Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 536: - Arrangement

When the elevator door opened and showed Chiba and Haibara Ai the scene in the observation hall, both Chiba and Haibara Ai were startled.

"Huh?" Haibara Ai's face was full of unconcealed surprise.

"This..." Qian Yu also frowned. "This……"

In front of them, at the door of the elevator, a simple three-centimeter-high wooden threshold was clearly visible. What really surprised them was that the ground of the entire observation hall was sparkling.

"Water?" Qianyu confirmed in a low voice.

"I can't confirm, it could be something else, but water is most likely." Ai Haibara looked at the surface of the water laying on the ground in confusion.

"Don't be surprised." At this moment, Conan's voice appeared in front - he was wearing a children's coat, stepping on a pair of rain boots, carrying two other pairs of rain boots and two other children's coats in his hand. "I brought the equipment to you, you can come in after you put it on."

At this very moment, the air in the observation hall was convecting in from the elevator door, engraving the bone-chilling cold on the skin that was not covered by Chiba and Haibara Ai's summer clothes.

Qianyu's response was quick, and she pulled Haibara Ai to a warm and surviving corner of the elevator, then took the coat from Conan's hand and put it on for Haibara Ai, and then put on a children's coat for herself - the workmanship of the coat It is very elegant, and the thermal performance is also very good. It is obviously something that has been prepared for a long time. In other words... the other side has been planning that they will participate in the fight against Kaitou Kid?

After a while, Haibara Ai and Chiba, who were all dressed up, walked out of the elevator that reopened the car door.

"What I'm most curious about now is why you are here," Qianyu gave the answer by herself immediately after speaking halfway. " looks like it's probably an eclectic situation on the police side. So, second question - what's the situation? Whatever happened to this overly cold temperature and all this water?"

"Of course it's someone's plan," Conan looked helpless as he glanced in the direction behind him. "As for why I'm you can guess, we're all here with permission from that person."

"That's right," Suddenly, a somewhat funny voice came from behind the large astronomical telescope not far away, as if sucking in laughing gas. "It's because I got a report from the police about your talents that I asked Officer Nakamori to put you up there."

Having said that, a person came out from behind the telescope - this person completely wrapped himself in a black cloak, and the only face exposed outside the cloak was covered with a somewhat strange looking mask.

"Who are you?" Qianyu tilted her head and asked. Qianyu's auxiliary unit told him that he had not seen this person on the airship before, or even this height, this size and this voice.

"Me?" The man in the cloak replied as he walked towards him. "You can call me Night Baron."

Chiyu didn't pay attention to the cloaked man's answer for the first time, but stared at the appearance of the cloaked man's legs being swayed under the cloak as he approached.

Judging from the sound, he was wearing rain boots, and his walking range was normal. (If you increase your height by wearing high-heeled shoes or the like, the step length will still remain at the original level, otherwise it will be easy to cramp your feet.) That is to say, this person is basically this height, and it should be a male. The voice changer is also used only to conceal identity and not to conceal gender by the way.

But at this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed the strangeness of Haibara Ai. However, when he turned his head to Haibara Ai, Haibara Ai's expression had returned to normal.

"What's wrong?" Haibara Ai asked nonchalantly. "Look at what I do?"

"It's nothing," Qianyu shook her head. "That...isn't there anyone else on it?"

"No more," the cloaked man shook his head. "Four of us is enough, no matter how many people there are, it's just to create opportunities for the phantom thief Kidd."

"But what if the other party becomes you?" Qianyu asked. "You might be able to tell the difference, but we can't."

"It's very simple," the cloaked man glanced at him and replied directly. "I won't approach that counter after Kaitou Kid shows up, if you see me approaching—" Saying this, he pointed to the four pillars around LadySky's jewelry cabinet. "The four pillars, if you even walk in, just stop me directly."

"..." Qianyu raised her eyebrows, because this request was indeed a bit strange - if he said he wouldn't get close to that side, it would be equivalent to handing LadySky's last line of defense to their three children?

Wait a minute, maybe they can't talk about the last line of defense... Thinking of this, Chiba began to use the auxiliary unit to search the places within It was still the same strange situation as the previous search, and the same Not sure what these mechanisms are - the jewelry cabinet has a glove mechanism that was previously triggered by Kogoro Mouri, and the four pillars around the jewelry cabinet have four metal rods connecting adjacent pillars that seem to be slidable. ...

Hmm, it looks like Chiba needs to revise what he thought of just now—because there is indeed a small change.

Before the airship took off, Chiba had noticed a stain on one of the observation windows at the top of the airship, but now it was very clean - it seemed that the previous stain was just a dirty thing.

At this moment, the man in the cloak suddenly heard the paging sound of the walkie-talkie.

"Kid! Kidd is here!" Officer Nakamori's almost hysterical voice came over.

"Ah—" Qianyu raised her eyebrows. "It's on time..."

The timing of Kaitou Kid's appearance was very particular - if Chiba's auxiliary unit calculated the results based on the data displayed by the GPS is correct, the airship should now be in contact with the Japanese landline.

"Calm down," the cloaked man replied immediately. "Please stay calm and take control of the elevator!"

Immediately afterwards, a slight explosion sounded. "Bang!"

"Ah," Conan immediately frowned. "If that voice is the smoke bomb of Kaitou Kidd, I don't think Officer Nakamori and the others can stop Kaitou Kidd, maybe..."

At this moment, Chiyu turned around and looked in the direction of the elevator door—the others quickly reacted the same as him.

For no other reason, right in front of them, the elevator car suddenly moved, and then slowly sank into the ground.

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