The two of them were very happy.

It has been a day since Lin Jianhe turned back to Aiba, and there is no sign of her shrinking.

Before leaving, Huiyuan went into the house to look at Aiba, and saw her sitting on the bed with a pillow in her arms, looking unhappy. Perhaps because she saw that she was wearing a mountaineering suit, the envy in her eyes became more obvious.

"Want to go together?"

"Is it okay?" Aiba was immediately happy. This weekend was originally the day for the detective team to go to the mountains to pick matsutake mushrooms, but she turned back to her previous appearance, and her actions were strictly prohibited by Huiyuan.

"First, you have to think about how to deal with those kids, and then," Huiyuan looked at her bright hair color and unusual face among ordinary Japanese people, "disguise yourself, just in case."

"I'll do it right away!"

While talking, Aiba quickly opened the closet and took out a set of clothes that belonged to Aiba.

Such an opportunity is too rare. After Aiba put on a hat, mask and glasses, he followed Huiyuan and appeared in front of the detective team.

"Hello, Bu... kids."

She was used to calling them, and she almost blurted out their names.

Aiba wore a woolen hat, revealing only some fine silver hair, and wore big sunglasses on his eyes. The mask also completely covered his face. He wore a jacket and straight jeans. Because of his tall and slender figure, it was difficult to tell his gender.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the girl's voice appeared, and several people understood.

"Hey? Big sister, who are you?"

Several children leaned on the car window, curiously looking at Aiba.

Conan looked at Aiba who appeared and slowly opened his eyes.

"I am Ai's cousin, I came to visit her for a few days." She laughed dryly and looked at the face of the girl next to her. Seeing that she had no expression, she touched her head with peace of mind.

"Okay, let's get in the car first." Huiyuan took a step forward and prepared to get in the car, not giving Aiba face.

Conan looked at the crowded back seat, "But...but the back seat is full..."

"Then big sister, you can sit in the passenger seat." As he said that, Yuan Tai was about to open the door and give up his seat.

"Ah, it's okay, one of you can sit on my lap." She thought that even if Yuan Tai gave up his seat, there would be no room in the back seat.


The kids looked at each other. Although Ayumi was a little girl, she was embarrassed to sit on the lap of an adult she had just met. Mitsuhiko was even more embarrassed as a boy. That left Conan and Huibara.

"Don't look at me!" Conan quickly waved his hand to refuse.


Mitsuhiko and Ayumi had to look at Huibara.


Seeing the two kids looking at her with a smile, Huibara couldn't play dumb anymore and gave up the seat to Aiba.

The yellow Beetle was driving on the mountain road. Aiba took off her mask as soon as she got in the car. She wore sunglasses and opened the window to the maximum. Her hands were on the window sill, and she was in a very good mood.

"Um, close the window a little, your hair is messed up."

Suddenly, Huibara, who was sitting in her arms, reminded her.

"Oh, sorry." She quickly rolled up the window halfway, then lowered her head to look at the women's magazine that Huiyuan was reading, and clicked on one of the clothes, "This one suits you very well."

"Oh, this one is not bad either..."

This magazine is a clothing magazine for adult women. Huiyuan rolled her eyes helplessly at her, a little regretful for bringing her out of the house.

"You're very noisy."

"Oh, sorry..."

Conan looked at the two people's way of getting along in silence, and couldn't help but complain. How could this be the attitude of a cousin talking to her cousin? If she didn't pretend to be more like one, those children would definitely be suspicious...

"Big sister, are you really Huiyuan's cousin?"

Hearing Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's questions, Conan's mouth twitched a few times.


Aiba looked at them from the side, nodded without blushing, "Of course, we haven't seen each other for a long time, Ai must be embarrassed."

She felt the sharp gaze of the girl from the corner of her eye, and pretended not to see it and took off her sunglasses, "By the way, my name is You."

Finally seeing Aiba's full face, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko smiled excitedly, "Sister You, are you a model?"

"I think you must be an actress! Otherwise, why are you fully armed? Are you afraid of fans?

Recognized you? ! "

Knowing that these children are hospitable, Aiye still can't resist. She waved her hands and said, "No, I'm just an ordinary office worker."

"Huh? !" The two looked disappointed. "Sister You, if you become a model, you will definitely be very popular..."

Aiye laughed and fooled them. The three children were so familiar with each other that they became familiar with each other after just one car ride.

When they arrived at the destination for picking matsutake mushrooms, the hotel staff reminded them, "Adults can only pick three, and children can pick two. After you pick them, the hotel will serve you food immediately."

"After crossing two barbed wire fences, the hunting area is the next one. Don't go in. There will be bears in it."

"Bears? !"

Seeing the fearful expressions of the children, the staff comforted them, "Don't worry, there will be no bears on this side surrounded by iron fences. "

Hearing this, the children also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a pity, Lin is sick today..."

"Then how about we save a matsutake for her to take back? !"

"Okay! Then I'll quickly pick the first matsutake! !"

Yuanta quickly ran to a tree and started digging the ground with his hands, but unfortunately, no matter how many trees he looked for, he couldn't find any trace of matsutake.

"Really, Yuanta, don't be so rude..."

"The uncle at the hotel clearly said that there are a lot of matsutake here, but there is obviously not one!"

"In the end, it's because you, Yuanta, insisted on picking matsutake," Ayumi also said sullenly: "I originally wanted to pick shiitake mushrooms..."

"You have to know that matsutake ranks first among autumn foods." Yuanta explained with a straight face: "Besides, its price is much higher than that of apples. "

Graybara looked at him silently: "Really? But after Adam and Eve took a bite of the apple, they were banished from the Garden of Eden to the human world by God. This forbidden fruit is the fruit of knowledge that can distinguish right from wrong."

Aiba looked at Graybara, who didn't look like a child at all, helplessly. She was serious and indifferent, but inexplicably cute.

"Do you have anything to say?" Graybara suddenly looked at Aiba sideways.

She shook her head hurriedly, "No, no."

Noticing Mitsuhiko staring at Graybara in a daze, Conan patted him, "What's wrong with you? Mitsuhiko. Your expression is not right."

"How could my expression be not right... I was just concentrating on looking at her."

"She?" Conan followed Mitsuhiko's line of sight and realized who the "she" was, "Is it Graybara?"

Mitsuhiko nodded, his admiration hard to hide in his words: "Yes, although Graybara speaks coldly, I find that she is very knowledgeable and her manners are very steady. Don't you think she gives people a very mysterious feeling? "

As if realizing that he was too straightforward, Mitsuhiko quickly explained, "But I don't mean anything special when I say this."

Conan pursed his lips, looking at Aiba who was squatting in front of Huibara not far away and showing off that he had picked the first matsutake mushroom, he couldn't help but sighed, and put his hands on Mitsuhiko's shoulders, "Listen to me, Mitsuhiko, I don't want to pour cold water on you, but I advise you to give up on her. Huibara is definitely not someone you can pursue. "

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