Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 798: - Todd

"So, you are Mr. Henry Ito's assistant and guide, Mr. Moritomo Masao, right?" Fujiwara asked, looking at the sturdy middle-aged man in front of him.

"Well, now I'm his child's guide and his eldest grandson's godfather," Masao Mori nodded. "I've been with their family since I was 19, until now."

"Is that so? But some of us said that when he participated in the expedition 20 years ago, your relationship with Mr. Henry Ito was not good, and I saw that you were often arguing..."

"If I didn't have a good relationship with him, I wouldn't have a dispute," Masao Mori expressed strong disdain for the logic of such an accusation. "Henry wasn't someone who knew how to protect himself - two years before that expedition we were on a fish expedition and he even seriously injured himself with an expedition tool - he took a Jumped on the boat with a loaded spear gun, causing an accident with the spear gun, injuring himself."

"He hurt himself?" After stopping writing, Fujiwara looked at Moritomo Masao with a rather subtle look. "real or fake?"

"You wouldn't think that he hired a person like me who had little expertise other than survival in the wild as his bodyguard because he had too much money to burn? Of course, it was because he had his safety literacy that he was far from being able to compete with him. Matching fanatical desire for adventure, so I need to be responsible for protecting him all the time." Moritomo Masao gave him a roll of eyes. "But one thing to say, their family is quite rich, and I'm used to it, so I continued to guide his son's family after his father disappeared."

When he said this, Moritomo Masao suddenly put on a curious expression.

"By the way, why are you so curious about this matter?"

"What do you mean, what are you curious about?" Fujiwara asked back. "We are the Metropolitan Police Department, look at these are not..."

"It's been 20 years. I'm afraid all of us have passed the prosecution period for homicide cases, right? I remember that wasn't 15 years?" Moritomo Masao reminded.

Fujiwara then realized that he was right.


Gregory's office.

"Why do you guys in Japan have a time limit for prosecution for murder?" Looking at Fujiwara with an unbelievable expression, Gregory was quite annoyed that he didn't dare to use force before, just taking methadone like this The injured leg, which was only able to move flexibly under the condition of powerful drugs, kicked the empty can into the trash can. "In 15 years, can you catch a rabbit back in 15 years?"

This is really not suitable to blame Gregory, because for an authentic American, [there is no statute of limitations for murder] is the most basic common sense.

"What about Canada?" Firefly said suddenly. "Canada's time limit for prosecution is..."

"Like us, there is no prosecution period for indictable crimes," Gregory said, and suddenly interrupted Hotaru, who had a brain hole that was about to blurt out. "Don't think too much about it, the Canadian side has signed a statement waiving all relevant territorial jurisdiction-derived rights of prosecution in this case."

"Why?" Ying said in disbelief. "Give up your power?"

"Nunavut, right?" Chiba said suddenly. "I'm afraid Inuit people wouldn't like to have a high-ranking white official from above pointing fingers at life in their area - otherwise there would be no post-war (World War II) to today's series of struggles, and last year's Finally got the Nunavut kind of results."

In general, the Henry Ito expedition happened on King William Island in Canada’s Northwest Territories (Nunavut signed the Nunavut Act in 1993, but only officially became an independent administrative division in 1999)— -Near an aboriginal gathering area, and the relationship between Canada and aboriginal people is quite rigid - although such a 2 million square kilometer area in Nunavut has only more than 20,000 Inuit people, their geographical The location and ideological issues have prevented Canada from acting rashly. (For example, Canada and the U.S.-Russia dispute over a series of territorial claims, mostly in Inuit survival areas.)

"And in any case, I don't think resorting to foreign legal systems, or even asking other forensic teams to examine, is not a particularly good option," Fujiwara said suddenly. "As for the reason, it's you, boss."

Although Gregory was not involved in the whole case, as the chief coroner, he had access to the remains, a fact that cannot be changed. If other forensic systems took over, Gregory would first be suspected as the prime suspect - any evidence found that might point to the real murderer would be difficult to admit, thinking that these things could be It was forged later by Rigory.

But if there is no recourse to foreign legal systems, then the current investigation is meaningless, unless...

"Should we examine the wound on the skull to see if we can detect anything?" Qian Yu said suddenly. "Maybe... within Japan's legal framework, we still have a last-ditch effort."


Thirty minutes later.

"It's not good to decide who the murderer is so early?" Ai Haibara asked as she looked at Qianyu who was

"Otherwise, the case will cool down naturally and end in an accidental death, or a pile of black pots will fall on Gregory." Qian Yu said. "If the murderer wasn't her, the best outcome would be to find a way to deal with what we found today - and in that case, the trouble would be far from being stopped here, and the future would be endless."

Under the current circumstances, if you want to exonerate Gregory, you must find the real murderer.

"But it's been too long, what else..." Haibara said sadly, but found that Qianyu's movements suddenly stopped.

"It seems there is," Qianyu muttered to herself after standing in place for a moment and thinking. "It seems to be possible!"

"What do you mean?" Haibara Ai was confused.

"If we use this skull wound for remodeling, we can replicate the striking posture and the striking angle, right?" Chiba excitedly exchanged her thoughts with Haibara Ai. "In that memoir, there were pictures of people holding ice axes, so we could pinpoint the type of ice axe of each person and then determine whose ice axe actually made that wound."

And at this moment, Chiyu has completed the simulation, and the results are displayed simultaneously.

According to the photo before departure, there is no doubt that this ice axe belongs to Fujimura Shinichi, a kind of fancy ice axe only sold in Japan. And from a strike point of view, it looks like a top-down strike.

Of course, in combination with the description of [Henry Ito punched] described by Gregory, it is more likely that when Ito was still struggling on the ground, someone (maybe the owner of the ice axe, Fujimura Shinichi) Come here and hit him on the head with this ice axe.

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