Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 805: - Motivation deduction

While Gregory and the others were concentrating on the encounter between Franklin's expedition and Henry Ito, his subordinates, the other forensics officers, were dealing with another matter--and these things were actually tricky, and they should have been Gregory himself was in charge. But because the Franklin Expedition thing was really too important, and even Japan had acquired forensic power through diplomatic means, the priority of this matter was forced to be pushed back.

Shida Haru, 36 years old, violinist, first graduate of Domoto Conservatory of Music, died of propane explosion in his own bar.

Sone Kukan, 36 years old, viola player, first graduate of the Domoto Conservatory of Music, fell into the sea due to a sudden damage to the paraglider during a wingsuit flight, and died of a collision with the water surface.

And, more disturbingly, the two of them had an extremely close relationship with Yuhiko Rianjo and Yosuke Mizuguchi, who were killed in the September 19 bombing at the Domoto Conservatory: They had long formed a piano quartet to perform together.

Based on these status quo, it is possible to make such a judgment: the death of the four of them is probably not a coincidence, but a deliberate murder by the same criminal force.

At the same time, the test results of the water bottle that Ma Lilan sent to the Metropolitan Police Department have also been released - it has been injected with strong irritating ingredients, which can damage the contacted mucous membranes at a very fast speed, causing serious throat problems. damage. If Miss Qiuting Lianzi really drinks it, her throat will not recover for at least a week.

But even if this is not an ordinary prank incident (considering the follow-up effects, and the poisoner must know that Qiu Ting Lianzi is going to attend the concert on the weekend), even after the poisoning failed to hurt Qiu Ting Lianzi, Someone also drove a truck to hit her, but the Metropolitan Police Department still did not splicing this incident with several homicide cases - if these incidents were spliced ​​together, they would be regarded as part of the same serial crime sequence. From the point of view of things, one of the unavoidable questions is, why did the murderer want to hurt the five of them, and why did he just try to hurt Qiu Ting Lianzi while killing the other four? Qiu Ting Lianzi lacked sufficient intersection with these four people, and it was difficult to find anyone who hated all five of them at the same time.

Of course, not everyone is clueless about this.

"If the murderer can have a high degree of control over Qiu Ting Lianzi's information—the control is so powerful that he can know immediately even if he didn't drink the drink—then the murderer will naturally know very well when the bomb Naruko Kawabe was also in the room when the bombs of Yulianjo Yuhiko and Mizuguchi Yosuke were detonated. In such a situation, we must count the Kawabe Naruko-san, who only seemed to be affected, as the target of the murder— —And it is necessary to homogenize her and Qiuting Lianzi." Fei Yingli explained the inferences of the three detectives in their family of four in front of Officer Mumu and others.

"In such a case, we can define the murderer's action target for the four first-year graduates as [kill], and the action target for Kawabe Nako and Qiuting Reiko as [expulsion (concert)] That is to say, the murderer had no hatred for Naoko Hebian and Reiko Qiuting, but had reasons for killing the four first-year graduates. From the perspectives of Naoko Hebian and Reiko Qiuting, the most likely scenario is that the If Kawabe Zuoko and Qiuting Reiko kick out the concert, there is enough personal reward for the murderer."

Saying so, Feiyingri pointed to the photos of Lala Chikusa and Ziyin Yamane—they were the replacements for Naiko Kawabe and Reiko Qiuting. "The two of them have the most direct interest relationship. As long as the two are driven away, then they will be able to become the world's most elegant music world. But the question is, why should they drive out two at a time? If this inference is true If it's true, if you have to drive away two people at once at the risk of exposure, instead of just driving away the obstacle in front of you, there is only one explanation: that is, this is an incident committed by the two of them conspired, so it must be Only by expelling Hebian Zuozi and Qiuting Lianzi at the same time can we distribute benefits that can satisfy both of them."

"But the problem with such inferences is, why kill four first-class graduates at this point in time? These four graduates have nothing to do with this concert, even if the four of them are still alive, and this music It doesn't matter at all."

"If you want to explain this... We can think of not many reasonable explanations at the moment - but according to the information you have investigated before, Miss Yamane Ziyin has already got the opportunity to study abroad, and Chicao Lala is working with An Austrian musician is dating and preparing to get married, and both of them may not return home. If they want to get revenge, they will definitely do it while they are still at home.”

"But this inference is still a bit far-fetched, isn't it?" Officer Shiratori raised his own Although it makes sense to do so logically, but... this explanation still avoids the four of them What kind of hatred is there between the two presumed murderers proposed by you, lawyer Hefei. "

"This requires you to assist in the investigation. After all, our ability to obtain information is limited." Fei Yingli spread his hands. "As for the second possibility, it's more... fanciful. It's unlikely, but if it is true, the consequences will be very serious."

"If the purpose of the murderer's [expulsion] is to protect these two from not appearing at the concert, do you think it's possible?" Having said that, Fei Yingli glanced at the crowd.

"Protection?" Officer Mumu frowned. "Lawyer Concubine, can you explain in more detail?"

"Although it is far-fetched to say that Qiancao Lala and Yamane Ziyin want to kill the four people before they leave, the reason for killing them early is still valuable. If you say, what did these four people provoke? people, thus causing them death..."

"Then why did you drive away Miss Qiuting and Miss Hebian?" Officer Shiratori asked in confusion.

"In addition to the possibility of two substitutes taking the opportunity to take the upper hand, there is another possibility..." Fei Yingli picked up the pen and drew a circle on the outside of the photos of Chikura Lala and Yamane Ziyin.

"What if the purpose of expelling those two was so that the two of them could perform on stage that day, so as to attack them from the crowd?"

All in all, the situation that Fei Yingli summarized can basically be expressed in the following sentence.

The murderer had a grudge against the four first-year graduates, and also had a good impression of the Kawabe Zuoko-Qiuting Reiko group, or the Qiancao Lala-Shanne Ziyin group.

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