Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 842: - missing files

Gregory's house.

"You...why are you here?" Chiba asked, looking at Gregory who was spraying sterilizing water in the bathroom. "This...could it be that you planned to..."

"Well, of course to get all these tumors out here - in my room, I have enough say in my surgery and perform it to maximize the muscles in my legs." Grid Gregory said nonchalantly. "Rest assured, I have already done considerable sterilization measures, as long as the place is adequately sterilized..."

"You know that this place can't be turned into a real sterile environment anyway." Chiba glanced at the medical equipment and corresponding medicines around Gregory. "Besides, do you really plan to remove the tumor yourself? It's too much to do it yourself..."

"I have prepared ten injections of local anesthesia. After the injection takes effect, it can completely deal with the local pain, so that I can operate on my own leg with my brain and hands awake." Gregory snorted coldly. "Or, are you doubting my hands-on ability as a world-class medical expert?"

"If you overdose, local anaesthetics can also cause your central system to be sedated. And if you underdose, you may experience severe pain during surgery on yourself - which can affect your lower body. The precision of the knife causes a lot of trouble. In other words, at any time during the operation, you may cause a lot of bleeding due to the wrong operation of the scalpel in the densely vascularized area, if this is the case..."

"Anyway, you are by my side, and I authorize you to call the hospital in that situation." Gregory began to sprinkle disinfectant on the rag, and began to wipe the floor with the rag. "Put those medical equipment in the normal arrangement in the little basket next to the tub, hurry up."

"..." Qian Yu pursed her lips, looked at Gregory's eyes silently, and finally chose to do so.

This time, he moved very slowly.

This time, it made sense for him to be slow, because just as Gregory was about to sit in the bathtub and perform surgery on himself, his cell phone rang.

"Hang up for me, it's very annoying." Gregory didn't intend to be disturbed by the phone at this time. "The surgery is the only thing that makes sense at this point."

"Uh, but I need to remind you, from the remarks, this person will have an accident if you don't care." Qian Yu's expression was a little nervous. "Well, the [Rum] noted on your phone should be the one I know of [Rum], right?"

Gregory put away the hand that was about to strike, turned his head solemnly, and looked into Qianyu's eyes. "What's the meaning?"

"[Rum, I called you, do you want to connect you?]"


An hour later, in the consultation room of a certain hospital.

"How could it be like this? And..." Hotaru looked at Gregory, who had picked up his cane again, with a haggard face in surprise. At this time, Gregory was quite weak, his eyes were deep in his cheekbones. Among them, as if terminally ill.

"Sister Hotaru..." Chiyu, who was following Gregory's side, received Hotaru's gaze a little embarrassedly, but then turned to Haibara Ai, reluctantly receiving the judgment of the other party's gaze. "Anyway..."

"Hurry up and tell me the patient's condition, I'm in a hurry." Gregory sat in the main seat, took the medical record file from the attending physician next to him, and glanced at it roughly. "Well, Curacao, I have heard of her name for the time being, but I didn't expect that today I would actually have the opportunity to see a doctor for the members of the organization. Water Department, tell me the situation - this is just a medical record file, the recent illness I don't know the situation yet."

"The patient... lost blood and developed a clot in his left arm, which improved after extraction. We then determined that all the clotting factors were used for that clot, so there was not enough blood left in the body. So we contacted the organization. Here, we are going to send Curaçao to the hospital for observation. At present, Curaçao should be being examined at the MRI side... But the problem is that at this time, Curaçao had hallucinations. Although blood loss may also Causes hallucinations, but I don't think the blood loss is high enough to cause hallucinations without the impact on blood pressure."

"So the reason you sent her to the MRI was to suspect that her [hallucinations] were caused by cerebral hemorrhage? Although under normal circumstances, even the cause of the hallucinations is [cerebral hemorrhage] itself is only speculation and not recognized (generally For example, hallucinations may only be caused by non-organic diseases such as mental unease), but for people with depleted coagulation factors, such a worst-case scenario must be checked and confirmed." Gregory turned over medical records. "Well, the liver damage is very serious. Compared to the time of discovery... oh, so it is. It says that the previous inspectors may have neglected their duties?"

According to the records in the medical records, Curaçao was diagnosed with hepatitis C at the beginning of this year, but in the subsequent review, it was found that Curaçao's liver had been severely damaged - this is not caused by acute hepatitis C trauma. Therefore, she was rechecked in the medical records as chronic hepatitis C who had been ill for five to ten years.

"On this point, we went through the previous examination records of Miss Curacao, but the part about her health...disappeared."

"What do you mean?" Gregory raised his eyebrows disappeared? In an organized hospital? "

"You also know that Mr. Rum takes these things very seriously, so his medical records, including his own, are kept with him, and when he receives treatment, they are handed over to us through his close subordinates, not our hospital. As for the health records under their own name, it is just an empty shell, an empty shell to deal with the form..."

"Rum asked me to see a doctor, but didn't give me the real medical records? What a genius." Gregory snorted. "How am I supposed to judge this, guess what?"

"If the rumors about Rum's character are true, maybe they don't want to provide you with the relevant medical records - probably destroyed, if it is the information that Rum can control." Ai Haibara sat next to him. In their seats, Kazuo Kazuo and Chiba looked at the copies of the medical records. "It's not like that guy hasn't done this kind of thing before. When compiling the data collection of the biochemical department, just because some of my data were different from other people's data, he took my data without my permission. The experimental records of [incorrect results obtained by the wrong process] were directly deleted, and no record was left."

The corners of Qianyu's mouth twitched, because he clearly felt the dissatisfaction in Haibara's words.

"Forget it, let's ask Curacao herself, she must know herself." Gregory curled his lips and used this sentence as a summary of the discussion. "Come on, come with me."

However, they seemed to be a step too late, because a doctor's BB machine rang.

"The patient who was brought in just now had a state of confusion. We initially judged that it might be [hepatic encephalopathy]"

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