The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai returned home first. It was already mid-afternoon, and Huiyuan started to prepare dinner for today.

I don't know if it was Lin Jianhe's illusion. Looking at the back of the girl standing in front of the kitchen counter cutting vegetables, I always felt that she was a little worried.

It was hard for her not to suspect that it was because of the man in black. She knew that Huiyuan was sensitive, and she was often uneasy because of the fear brought by the black organization. Even when she was dreaming at midnight, she was often awakened by nightmares.

This is why she has always concealed something from Huiyuan in the face of various crises around her. She only hopes that Miyano Shiho can slowly heal herself in such an environment and gradually walk out of the shadows. But the successive appearance of the organization members seemed to lay the foundation for them to live a leisurely life.

No matter where they hide, they can't get rid of it.

Obviously, he had promised to share a piece of information with her. But at this time, Lin Jianhe was caught in a dilemma.

"You don't have to worry at all," unexpectedly, at this time, Huiyuan Ai, who had been cutting vegetables, suddenly said, "I'm just thinking about how to make dinner today."

"Ai..." Hearing her say this, Lin Jianhe couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Since we have agreed to advance and retreat together. Then as the leader, you should stay awake at all times."

"Don't worry, although it is a physiological reaction, I will try to control my fear." As she said, Huiyuan Ai looked back at Lin Jianhe, with a smile on her lips, "Be brave, right?"

She thought clearly that if she continued to be confused like this, it would not only be her. Lin Jianhe will also be implicated. If she continues like that...

She suddenly recalled the last explosion in the bus hijacking case that day. If she really decided to die, then Lin Jianhe would really follow without hesitation.

Then, because of her, another person she cares about will die. Her sin will only become more serious, so she can't go on like this.

Lin Jianhe stood up and walked to the sink to help wash the remaining vegetables. "It's really good that you can think like this..."

"It's just... I hope you can do your best and don't force yourself."


The two stood in front of the kitchen counter together, neither of them looked up at each other. The sound of water, the collision of the kitchen knife and the chopping board, and the rhythmic sound of cutting vegetables suddenly stopped for a beat, and then returned to normal.

The girl's eyes fell on the diced vegetables, and her long and thick eyelashes formed a thin shadow, blocking the soft light in her eyes.

After a long time, the girl responded softly.

"... Yeah, I know."

When Dr. Agasa returned, dinner had just come out of the pot. Obviously, the running around in the afternoon made this somewhat elderly scientist feel exhausted. Dr. Agasa sat down at the table tiredly, looking at the pot of cream stew served by Lin Jianhe, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"Come on, Doctor, chopsticks."

"Thank you, Xiao Ai." Dr. Agasa took the chopsticks handed over by Huiyuan Ai. After the three of them sat down, they shouted "I'm starting" and started to eat.

"By the way, Doctor, how did you handle the afternoon incident?" Lin Jianhe still wanted to know how to deal with the follow-up of the afternoon incident, so asking the doctor was the best choice.

Dr. Agasa thought about it and said, "Ah, the kidnappers behind were surrounded by police cars, so it was easy to rescue Mr. James."

"Did the police take a statement?" Lin Jianhe asked again.

"Confession..." Dr. Agasa recalled the details carefully, then shook his head, "After being rescued, Mr. James left directly. It seems that he left with a man, who should be the friend he was waiting for."

"Man? Doctor, do you remember his characteristics?"

Dr. Agasa thought for a while with chopsticks, "I didn't pay much attention to it, it was Shinichi who saw it. It seemed to be a man in black clothes, driving a black pickup truck..."

Sure enough...

"That James, what do you feel?"

"Are you suspicious?" Since James is related to Akai Shuichi, Lin Jianhe's suspicion is inevitable. Huiyuan Ai frowned slightly, "He doesn't give me a strong feeling like that man."

"Really? But in any case, we'd better be careful during this period." There is too little information now,

But one thing is certain, that is, the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light.

The more times like this, the more they have to stay calm and live like a child, which is the best disguise.

It is impossible for two people like this to appear in the same place at the same time. And that James... Although Xiao Ai also feels that there is something wrong with him, if James is also related to the organization, she should not be unable to feel it.

Miyano Shiho, who has been in the organization since birth, is probably the only one in the world who is so sensitive to the smell of the organization.

"By the way, I have two exhibition tickets given to me by a friend. Do you want to go to Osaka for a tour during the summer vacation?" Dr. Agasa suddenly remembered something and took out two exhibition tickets from his bag.


Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai looked at each other, and then looked at the tickets in their hands. It was an art exhibition.

Art exhibition...

Lin Jianhe scooped up a spoonful of cream stew. It would be nice to go out and have some fun. Besides, she had no chance to travel before, let alone see any art exhibitions.

However, she had done assassinations and bombings at art exhibitions many times. What would it feel like if she went in as a tourist?

And if she went to Osaka, she should be able to visit Osaka Castle.

But the most important thing is that she can go with Ai...

Lin Jianhe suddenly remembered something in the past, so she didn't respond immediately. So it's inevitable that people would misunderstand that she is not interested in this trip.

"Why, I think it's good," Huiyuan Ai looked at the ticket with interest, and said with a smile: "Or do you just want to go out with those kids instead of having a double date with me?"


Lin Jianhe just put the spoon into her mouth, and was severely scalded by the vegetables hidden in the cream stew that had not yet cooled down. She quickly picked up the cup on the table and gulped down a few gulps of cold water. She finally managed to swallow the food, and her face was flushed with anxiety.


Lin Jianhe's reaction was so funny that she couldn't help but want to tease her all the time. It was so funny to see her flustered and embarrassed. She was a calm and serious person when she was serious about work.

Huiyuan Ai couldn't help but smile.

How could she be so clumsy?

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