The old man was very happy.

"Eh?" It was obvious that Mitsuhiko didn't understand what Conan meant.

Conan didn't explain it again, but shrugged his shoulders with a look of seeing through everything. He didn't want Mitsuhiko to experience these heavy things at such a beautiful age. But it was necessary for him to face the reality and be prepared.

After a long time of regaining his adult body shape, Aiba Yu only felt that the air above was very fresh, and he was particularly happy watching these children picking mushrooms.

"Look carefully around us. Have some pine leaves turned yellow-green? Pine mushrooms generally like to attach to the roots of red pine trees to absorb nutrients, so they look listless. The roots of red pine trees with pine leaves of that color are likely to be red pine trees. In addition, these red pine trees need to grow well in places with good sunlight, sea water, and ventilation during their growth."

"If we just search on the scene according to this point--"

At this time, Conan has begun to analyze the location of the matsutake mushrooms, and a group of children are listening very seriously. As Conan walked forward, a group of people also came under a tree, and sure enough, two matsutake mushrooms were growing under the tree.

"Look, haven't we found the criminals?"

"Wow! Really!"

"We really found the matsutake mushrooms!"

After Conan's guidance, the children also found a way to find the matsutake mushrooms. Aiba Yu followed behind Huiyuan and picked up a lot of matsutake mushrooms in a short while. In fact, if she searches according to her own method, it may not be slower than this. As a top killer, her vision, smell, and hearing are different from ordinary people. In such an environment, the most prominent smell is nothing more than the smell of soil and trees, which belongs to the breath of nature.

Ordinary people may only be able to distinguish these two smells, but she can judge and sense more detailed things in more detail. According to these details, it is easy to find the target.

While everyone was picking matsutake mushrooms, Conan suddenly looked up and looked around, "Eh? Where did Yuanta go?"

"That's right, I haven't seen his figure since just now." Huiyuan also nodded.

"I guess he went to pee somewhere!"

"Because Genta just gulped down a lot of water."

Dr. Agasa also said, "If you get lost in this forest, it will be troublesome."

Aiba Yu looked around, then walked to the fence that was pulled up as a cordon. There were some muddy marks on the intact iron net, "Look, has he climbed over the iron net?"

Hearing this, Conan and the others also came forward. After observing, Conan nodded affirmatively, "And the yellow-green red pine wood I mentioned has grown a lot on the other side of this iron net."

Dr. Agasa looked solemn, "That's a headache... I'm repairing Genta's detective armband recently, and the tracking glasses are of no use at all. "

Conan sighed helplessly, "There's really nothing we can do about him. In that case, I'll go get him. You guys just wait here."


At this time, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko said dissatisfiedly, "You want to act alone and be a hero again, right!"

Ayumi also agreed, "Let us go and find him together! I'm so worried."

Faced with the two children's successive bombardment, Conan's hands on the iron net also loosened, and he said angrily, "But this opposite..."

However, before he finished speaking, Huiyuan suddenly interrupted him, "In that case, I have a suggestion. Let me form a team with Tsuburaya and Yu."

As he said this, Mitsuhiko blushed and became obviously nervous. Then Huiyuan looked at Conan and said, "As for you, form a team with Yoshida-san, and we will search separately. However, Kojima-san is likely to return to this place during this period, so you should stay here, Doctor."

"How is it? This should be more effective than searching aimlessly by yourself."

Dr. Agasa was obviously a little hesitant, "That's right..."

Conan's expression became serious, "But Huiyuan, you have to pay attention. After crossing the two barbed wires, it is a hunting area. In the past, those who picked wild vegetables were accidentally shot as prey, which is not uncommon in Japan alone. But-"

At this point, he changed the subject and looked at Aiba Yu, who had already climbed onto the iron net.

-With this guy here, there is probably nothing to worry about.

"What are you still hesitating about," Aiba Yu touched his earlobe, a little tired

yawned, "The rice ball kid loves to eat. If we don't go find him quickly, I'm afraid he'll have gone too deep."

"In that case, come back to this place in an hour. If we can't find Genta, we'll ask the hotel staff to look for him together."

Seeing this, the few people finally reached an agreement. As the children climbed over the iron net, Aiba Yu also jumped down. After Conan and Ayumi jumped off the iron net, they ran in the opposite direction of Aiba and the others.

The three of them were looking on the other side. Aiba Yu followed behind Huibara and Mitsuhiko. The pace of the three was not fast, but not slow. While she was observing the traces around her, she also noticed that Mitsuhiko, who was walking in front of her, seemed to have something on his mind.

At this time, Mitsuhiko seemed unable to hold back his thoughts and took the lead in breaking the silence, "By the way, Huibara-san, can I ask you a question?"

Aiba Yu suddenly stopped and leaned against a tree on one side to listen to the conversation between the two.

"Hmm?" Huihara looked at Mitsuhiko in confusion.

"Huihara-san, do you have any secrets with Lin-san?" Mitsuhiko grabbed the shoulder strap of his backpack, looking worried.

Huihara's expression remained unchanged, "Why do you ask that?"

"Uh... because you two have some adult conversations... it seems that only you can communicate, and it seems that you don't care about others at all."

Mitsuhiko's meaning was clear and even Aiba was impressed by the boy's sharpness. But I'm afraid Mitsuhiko would never have thought that the "Lin" she was talking about was standing behind him and listening to his conversation.

Before answering, Huihara looked at Aiba meaningfully, then chuckled and asked back: "What do you want to express by saying this?"

"Uh, this I..." Obviously at this age, although Mitsuhiko could sense a hint of weirdness, he couldn't tell why.

In this case, Huiyuan did not want to dwell on this topic too much, "Okay, let's find someone quickly."

As she said that, she walked forward without looking back, regardless of what Mitsuhiko wanted to say. As for Huiyuan's difficulty, Aiba had experienced it clearly, and she could naturally see the attraction of Huiyuan to Mitsuhiko, a little boy. But they were not from the same world, so Mitsuhiko's intentions were nothing more than a stone sinking into the sea.


Mitsuhiko wanted to chase him, but a rustling sound suddenly came from the bushes not far away, and his footsteps were stunned in place.

"What was that sound just now?" Huiyuan also turned back.

Aiba's eyebrows were solemn, "It came from behind the second iron net."

The three of them immediately walked to the second iron net, and the first thing that caught their eyes was the big hole under the iron net.

"Could Kojima have already passed through the second iron net..."

"How is that possible? The hunting area is behind this."

While the two were studying, Aiba climbed over the iron net first and looked from a high place. "If he got lost in this deep forest, he might not know whether it was the second or the first iron net."

Just as Huiyuan and Mitsuhiko also went through the hole and came to the second iron net. There was another commotion in the bushes beside them. At this time, Mitsuhiko thought it was Genta who was making trouble. Just as he was about to step forward, he saw a young brown bear sticking its head out of the bushes.

"It's a bear!" Mitsuhiko was so scared that his face turned pale.

"Don't worry, judging from its appearance, it should be no more than one year old." Looking at the extremely young and cute little bear, Huiyuan's face rarely showed a trace of warmth.

Aiba had been sitting on the iron net, and suddenly raised his nose. In this deep mountain surrounded by green trees, for some reason, there was a familiar smell in the air. She glanced casually and noticed a pair of legs sticking out of the bushes. At this moment, a gunshot pierced the sky.

Huiyuan and Mitsuhiko were both startled. Aiba immediately noticed the man holding a hunting rifle in the jungle in the distance. His face suddenly changed, and he immediately jumped down from the iron net and shouted, "Run!"

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