Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 799: - gold plated

"What do you mean?" Fujimura Shinichi sat in the interrogation room and asked in a very fierce tone. "How could I possibly do such a thing?"

"Sir, please calm down," Police Officer Takagi (because this was in the Metropolitan Police Department's interrogation room, not the informal interview as before) calmed Fujimura Shinichi's emotions. "You listen to me, we just want to ask you now - you should also know that the prosecution time of this case has passed, so no matter what you say, we will not be prosecuted in the end."

"This is not a question of whether I will be sued, but a question of my reputation, my right to reputation, can you understand what I mean?" Fujimura Xin refused to give in an inch. "I'm a best-selling author anyway, and if my image is ruined, my book sales will be greatly reduced."

"Anyway, this... should be the ice axe you were using at the time, right?" Fujiwara, who was beside him, attached a sketch of the ice axe drawn by Chiba and an appendix from the published memoir that Fujimura Shinichi and the rest of the expedition attached to. Group photo with his ice axe before the expedition set off. (After realizing that Gregory would be in big trouble if things went wrong, Fujiwara was busy doing forensics work and hadn't had time to look at Hotaru's records, so he didn't know anything about it.)

"Yes, what's wrong?" Fujimura Shin said after glancing at the direction of the ice axe.

"Have you ever lent this ice ax to anyone else?" Fujiwara asked casually. "If not, you may have to explain why, according to our analysis, the shape created by the tip of the high-end ice axe you were using was found on the fatal wound on Mr. Ito's temple."

At this moment, both Police Officer Takagi and Fujiwara saw the strangeness of Fujimura Shinichi-after showing strong doubts about what Fujiwara said, Fujimura Shinichi was like a balloon that was suddenly punctured, and his face was like a punctured balloon. All previous dissatisfaction with the allegations was swept away, replaced by a look of hesitation that seemed to be quite shaken.

But it was only a short period of loss. Just when Fujiwara thought he had a chance to penetrate Fujimura Shinichi's psychological defense line at one time, the other party quickly reorganized his thoughts and recovered his previous oil and salt. A tenacious state of not advancing.

"It's the same shape, shouldn't it mean it's my ice ax?" Fujimura Shinichi organized logic like this, refuting Fujiwara's statement. "Any ice axe of the same model, or even an ice axe of similar shape, should be able to create such marks, so it must be untenable to accuse me of it. Moreover, the two gentlemen of the Metropolitan Police Department... "

Fujimura Shinichi leaned forward slightly and said to the two of them. "Does it really make sense to continue investigating this case? The prosecution period has expired - even if the murderer is found, there is no way to prosecute. You might as well say that the wound was formed naturally, and let it go. "

"..." Fujiwara and Takagi exchanged a suspicious look - if it is said that Fujimura Shinichi's tenacity before was considered fearless, but now it seems that he intends to let the whole case pass like this and the muddy attitude. thing?


An hour later, Rice Flower Central Hospital.

"It has been confirmed above, this case has passed the prosecution period, and the next conclusion will be that the wound comes from natural trauma." When Fujiwara led Qianyu into Gregory's office, Gregory was watching A document, so to speak. "Although I'm a little unwilling, but... in this case, even if you win, it's meaningless - you just went to ask Fujimura Shinichi, right? Those documents can be thrown away, they won't be used."

"We feel that there is something wrong with Fujimura Shinichi," Fujiwara said quickly. "he--"

"Don't worry about it, even if he is the murderer, that's it." Gregory shook his head. "It's been 20 years, and unless there is hard evidence - which is almost impossible in this natural environment - there is no way you can declare him to be the murderer in public opinion. And ... the police said after the prosecution period that this kind of statement should also be It's forbidden."

"Then... what are we going to do now?" Fujiwara finally chose to follow Gregory's orders.

"Golden the academics for the two of you," Gregory handed the list in his hand to Fujiwara, who came up to him knowingly. "My assistant, it's not enough without two more reliable journals."

"You want to move those bones?" Fujiwara was stunned. "But those aren't..."

"Yes, my expedition found the body, is there any problem?" Gregory asked back. "Now I'm an authority in the field of forensics, so it doesn't matter if I lead this experiment - at most, it's just a name for the two of them to engage in academics."


That night, in the workshop of the forensics department.

"Have you completed the first round of inspections? If it's ok, give me a brief report. Long story short, women are preferred, children are preferred."

According to this principle, among the four people present, Chiba, a little boy, was the first to report.

"Uh... According to the results of the oxygen isotope analysis of the teeth, the bones in the sack that was discarded with Mr. Ito belonged to three people. The expedition believes that these bodies may belong to Henry Le (hereinafter referred to as HLV) who died here. , John Irving has another crew member who can't be identified. But now based on the genetic testing we've just done, from all three sets of leg bones genetic testing actually belongs to the Inuit genome, the natives. Only The third person is a typical Anglo-Saxon - according to our documents, this should indeed be the skeleton of HLV, an officer on the expedition." Holding the test report results, Qianyu explained OK, Then, the background material explanation team—" Gregory nodded and shifted his gaze from Chiyu to his side.

"...thepartyhaltedonalonglowspit (author: here refers to headland not saliva), called bythenativesKung-e-ark-le-ar-u, onwhichthemenlastnamed"knewthatawhitemanhadbeenburied"...Thespotwas pointed out,butthesnowcoveredallfromview."Ai Haibara held the thick book, reading it with a rather languid stance stick.

[The procession stopped in a long, low headland known locally as kung-e-ark-le-ar-u, which was eventually named "a known burial of white males"] ". The spot was identified, but snow covered everything in sight. ] - Nourse, J.E. 1879 "C.F. Hall's Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition of Washington, D.C."


The case... Of course it won't end here, although everyone should already know who the biggest suspect is, but... Fujimura Shinichi's reputation has been discredited and he always feels that there is something strange, right? (

In addition, there is a break, and the exam is on the 11th.

Also, I wish Benben the best of luck in the exam tomorrow~~~ (I hope I can get good grades myself)

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