After the dinner, Huiyuan took the lead to take a shower, while Lin Jianhe sat in the room, recalling what Vermouth had said.

She opened the drawer, and there was only a photo album quietly placed inside. She opened the album, and it was full of photos of her with these children, Dr. Agasa, and Xiao Ai after she became small.

But in the photos, they were almost like marginal figures, and they didn't dare to enter the photo. There was only one photo, which was a group photo of several of them, which was taken by passers-by during a visit. Dr. Agasa stood at the back, and several children pulled her, Xiao Ai, and Conan to the middle.

She remembered that when the flash went on, she subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. Although she later hacked into the system and deleted all the photos that left traces of her and Huiyuan, the developed photos were still left.

Perhaps Vermouth was right. As long as Famas and Shirley were alive, the organization would not stop searching for them. And finding them was just a matter of time.

By that time, the existence of these things would not only involve Dr. Agasa, but also the children...

The people who appeared in front of them again and again, whether they were from the organization or from other forces. Lin Jianhe found that she had been too lax all along, because the matter of becoming smaller was an unrealistic thing no matter who heard it.

So she arrogantly thought that this was the most perfect way to escape.

But she was wrong. She was not the only one who became smaller. Perhaps there were people beyond her control.

Lin Jianhe took the photos out of the album one by one, squatted in the yard, lit a brazier, and threw all the photos into it.

Seeing the fire devouring the photos, Lin Jianhe had no regrets. After all, she knew that as long as she was alive, nothing would matter. As long as Miyano Shiho was by her side, as long as the children and Dr. Agasa were fine, these so-called thoughts were insignificant compared to the dangers brought by exposure.

The life during this period made her gradually forget everything, and she almost forgot the sense of crisis of being in dire straits and dying at any time.

Such a life can be enjoyed, but not indulged in it.

A killer must know how to act, but not be so immersed in the play that he forgets who he is.

As long as Aiba Yuu is alive, she will still be Aiba Yuu.


Early in the morning, the sound of shower came from the bathroom of Dr. Agasa's house. For today's one-day trip to Osaka, Lin Jianhe has been in excitement these days, just like a child before a spring outing, always thinking about this matter in his heart, so that he has some insomnia at night.

The day finally came, and Lin Jianhe got up early in the morning and took a shower to make sure she was full of energy. When she came out of the bathroom, Huiyuan Ai also woke up, still a little sleepy, obviously just woke up.

She looked up at the clock, and then looked at Lin Jianhe's energetic look, and couldn't help sighing, "It's only six o'clock now, we won't leave until ten o'clock..."

The Shinkansen they were going to take would leave at eleven thirty, and it would probably take two o'clock to arrive in Osaka.

"Don't talk about this, go wash up quickly," Lin Jianhe grabbed Huiyuan's shoulders and pushed her to the bathroom, "What do you want for breakfast? Coffee or milk? Sandwiches or rice balls?"

This person is a little too excited...

Huiyuan Ai looked at Lin Jianhe with a helpless smile, "I know, then coffee and sandwiches are fine."

After the two had breakfast, Lin Jianhe changed into a gray sportswear, still with long sleeves and long pants. It was a bit hot to wear like this in summer, but she was used to it.

"Dr. Agasa, we're going out!"

"Go slowly on the road and have fun." Dr. Agasa watched the two of them walk out of the house and nodded with satisfaction.

Since they have become children, they should be as carefree and carefree as children...

From the beginning, this family has become more and more lively.

After the two arrived at the station, they quickly lined up for security checks. After getting on the train and finding seats, they waited for departure with peace of mind.

"Are you very happy?" Huiyuan Ai looked at Lin Jianzuru with a smile on his face and a good mood, and she couldn't help but be infected.

"Of course, this is the first time for the two of us to go out alone." In the past, either Dr. Agasa took them or they were with those children. Although it doesn't feel right

Bad, but thinking about it carefully, she and Ai have never gone out alone.


She glanced at Huiyuan who was reading a magazine on the side. Although she became smaller, the details of her gestures still made people see the shadow of Miyano Shiho. Especially the alienation in her light blue eyes. Although she was a child, she still made people feel cold and unapproachable.

The more I think about it, the more it feels like a date.

"Two children, where are your parents?"

At this time, the flight attendant suddenly came to the two of them. In fact, since entering the station, no less than three staff members have asked them this question. Lin Jianhe is already familiar with this, and Huiyuan simply did not speak, still looking at the magazine, waiting for Lin Jianhe to solve it.


"Eh?! Why are you two here!"

Suddenly, a very familiar voice interrupted Lin Jianhe. Her eyebrows jumped, and she smiled dryly at Conan, "We are really coincidental."

Conan obviously also felt that they were really "enemies on a narrow road" fate, he pointed to the seat number, "What a coincidence, I sit opposite you."

"So what are you doing in Osaka, a date?" Huiyuan asked casually.

"What!" Conan pouted helplessly, "I went to Osaka because of Hattori, that is, Lin pretending to be the boy I met that time. He wanted me to watch his game, so I asked Xiaolan and uncle to go to Osaka."

"Conan... Eh? Isn't this Xiao Ai and Jianzuru, where is Dr. Agasa?" At this time, Maori Ran and Maori Kogoro also saw them.

Seeing that there were people they knew, the flight attendant asked a few questions and left.

"Dr. Agasa had a friend who gave him two tickets to an art exhibition, so we decided to go to the exhibition." Lin Jianzuru answered.

"I see, so it's a 'date' for the two-person parade, right? Ai and Mazuru have a really good relationship." Although they have met many times, Xiaolan is still a little cautious in the face of Huibara's somewhat indifferent personality, fearing that she would dislike her, so she spoke with a sense of relaxation and joking, trying to relax the atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Huibara closed the magazine with a "snap" and turned her head to the side, looking a little angry, "..No, idiot."

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