After a long time, she was still in the toilet cubicle where she fainted.

When Aiba woke up again, she was still in the cubicle where she fainted. She supported her painful head and slowly sat up. Then she noticed something was wrong.


She first saw Huiyuan standing in front of the door looking at her, and then she noticed her palms that were still like adults. She took off her gloves and looked at them repeatedly, "Why didn't I change back?"

Huiyuan looked calm, "I don't know, maybe the antidote worked once."

"Ah?" Aiba was completely confused. It would be good to change back, after all, she could change her appearance and live, but that way...

"Just kidding," seeing her serious look, Huiyuan stopped teasing her, "It should be that the drug effect has not worn off. What you should do now is to take off that set of clothes."

After being reminded, Aiba finally reacted. She stood up and took off her cloak and gloves, then leaned against the door to make sure that there was no one outside, and then opened the door of the compartment and walked out.

It was comfortable to return to her original appearance. She looked at the small Huiyuan beside her and couldn't help but gesture with her hands, "I turned out that I was only this small..."

Seeing Huiyuan rolled his eyes at her, and then a figure flashed in front of her, she turned around and saw that it was Xiaolan running towards the bathroom with an anxious face.

Huiyuan also looked in the direction of the bathroom, and then turned around. The two saw Conan standing not far away, and the reflection effect of the glasses made it difficult to see his expression.

After a while, he slowly walked behind Xiaolan: "... Xiaolan sister, Shinichi brother told me..."

Looking at the two people who love each other but cannot recognize each other, Huiyuan and Aiba turned around silently. She put her hands in her trouser pockets, looked at Huiyuan, and suddenly asked with a smile: "What is your impression of me when we first met?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Huiyuan glanced at her, seeing that she looked like she wanted to know, and paused for a while: "...A guy like a venomous snake."

"Huh?" She didn't expect this answer at all, "Why?"

Huyuan said lightly: "Intuition."

Hearing this answer, Aiba was obviously disappointed. She walked beside Huiyuan, thinking about why she left such an impression on others when they first met.

Although, when they first met, she didn't feel very good about Miyano Shiho.

So they met at the age of twelve, and there was no big intersection until they became adults. Although they saw each other every day, they hated each other.

But everything has changed since that incident...

"Eh? Ai?"

Aiba Yuu was reminiscing about the past, and suddenly bumped into Sonoko who was looking for Xiaolan. Sonoko looked at the two people walking side by side, and her eyes fell on Aiba's face. She couldn't help blushing and stunned.

——What a beautiful person.

"Who is this person?"

Obviously Sonoko saw the two people talking, but even so, it didn't prevent her from pretending to be stupid to the end.

"I don't know him." Huiyuan said three words without saying anything and slowly walked forward, leaving Aiba alone, obviously letting her clean up the mess.

"Hello," Aiba said to Sonoko, "I just asked that kid where the drink stand is..."

After fooling Sonoko, she couldn't wander around the venue. Although she changed her hair color, her face was still exposed to the public at this moment. If someone happened to take a photo of her, it would definitely be a very hidden danger.

And it is hard to say when the signs of shrinking will appear again. In order to avoid such a situation, she chose to go back to the doctor's house first, which is the safest.

The doctor was obviously surprised to see Aiba coming back, "How is it? Is it going well?"

"Very well, doctor." She gave the doctor a thumbs up, "But Ai's antidote is effective for a long time. I don't feel any discomfort now... I won't really be unable to change back..."

"It's okay, Jianzuru, even if you can't change back, you can stay here. Doctor, I already treat you as my own children." The doctor touched his beard and said, "If you all leave suddenly, I will be very sad."

"Doctor..." She looked at Doctor Agasa, and for some reason her nose suddenly felt sore, and then she smiled, "Don't worry, doctor, even if you drive me away, I won't leave."

It was already evening when Haibara came back from Teitan High School. The incident happened in Conan

With the help of Hattori, the case was quickly solved. The murderer was Miss Hongshang, and the motive for the murder was that Mr. Urata was going to publish an academic article recently, and it happened that a patient in the hospital could overturn his theory. In order to publish his article smoothly, he prescribed the wrong medicine, which led to the patient's death.

After being rejected by Ninagawa, Urata asked Hongshang out for a drink and complained, and told her about it. Therefore, Hongshang wanted to kill him because he was not worthy of being a doctor.

After returning from Huiyuan, the two were recording information in the basement, because the drug Aiba took was a test product, but she didn't expect it to be so successful, so she became an important data.

"Heart rate."

"94 beats per minute." Aiba looked at the text displayed on the screen and reported one by one.

"Blood pressure."

"High pressure 118 low pressure 83..."

After a comprehensive examination, it was determined that Aiba's body had no discomfort at all, which proved that the initial production of the antidote was very successful.

"But as the antidote is taken, it is likely that antibodies will be produced to the drug, and the time it takes to turn back into an adult will also be shortened."

Holding a ballpoint pen in his hand, Huiyuan stared at the report in his hand thoughtfully.

It seems that further optimization is still needed. As long as a drug that can fully restore the effect cannot be made, it will not be considered a success.

"Okay, let's do this for today. Let's see how long we can maintain this state." Huiyuan stood up from the chair and took off her white coat. "What do you want to eat for dinner?"

Aiba looked at the little Shiho and suddenly felt that asking her to cook was child abuse, so he patted her shoulder and rolled up his sleeves. "Let me do it today."

"You?" Huiyuan obviously didn't believe her.

Aiba was not convinced, "Don't look at me like this, I am an adult who has lived on my own for 18 years."

Hearing this, Huihara smiled and said, "Okay, let's see what kind of dinner the adult Lin Jianhe will make for me and the doctor."

Until she saw the burnt and smoking pot, Huihara, who was always calm, was no longer calm and pushed the confused Aiba away.

"Okay, if you stay here any longer, the doctor's house will become a ruin!" At this time, she didn't know whether Huihara was worried about the pot or was really afraid that the doctor's house would be blown up.

"Okay, okay, you should just sit here as usual," the doctor sat at the table early and waited nonchalantly. He waved to Aiba, "Ai's food is so delicious, we should just wait quietly to enjoy it."

Aiba looked depressed, "Yes..."

Dinner was cheese baked rice. After dinner, Aiba took a bath and lay on the bed with his original body for the first time in a long time. At that moment, he felt a little uncomfortable.

She looked at the ceiling as usual, and looked at the girl who was reading under the lamp as usual. She suddenly remembered what the doctor said before, "I'm afraid of sleeping alone," so she called Huiyuan out of nowhere.

"What's wrong?" The girl answered without looking away.

"Do you want to sleep with me?"

Huiyuan's pupils dilated in an instant, and she looked at Aiba in surprise. After a pause, she slowly said a word: "Huh?"

Aiba said thoughtfully: "Because, the doctor said before that you are afraid of sleeping alone at night. I was wondering if it's because we are both in the form of children and don't feel safe. And you are also prone to nightmares, so would it be more reassuring to sleep together?"

Hearing this, Huiyuan covered her face helplessly, "Are you stupid..."

Aiba didn't understand: "Huh?"

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