Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 535: --prelude

At 11:20 on July 28, the airship Pearl Tree arrived in Japanese airspace after a five-day voyage.

"I didn't expect such a basket to come out." Looking at the land below, Mitsuhiko sighed. "After flying halfway, it was discovered that the power system was faulty."

"Why do you take care of it in New Zealand?" Mrs. Yuan also said a little unhappily. "If you do a good repair, you won't be back until now!"

"You can't say that," Suzuki Sonoko shook his head. "The part that failed this time was an engine block. Considering that there are no spare large components here, if you want to solve this problem, you can only try to check the fault of this engine block and fix it. But that would waste a lot of time. , so it’s better to disconnect this group of engine groups first and fly with the remaining three groups of engine groups, so that although the flight is slower, you don’t need to waste time on changing parts.”

"However, this time is not very good," Haibara Ai said suddenly. "At this time, the sun is over our heads..."

Everyone looked straight up in amazement, but realized that above them was the ceiling of the observation hall.

"Here is the ceiling, but the observation hall is different," Ai Haibara reminded. "In the observation hall, if you want to see it, you will only be blinded by the sunlight, and if Kidd is wearing white clothes, it will be more difficult for the police to lock his position."

"Indeed," Qian Yu said lightly. "To be honest, if the airship slowed down a little, it might not reach the airspace until dusk, so it's hard for Kidd to have this advantage."

After listening to Qian Yu's description, Mao Lilan relaxed his frown for some unknown reason, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"But from another aspect, the resistance to strong light at night will only be worse," said this, and the voice of Jiroji Suzuki, who was leading his hound "Lupin", sounded behind them. "Given that Kidd has used flashbangs on more than one occasion, we believe that even at night, he is still capable of producing enough light to blind the policemen."

Hmm... Mitsuhiko frowned, because he felt that this reason was not sufficient - in the time of the scorching sun, almost no one can look up normally. Kidd only needs to hide on it to freely observe everyone in the observation hall without being seen by them.

But when he looked at Chiba and Haibara Ai's expressions, he didn't read any unease on their faces.

They didn't realize such an obvious problem... Or did I actually think wrong?

While Mitsuhiko was still thinking, Chiba suddenly turned around and walked outside, and Haibara Ai walked out immediately.

"Huh?" Mitsuhiko was a little surprised. "Where are you going?"

"Go and see what's going on over there," Qian Yu said lightly. "We're kids anyway, and it's unlikely that Kidd would be disguised as us anyway."

Before they reached the elevator leading to the observation hall, Chiba and Haibara Ai realized that they could no longer move forward—in front of them, the police had set up a cordon that prohibited passage.

"Excuse me, this is..." Qian Yu stepped forward and asked cautiously.

"This place has been blocked, and we will stay here until we land safely." A policeman waved his hand. "Let's go somewhere else to play, we still have work here."

"What's going on?" At this moment, Officer Nakamori's voice came from behind them.

"The police department," the policeman explained to Officer Nakamori immediately. "There are two small children here, so I want to keep them away from here."

"Children?" Officer Nakamori was a little puzzled. "Which child is that?"

Saying this, footsteps sounded in the cabin, and Officer Nakamori appeared in front of Chiba and Haibara Ai.

"Ah, is it the two of you?" Saying this, Officer Nakamori waved to the police officer who blocked the two of them just now. "It doesn't matter what the two of them say, it's okay to let them in."

"Huh?" The policeman was stunned. "But…"

"The above has agreed," Officer Nakamori said decisively. "The words of these two children are allowed to be released within the scope here."

【above? 】 Qianyu frowned slightly, and then exchanged a somewhat strange look with Haibara Ai.

above? Wasn't the one who led the team in full charge this time, Officer Nakamori? If so, what did he mean by "above"...

Before I could think about it, Qianyu and Haibara Ai had already been brought to the elevator by Officer Nakamori.

"Come on up," Officer Nakamori said after pressing the elevator button. "After you go up, the people above will tell you what to do."

"Aren't you going to take us up?" Qian Yu was a little surprised.

"Of course not," Officer Nakamori said, shaking his head, looking at the gradually opening elevator doors in front of him. "You are children, it is impossible for you to be transferred by the thief Kidd, so you can go up. UU reading"

Qianyu nodded, walked into the elevator with Haibara Ai, closed the elevator under the somewhat complicated gaze of Officer Nakamori, and began to ascend together with the elevator.

"What's wrong with you?" Looking at Haibara Ai, Qianyu asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Hai Yuanai was stunned. "No, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Qianyu shook her head. "Maybe... it's just that I'm too nervous?"

"Don't be too nervous," Haibara Ai's mouth twitched slightly. "In any case, the main responsibility for dealing with the phantom thief Kidd should not be you and me, but the police. All you have to do is do your best."

"I know," Qianyu nodded, and then took out the traceless umbrella from the backpack behind her. "To be honest, I don't think I can catch him... This is beyond my ability."

If Chiyu was asked to evaluate the result of the one-on-one confrontation between him and Kidd, the result would be very unsatisfactory - in the open plain conditions, he should be able to use the long-range attack ability and the reaction ability provided by the auxiliary unit to remain unbeaten. But in a small place like the Observation Hall, Kaito Kid only needs a bunch of smoke bombs to pull himself into melee combat, and then use his far superior athletic ability to kill himself cleanly.

This is no longer something that the auxiliary unit can fight against... Even if the auxiliary unit uses the ability of the module to the extreme, I am afraid that it can be more sure that it can't beat the opponent.

But...let's give it a try. First, it's really not good to let this thief continue to go unpunished, and secondly...

Chiba glanced at Haibara Ai beside her.

I don't really want to just admit defeat and surrender in front of Kidd... After all, if you try it, you won't lose a layer of skin. It's always good to try.

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