impatient we are, we don't need to think about these things ourselves."

"Oh, that's right!" Qianyu suddenly remembered something, and then showed an expression of sudden realization. "that……"

"?" Hai Yuanai was stunned.

"It's nothing," Qianyu blinked, then shook her head. "It's just an idea to improve the seamless umbrella."

Is it just an idea to improve the seamless umbrella? Of course not, but something more important, at least for Chiba's own life.

"When was the first fragment we could observe?" Ai Haibara asked suddenly.

"At night, we have nothing to do during this period, so let's wait patiently." Qianyu shrugged.

Yes, fortunately there is still enough time to prepare these, otherwise my plans will be in vain.


After replenishing some supplies, the airship set off again at 11:00 in the morning, preparing to sail eastward from New Zealand and reach an area suitable for observing debris C as much as possible.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, forty-five minutes before the expected collision time of the C fragments, a fairly airtight room.

Haibara Ai turned on the light in the room suspiciously, and glanced at the room vigilantly - there was no one in it.

"Where did this idiot go?" Hai Yuanai frowned and muttered to herself.

Since lunch, she hadn't seen Chiyu—everyone said that they hadn't seen him, and the call showed that Chiyu's cell phone couldn't be reached.

Where did this idiot go?

[Could it be that... something happened to him? 】Ai Haibara, who had re-dialed Chiba's cell phone number, only had this thought flashed through her mind, and she immediately rejected the idea. [It shouldn't be... if he has an auxiliary unit, there should be no accident...]

But if he really didn't have an accident, why didn't he respond? Even if the phone is broken, Chiba's auxiliary unit should also be able to do the job.

At this moment, Haibara Ai suddenly heard a familiar ringtone: it was the vibrating ringtone of Chiba's mobile phone - Chiba who bought a new phone of the same model (the old one was damaged around chapter 350) was in the software. The system level has been re-processed which makes the vibration pattern of Chiba's mobile phone subtly different from the normal style mobile phone.

Looking for the vibration, Haibara Ai found Chiyu's cell phone without much effort, and found that it was a text message.

[Ready to complete. ] - The sender is a number without a marked name.

"?" Hai Yuanai frowned slightly. However, at this moment, the door behind her opened - Chiba, who was a little tired, walked in.

"Huh?" Qianyu was obviously a little surprised. "Why are you here, Huiyuan?"

"Ah—" Haiyuan Ai blinked, and then handed the phone in his hand to Qianyu. "I haven't been able to find you, so I came to your room to look for you, only to see your phone ringing."

"I just got back, and I didn't have my phone in the room," Qian Yu shook her head helplessly. "I was discussing things with Officer Nakamori and the others before, so I disappeared from noon until just now."

"Those guys are still thinking about Kidd?" Haibara Ai's face was a little unnatural. "It's been strictly guarded against like this. Is it possible for Kaito Kidd to get back into the airship again?"

"I don't know," Qianyu shrugged. "Anyway, if they think this way, then I can't change their minds, and I can only let them go - but why do you have to pull me over to listen in, in the name of borrowing my flexible brain?"

"Anyway, he's a police officer who is willing to listen to children," Haibara squinted. "If it's a normal police officer, I'm afraid he won't allow you to interfere even if you want to help him."

"That's right," Qianyu nodded. "By the way, it's almost time for the observation of Fragment C, why don't we go to the movie theater together?"

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