Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 804: --confession

September 23, Friday night. (The actual chronological sequence of this chapter is after the end of the trembling movement on Friday afternoon, but in order to ensure the continuity of the plot, it is here earlier, anyway, there is no intersection between the two.)

Kamada Yoshiko appeared in a liquor store.

"..." She looked around until her eyes locked on a middle-aged man sitting in the corner.

"Call me here, what's the matter? It's not because of... Fujimura's death, right?" She walked slowly to the man and sat down. "Greg."

This is the nickname she used to call each other when she was in love.

"Something has something to do with this, but it's not completely related." Gregory, who was sitting across from her, didn't seem to have any special feelings about such a name. "Just wanted to ask... When did you develop?"

"What do you mean?" Kamada Yoshiko's face was full of confusion.

"Organization, the person who gave you the medicine." Gregory just casually reminded him, and then he observed the surprise on Kamada Yoshiko's face. "Well... I'm all too familiar with the medicinal effects of this stuff, so don't try to be silly about it in front of me."

"You are..." Kamada Yoshiko's expression was very exciting at this time.

"Similar to you." Gregory shrugged. "But I'm a little curious, when did you join the organization?"

"Not long ago, I was invited to an academic salon recently." Kamada Yoshiko looked at Gregory, and finally shook her head with a smile. "To be honest, I never thought you would be a companion..."

"Well, in that case, I will use the natural death of a heart attack as the autopsy identification result, and push the case to close." Gregory nodded and held up the small jug next to him. "Long time no see, have a drink?"

"Of course you can." With a smile on her face, Kamada Yoshiko pushed the small wine glass towards Gregory, and after the other party filled her own, she drank it with Gregory.


I, Yoshiko Kamada, am a very unlucky person.

When I first entered the university, there was an amazing scandal in our archaeology department - one of our professors forged relevant evidence during archaeological activities, and it was discovered.

Under such circumstances, our entire department of archaeology has not only become a disgrace to the school, but also a child who has been shouted once and a half by the Canadian archaeology community [the wolf is coming].

Our findings are hardly considered rumors, but every question that raises even the slightest doubt about our inferences will be stared at and attacked by countless people.

Under such circumstances, conducting academic research with my supervisor is very easy to be targeted by many people, so I chose to join Mr. Henry Ito's expedition after the supervisor's permission - for no other reason, Their academic research is one of the subjects I have dabbled in: the Franklin expedition.

Mr. Ito's reputation is very high and his reputation is outstanding. I think if I can participate in his expedition, it will definitely add luster to my resume.

But I never thought that this would be the beginning of another nightmare.


A snowy afternoon.

"Ah!" With the scream of being beaten, Henry Ito fell to the ground. In front of him, Gregory dressed in rough clothes, took two steps back, then turned around, and ran back to the direction of the base in a panic.

Just now, he went to Kamada Yoshiko, but found Henry Ito in Kamada Yoshiko's tent, grabbed Kamada Yoshiko's shoulders with both hands, and pushed her against the wall of the tent.

So he lost control, called his teacher out, and punched him hard.

But he only saw his teacher do something to his lover, but driven by hormones, he never thought about why his teacher would do it.

But Yoshiko Kamada knew, and this reason also led her to take the risk in the end.

Ten minutes ago.

"I knew there was a reason for Fujimura to choose you from all the candidates," Henry Ito looked at Yoshiko Kamada angrily. "I just saw that the guy in Fujimura carved new nicks on the bones - the nicks on the bones he showed us before, he carved them!"

"What?" Kamada Yoshiko lost his voice.

"Don't play tricks with me," Henry Ito was very emotional. "You were pestering me, saying you wish I could write you a letter of recommendation after the event, right? If I hadn't come out and went to the bathroom while you were drafting your recommendation letter, I wouldn't have Might have seen him do all this. You're a gang, aren't you?"

"No, that's not the case, sir, listen to me." Kamada Yoshiko tried to appease Henry Ito's emotions, but the other party was obviously in a fit of rage.

"Don't explain it to me, I know that all of this is because the two of you are in anger." Henry Ito's voice suddenly increased an octave, and he grabbed Yoshiko Kamada with the same movements as if he was interrogating a prisoner. "I remember, your school's archaeology department is famous for fakes, right? Well, now they have cultivated a more outstanding genius. Don't argue with me, now you only have two ways, one way is to do Stain the witness, admit your own crime, and testify against your accomplice Fujimura Shinichi."

"Otherwise, as long as I go back, I will immediately report your academic fraud to your school, do you understand what I mean?"

"Ah—" When she said this, Kamada Yoshiko let out a scream—because she had been pushed to the edge of the tent by Henry Ito.

And just then, Gregory came in. "Fangzi, what's wrong?"

The eyes of the master and the apprentice intersected at this moment.


"Hu-hu-" Kamada Yoshiko stood in front of the corpse in front of him, panting.

Just now, she inserted the ice axe which she exchanged with Fujimura Shinichi into Ito's temple and killed him on the spot.

Destroy the evidence... Destroy the evidence...

The plastic archaeological find storage box on wheels in Ito's room came to her mind - all the evidence was there.

If it is said that Fujimura Shinichi really falsified those traces, once these evidences are brought back to civilized society and subjected to strict inspection, then everything will really be over for him.

Therefore, these bones must also be destroyed, so that they and Ito's body will disappear forever.

Under such circumstances, he pushed Professor Ito's body and the cultural relic box into the nearby crevice of ice - Ito was wearing a very thick down jacket, so the blood from tapping on the temple was all pocketed inside the clothes, and there was no trace left. Too many traces.

And the ice axe was also washed cleanly and escaped the gazes of others in the same group. It was carried away by Yoshiko Kamada, and finally abandoned by her after repeated cleaning, completely escaping all potential interrogation possibilities.

No one can guess that she did it, unless it was someone who learned from somewhere that the ice axe that killed Mr. Ito belonged to Fujimura Shinichi, and also knew that the ice axe was lent to Kamada Yoshiko.

That's why she asked for help from the organization, and the organization's operations department shot and killed Fujimura Shinichi.

I have never thought of hurting anyone, but there are always people who want to put all kinds of stigma on me for no reason. Well, maybe you are going to succeed, but in this case, it is time to let you know how a person with such a notorious reputation should act.


This is the end of the Franklin Expedition case, and the next step is to switch back to the trembling movement line.

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