Conan: The Mechanic

Chapter 843: - Metronidazole

[Hepatic encephalopathy], a disease caused by liver disease - is divided into four stages: prodromal, pre-coma, lethargic and coma.

The prodromal stage (literally translated as the presymptomatic stage) is often accompanied by mild personality and behavioral disorders, such as unsteady movements, slurred speech, and slow speech.

In the pre-coma (stage, literally translated as the pre-coma), the psychiatric symptoms further deteriorate, the ability to think and respond is severely deteriorated, and it is accompanied by psychiatric symptoms such as fear, mania and hallucinations.

Lethargy, in which the patient spends most of the time in a lethargic state - but unlike the final phase of lethargy, this is only a passing of the lethargy, which can be awakened to regain consciousness and answer questions (although confusion and hallucinations have became the norm.)

The coma period (coma), literally, is a complete loss of consciousness, and all kinds of reflexes have been suppressed to the lowest point.

Judging from the current situation, Curacao's [confusion] is probably in the pre-coma stage in terms of mentality - of course, this does not fully mean that the other party must be in this stage in general, because it is well known that hepatic encephalopathy The demarcation of each stage is not clear, and the clinical manifestations of the early and late stages are likely to overlap, that is, the late symptoms appear in the early stage, or the early symptoms appear in the later stage. But in general, considering that Curaçao had already experienced [hallucinations], a pathological phenomenon that would appear in the pre-coma stage, it is more appropriate to identify her as being in the pre-coma stage.

But no matter what stage Curacao's disease is in, one thing is certain - her current mental state makes it difficult to ask for things like medical history.

Faced with such a situation, Gregory just nodded thoughtfully.

"Since she's useless, let's settle for the next best thing," he looked at Hotaru and Haibara Ai, "Tell me everything you know about Curacao—she can find it You, it means you are friends, right? Tell me everything you know about her."

Yingying was about to speak, but stopped, and finally made a counter-proposal.

"Maybe Fujiwara knows more about her. Do you want me to call him?"

"Okay," Gregory said here, but suddenly remembered something, and turned to the previous page of the medical record - this is the location of the part of Curacao's history of hepatitis C diagnosis. "This……"

Just when everyone turned their eyes to Gregory, they saw him closing the medical record.

"You keep asking, I'll go to her ward to have a look and give her a review." He said this after closing the medical record.


In the rare darkness near Tokyo International Airport, Fujiwara in a black cloak walked.

[Why is Curacao so short? 】This is how Fujiwara feels now.

If anyone can see the figure of Fujiwara now hidden under the cloak, they will probably laugh without exception: at this moment, he is half-bending his knees, walking in an extremely awkward way. (Referring to the way Kidd pretends to be He Ye, Fujiwara is 10 cm taller than Kidd, so awkward)

As for the reason?

When turning from an intersection, Fujiwara glanced at the direction behind him, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

Two stalkers, who also wrapped themselves in coats that could not be seen, were walking behind him, obviously not good people.

Fujiwara's previous fears were right. Just when he drove out of his apartment, he found out that he was being followed.

That's why he tried his best to pretend to be as tall as Curaçao, otherwise the stalker would definitely find the problem, and then turn his attention to what kind of person provided Curaçao with shelter in this apartment.

I hope that my actions of deceiving the enemy will make them think that Curaçao has closed the door here, so that my family will not be involved in such a troublesome situation...

Just then, his cell phone rang.

"..." Fujiwara frowned.

【Who is it? 】


"This guy actually hung up?" Ying had an unhappy expression on her face. "It's obviously such a critical moment..."

"Then what should I do, call again?" Hai Yuanai frowned slightly.

"No, forget it, if you want to come now, maybe this is the moment for him to need secret actions." Ying has calmed down by herself. "Forget it...I'll send you a text message."

"But in this case, I'm afraid there is no way to get what Gregory needs in a short period of time, right? What should we do..."

"After all, there is helplessness, so let's talk to Gregory first." Ying sighed. "Hopefully...Curaçao can hold out until the moment it gets the information."

However, when they were about to report this to Gregory, they found that no one could be found.

"Gregory's words," Chiba walked past them, holding a list. "Give me such a list for me to prescribe medicine, and then go into the operating room to prepare for Ha?" Ying frowned, looking at the direction of the surgery preparation area rather dissatisfiedly, but Then he realized something. "Wait a minute, in other words, does it mean that he has given you the final solution to this case if he goes into the operating room by himself? Show me the medication list in your hand."

"It's just a bag of metronidazole. It's too monotonous, although it's definitely useful." Qianyu didn't give it to them, didn't even stop, and just hurried forward. "I'm in a hurry, I have to hand this over quickly, and then I have to go to the operating room."

"Why do you want to go in?" Haibara Ai seemed to be planning to stop Qianyu, but found that her hand was not long enough.

"We can also do things like handing in orders." Hotaru, who has grown to a full body, was much calmer, and just leaned over a little and lifted Chiba, who was walking in front of her, by holding her armpits. . "You can go directly to the operating room now, and I can also go to hand in the order."


"It's really just a bag of metronidazole. I thought it would be something more complicated." Ai Haibara murmured in confusion while walking down the corridor with Hotaru holding the list. "But...what's the treatment for?"

Metronidazole, a widely used antibiotic, has a wide range of effects on anaerobic bacteria because its nitro group is reduced to an amino group in an anaerobic environment. However, it is precisely because the scope of application is too broad, so it is extremely difficult to guess what Gregory's diagnosis of Curacao is.

"Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Clostridium, Eubacterium, Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus..." Firefly began to count one by one.

In this kind of talk, the two walked farther and farther in the corridor.

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