The two of them were very happy.

"Okay, let's not say these disappointing words. Dr. Agasa specially gave us the tickets, so let's enjoy today's journey."

Ai Huiyuan actually knew everything in her heart, and everyone around her was accommodating her. During this period, even Dr. Agasa saw it, so he got these two tickets and asked Lin Jianhe to accompany her to relax.

She always thinks a lot like this and is extremely pessimistic. But the appearance of Lin Jianhe, on the contrary, has reconciled this depressed mood very well. She needs such a ray of sunshine by her side.

Even if it's only a little bit, as long as it can shine on her through the bottomless canyon, that's all, it's enough.

After visiting the first exhibition hall, the two followed the landmark instructions to the second exhibition hall. As soon as I walked into the exhibition hall, I saw a huge bubble machine device, which occupied the most central position of the second exhibition hall. Its outer periphery was wrapped with a layer of glass-like material to form a circle. To the naked eye, it seemed much thinner than glass.

Inside was a sculpture, an angel similar to Cupid, from whose mouth bubbles spit out one bubble after another. The most amazing thing was that even if the bubbles hit an object, they would not burst and dissipate, but were finally sucked back from an entrance similar to a blower, and so on.

Through the illumination of the ceiling light, the bubbles also had rainbow colors. Many people gathered in front of this device, and the second exhibition hall was more like a dream world created exclusively for children, with a very colorful impact that made many people stay here.

Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai also came to the huge bubble machine, and many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures. The surrounding atmosphere was not as quiet as the first exhibition hall.

"These bubbles look like gems." This place can indeed attract many people to stay, just to watch these bubbles blown out of the mouth of the stone statue, dancing and jumping in the container without rules, and finally being collected intact.

"Yes, it's more like a children's playground than an exhibition hall." Huiyuan Ai looked around. The second exhibition hall was so lively, and there were children all around. It was really hard to tell whether it was an art exhibition or a children's playground.

"Two children, look at the camera."

Suddenly, a staff member holding a camera raised the camera to Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai. When the flash was about to light up, Lin Jianhe's face changed instantly, and he pulled down the brim of his hat while blocking Huiyuan Ai behind him.

Seeing her reaction like this, the staff member was also stunned. Then Lin Jianhe cast his eyes, and when he saw the staff member, his eyebrows jumped inadvertently, and his eyes were grim. She clenched her fists, one hand tightly grasped Huiyuan's arm, turned around and left the second exhibition hall without saying a word.

"What's wrong?" Huiyuan Ai looked at Lin Jianhe with a serious face. Although she knew that it might be because the staff member suddenly took a photo that made her unhappy, but...

Lin Jianhe quickened her pace. Before she walked out of the second exhibition hall, she felt a gaze staring at them.

"He was wearing a mask, I saw it at a glance."

"What?" Huiyuan Ai was slightly surprised, and then fell into deep thought, "But I don't have that feeling..."

"No, he should not be a member of the organization. But we still can't take it lightly."

In the vast crowd, he pointed the camera accurately at them. Either it was a coincidence, or there was another purpose.

"In this exhibition hall, it's either a killer or a thief to change the face so much in such a fuss."

The two hurriedly visited the third exhibition hall and finally came to the fourth exhibition hall. This last exhibition hall displays some expensive gems, and the one in the center is a dazzling blue crystal.

"It is said that this gem was bought by a businessman at a high price at an auction." Huiyuan Ai looked around. This fourth exhibition hall was different from the other three exhibition halls. When entering the exhibition hall, the first thing she saw was the four security guards stationed next to the blue crystal.

Lin Jianhe wanted to finish the exhibition and leave the exhibition hall quickly, so she was a little absent-minded. Because of the masked man just now, she was always in a tense state.

However, after hearing what Huiyuan said, she glanced at the blue crystal, and then stared at a rectangular thing on the display cabinet, which looked like a piece of paper.

"... There is a card on it."

She pointed to the transparent display cabinet of the blue crystal. Because she was short, she easily noticed the card from bottom to top. And those security guards and her vision were different.

The angle is different, so it is difficult to find.

"What?" One of the security guards stood on tiptoe to look, raised his hand and touched it, and indeed touched a card. After seeing the handwriting on the card clearly, his face changed immediately.

"It's Kaito Kidd!"

[On the day of the full moon, the moment the bell rings, I will take away this gem called Blue Lake. ]

The card is painted with a portrait of Kaito Kidd. This card is undoubtedly a warning letter.

The security guard quickly called the police, and Lin Jianhe left the exhibition hall with Huiyuan before the police arrived.

When they left the exhibition hall, it was already past four in the afternoon, and it would take two and a half hours to go back by Shinkansen. So there was no extra time for them to go shopping first, and Lin Jianhe felt that it was very troublesome to be involved in this kind of thief's layout, so he hurriedly pulled Huiyuan home as if he had seen the plague god.

Before that, she also sent a text message to Conan. He told the other party everything he encountered in the exhibition hall. After all, catching a thief is beyond the scope of the killer's work.

"On the day of the full moon, the moment the bell rings, I will take away this gem called Blue Lake." In the car, Huiyuan Ai was also thinking about the signal left by Kaito Kidd, "What do you think this means?"

"Who knows, but if you understand it literally, it's probably too simple." Lin Jianhe took out his mobile phone and found the calendar, "The full moon in July is probably on the 23rd. Today is the 7th, and there is still nearly half a month before the full moon."

"By then, the exhibition hall will have ended, and the time span is slightly larger, so the so-called full moon day may refer to other characteristics."

Huiyuan Ai also nodded in agreement, "The moment the bell rings, it usually rings at noon and midnight. But where in Osaka can you hear a clear bell?"

It is unlikely that you can hear a clear bell in the sky above a city. So the full moon and the moment the bell rings should refer to the same place.

"In places like temples, monks would ring the bells at certain times. But it shouldn't be that simple."

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