The news of the incident was a big success.

After the announcement of the Kaito Kidd's notice, Tokyo immediately contacted the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department and began to work together to capture Kaito Kidd.

As soon as Conan got the news, he began to concentrate on cracking the code in the notice.

The appearance of this extremely popular Mr. Kaito has attracted many people's attention to this incident online. In order to quickly crack the notice, the police also posted the content of the notice in the newspaper, hoping that someone could quickly crack the mystery in order to capture Kaito Kidd.

Lin Jianhe and Huiyuan Ai finally returned home around eight o'clock. Dr. Agasa was heating milk. When he heard them coming back, he looked back and said, "Little Ai Jianhe, you're back just in time. I was just about to heat milk. Do you want a cup?"

"I want one cup, please, doctor."

"I'll forget it."

After Huiyuan Ai entered the house, she tiredly threw down her backpack and prepared to take a bath in the bathroom.

"How was it, did you have fun?" Dr. Agasa walked to the sofa with two cups of hot milk and sat down, handing one cup to Lin Jianhe, "But why does Xiao Ai look so tired?"

"It should be too tired..." She spent five hours on the Shinkansen today, and walked so long, even she felt a little tired, not to mention Huiyuan who stayed in the laboratory all year round.

After drinking milk, Lin Jianhe ran to the basement to turn on the computer. Connected the mobile phone to the computer, and then typed on the keyboard in front of the computer screen. In a moment, a reading progress bar appeared on the screen.

But when the progress bar reached 99%, the word "error" appeared.

"Unable to hack..." Lin Jianhe unplugged the data cable connected to the mobile phone, his eyes deep, "It seems that this thief has some skills."

Even if she blocked the camera in time in the afternoon, it is inevitable that there will be hidden dangers. The photos in the camera must be deleted.

"What are you doing here."

Huiyuan suddenly appeared at the door, holding a towel and wiping her wet hair.

Lin Jianhe touched her hair, "I tracked the address of the thief based on the address, and wanted to hack into the system to delete the photos this afternoon, but his wall is very thick..."

"I don't think the face was taken?"

Huiyuan walked to Lin Jianhe, and the fragrance of shower gel also drifted into her nose. Lin Jianhe curled his lips, "No, it's a hidden danger after all."

"It seems that this time, I have to meet that thief."

"In any case, don't do anything too dangerous. If there is anything that needs to be investigated, just tell me directly." Huiyuan took the towel from her neck and put it in Lin Jianhe's hand.

"Okay, leave my workstation, you should go take a bath."

Obviously, Huiyuan plans to work all night to develop an antidote tonight. Often at this time, Lin Jianhe will not interfere with her too much, after all, she has always felt guilty. Because she developed this poison, many people died because of it.

Even if she was not the mastermind who directly caused these people's deaths, this medicine was indeed developed step by step through her hands.

Lin Jianhe did not stay too long. After going to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and sending it to Huiyuan, she stopped wasting time and took the towel to the bathroom to take a bath.

At night, she lay on the bed and edited a text message to Edogawa.


[Preview letter, have you solved it? 】

Conan was washing up and brushing his teeth halfway when he heard the phone on the washstand vibrate. He opened the phone and saw the message from Lin Jianhe. He wondered why she was interested in the preview letter of Kaito Kid, and called her.

"When the bell rings on the day of the full moon, it should refer to the tenth anniversary of Longpan Commercial Building's listing celebration, which is July 5th, and they will release a project plan called Tree Kangaroo on that day. The full moon represents the moon, and also represents the 'full moon' of Longpan Commercial Building's tenth anniversary."

Conan said, took a sip of water to rinse his mouth, and then wiped his mouth clean, "The first letter T.K of Tree Kangaroo doesn't mean tsu ki moon."

"As for the time, they will ring the bell at the opening ceremony, and once when the Tree Kangaroo plan is released, and finally at the end of the evening. These three times are at 12:00 noon, 14:30 in the afternoon, and finally at 20:30."


Kaito Kidd only appears at night, so it must be when the clock strikes 8:30 p.m. "Conan knows Kaito Kidd like two mirrors.

"Anyway, no matter what time it is, I will go with you that day." Lin Jianhe didn't care much about the so-called reasoning.

"You?!" This sentence almost made Conan choke on his saliva, "When did you become interested in catching thieves?"

"What? I was photographed by this Kaito when I went to the exhibition hall with Xiao Ai today. He deliberately dressed up as a staff member, and the notice should have been posted at that time. Although it's a bit of an exaggeration, it would be bad if something happened." Lin Jianhe said helplessly. She didn't expect that she would encounter such a thing just by going out to visit the exhibition hall with Xiao Ai.

You really can't relax for a moment.

Conan's mouth twitched. This really looked like something that the Kaito would do. "That guy shouldn't do it, but it's not wrong for you to be careful. ”

“By the way, where is Haibara? Is she going with us that day?” After all, wherever there is Hayashi Kaku, there is Haibara, and wherever there is Haibara, Hayashi Kaku will never leave.

“She said she wants to do logistics work, so we can tell her any information we need to investigate.” It is still the best choice for Haibara to stay at home, so that Hayashi Kaku doesn’t have to worry about her safety.

“Then it’s settled.”

“Conan! It’s time to go to bed!”

The other end of the phone came the urging voice of Mao Lilan, and Conan shouted “No” and then hurriedly said to Hayashi Kaku: “Xiaolan is calling me, so let’s make an appointment to meet on the 5th, I’m hanging up, bye! "

He is really a henpecked husband...

Lin Jianhe sneered and then closed his phone. She didn't know much about Kaito Kid. She only knew that he was a "thief" who often stole precious gems. Before stealing, he would send out a notice with great fanfare.

As for the knowledge of Kaito Kid, Edogawa Conan knew more.

Lin Jianhe lay on the bed, her thoughts drifting away. His disguise technique was very similar to hers, and it seemed that they were done by the same person. But she was sure that it was not from Vermouth, but more like...

Lin Jianhe took a deep breath and then closed his eyes.

It seems that this thief also has many secrets.

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