After a long time, the two of them were separated.

From that day on, Chris stayed in Aiba Yu's dormitory, but often when it was late at night, the woman would leave and no one knew where she went. Her appearance also added a touch of fantasy to Aiba Yu's life.

Aiba Yu mastered the art of disguise very quickly, and she also understood that this woman named Chris was not the only one who could do it.

During that time, after Aiba Yu finished her daily classes, she would return to the dormitory to study the art of disguise taught by Chris. For example, to make a perfect mask, you need to master painting and sketching skills and anatomy, as well as certain sculpture and clay sculpture skills, but she happened to have dabbled in all of these, so further study was not difficult.

The most important thing is that the process of making a mask requires precise control of the facial features and muscles, and it must be as thin as a cicada's wing to achieve perfection, so that the most perfect mask can be made.

"Baby, don't you think your eyes are a little small?" Chris sat by the bed. Whenever she started making a mask, this person would give her instructions.

"The purpose of disguise is not to let others easily discover your true identity, to make it look real and fake, and to confuse people. Even a slight difference is not considered a success." Chris said lightly with her usual elegant manner.

Aiba Yu looked at the person in the photo. This was the third mask she had made since she learned the art of disguise. Because it had to fit her identity as a child, it would be better to make a mask for people of the same age. But she had lived in the academy for so many years and had never seen anyone except these students, so she could only take out the admission handbook she had taken when she enrolled, and began to imitate the faces according to the close-up ID photos of each person on it.

Hearing Chris say this, she couldn't help but curl her lips, threw away the mask, and started making it again.

Just as she picked up the new materials, someone knocked on the door of the dormitory. Aiye Yu subconsciously looked at Chris, but found that she had disappeared in the room without knowing when.

Walking to the door, Aiye Yu opened the door. Standing outside was the girl. The girl had pure black curly hair, some freckles on her face, and her skin was as white as snow.

She was holding a basket of bread in her hand. Seeing Aiye Yu open the door, she stuffed it into her arms without saying a word, "This is the bread sent from my hometown, handmade! Remember to finish it!"

Aiye Yu frowned. She didn't think she was familiar with this person to the point where she could give things at will. However, she didn't throw the bread away immediately, but put it on the window sill outside the window.

"Women are best at lies. Women who can control lies are the most attractive."

Chris suddenly appeared outside the window again. She looked at the basket of bread with a faint smile on her lips.

Aiye Yu ignored her and continued to make masks. In a place like the academy, all she had to do was survive, and everyone had the same goal.

Because of suspicion, she had long been accustomed to loneliness and living alone, so when Chris appeared in the room, she was not used to it and often treated the other person as air. She sat at the desk like that for a whole night.

Chris seemed to be accustomed to the child's temperament. What she had to do was to complete the commission within these fifteen days and let the child fully master the art of disguise.

That was good, no need to do other extra things.

After another sleepless night, Aiye You stayed up all night to make the mask, but Chris fell asleep on her bed. She didn't wake up until Aiye You left the dormitory the next morning.

Sometimes Aiye You was curious about what this woman looked like in her truest form. She had the mystery and cruelty of a killer, and Aiye You also believed that this woman could kill people with a smile. It was just that sometimes her idleness and carelessness were not quite in line with her identity.

Very abrupt, like two people.

This morning's class is a theory and practice class, mainly about the disassembly and use of various firearms, which is a required subject for everyone to take the test at the end of each semester.

Aiye You was the first in this course last semester. After getting used to it, you don't need to spend too much effort.

After the class, Aiye You walked back to the dormitory, but halfway through, she changed direction and went to the cafeteria.

Just at this time, the girl caught up with him, "Aiye! Are you going to the cafeteria? Let's go together!"

Hearing the girl's voice from a long distance, Aiye You walked forward without looking back, waiting for the girl behind him.

The man caught up and stopped where he was.

"Why do you always follow me?" She looked at him impatiently.

The girl was slightly stunned, then she rubbed her curly hair and laughed a few times: "But that's how it's drawn in those comics. You have to eat and play with your classmates, go to class and go back to the dormitory together. This is campus life."


Their life has been foreshadowed since the test after enrollment. Aiba Yu suddenly felt that she couldn't communicate with the person in front of her, and she felt a little angry for no reason.

"What an idiot."

She turned around, left the girl where she was, and went back to the dormitory alone.

Unexpectedly, Chris didn't lie in the dormitory reading magazines during the day. Aiba Yu also felt much more relaxed. She was still not used to the feeling of having one more person in the room. There was always a feeling that her private territory was invaded, a kind of insecurity that was hard to describe.

She didn't know why she was angry because of the girl's words, but she felt that her emotions seemed to be difficult to control during this period. In the past, she would not be affected by anyone or anything, but now, she was upset about it.

Suddenly, the sparrows in the bamboo basket outside the window attracted her attention. Three or two of them landed in the basket and pecked at the bread bit by bit with their brown beaks.

The edge of the bread had been pecked almost, revealing the soft core, which attracted more birds to land outside Aiba Yu's window, chirping from time to time.

She looked for a while, felt upset, and closed the window.

Chris came back very late, which was very different from the past. Usually she would go out at night, and sometimes stay in the dormitory all day. But today, until the night fell, the bright moonlight poured down like a waterfall, and the familiar figure returned.

"How is the mask making?"

Chris seemed a little weak today, but today, unexpectedly, like the first day, she just stood outside the window and didn't seem to plan to come in. Although she looked the same as usual, Aiye Yu still smelled an unusual smell from her.

Without answering her, Aiye Yu stared at Chris and suddenly said, "Are you injured?"

Chris finally walked into the house. She pulled out a chair and sat in front of Aiye Yu, with her hands folded in front of her. Her every move did not show that she was uncomfortable, but the blood oozing from the abdomen of her suit showed that her situation was not optimistic.

"You little guy, do you have a dog nose?"

At this point, Aiye Yu silently lowered his eyes, "Maybe I have been here too long and am very sensitive to these smells." She dug out the medicine box from under the bed.

Judging from the damage to Chris's suit, she should have been scratched by a sharp weapon. The wound was not too deep, but she may not have treated the wound for more than half an hour, so her abdomen and palms were all covered with blood, and her face was even a little pale due to blood loss.

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