After Chris lay flat on the bed, Aiye Yu began to check the injured part. The wound was on the right abdomen, and the depth was as she had inferred before, not too deep, but the amount of bleeding was a bit much. Although the bleeding was stopped immediately after the injury, it was inevitable that there were still signs of bleeding on the way to the academy.

"You were plotted against?" Aiye Yu saw that this was not a trauma caused by ordinary circumstances.

Chris nodded, and the pain of the wound made her unable to speak. And Aiye Yu did not ask too much. After the thin child cleaned the wound, he took out the needle and thread, half bent over and quickly completed the suture of the wound.

A thin layer of sweat oozed from Chris's forehead. She was surrounded by people on the way here just now. She finally escaped, but her abdomen was injured.

It turned out that it was right to come here. The suturing skills of this little killer were indeed professionally trained. He treated her wound calmly and calmly.

"You little guy, you really don't know how to be gentle with women."

Faced with the man's slightly teasing tone, Aiba Yu was slightly startled, "But it would be more painful to die of shock due to excessive bleeding."

Hearing this, Chris finally had a smile on her face that was different from before. She raised her hand and touched the man's silver hair, saying in a playful tone, "Little guy, do you know what is indispensable for a killer?"

Aiba Yu answered without hesitation: "Extraordinary wisdom and calm judgment."

"When facing every assassination target, you must not be soft-hearted."

"What you said is all right, but it is not the most necessary thing," Chris chuckled, and said two words softly under the puzzled gaze of the man.


Aiba Yu was stunned, "But the academy said that emotions are unnecessary."

"Before becoming a killer, what were you?" Chris asked again.

Unexpectedly, such a simple question made Aiba Yu silent, and he didn't answer for a long time.

Seeing this, Chris sighed softly: "You are a human."

"As a human, you must have emotions, otherwise you will..."

At this point, Chris's voice stopped abruptly. Seeing the girl's expression, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have said too much today, so much so that she almost made things worse.

She returned to her casual look, leaning on the bed, her eyes staring at Aiba Yu, "It's too early for you. What you need to do now is to survive here and graduate successfully."

Although Aiba Yu didn't understand what Chris said, she would not stick to the meaning. As Chris said, her goal was very clear, which was to survive.

As long as she survived, all other unnecessary things could be discarded.


Aiba Yu suddenly stopped her movements, and her sudden thoughts made her stunned.

"What's wrong with you?" Chris noticed her change and couldn't help asking.


"What can I do if I survive?"


The 15-day class soon came to the last day. On this day, Aiba Yu put on a tactical vest and jungle combat equipment issued by the academy, fully armed, and left the dormitory early.

Today's course is field combat, mainly teaching students how to hide themselves in the forest and how to fight against some ferocious beasts.

The back mountain of the academy is a large wild forest. They have been to this place many times in the past two years, so they have a rough idea of ​​the dangers in it.

This kind of course mainly trains reaction and agility, as well as the ability to detect and confront. When facing life and death, people's potential will be infinitely magnified.

Therefore, the academy is happy to use this teaching method. Even if the students may die in the process, they don't take these losses to heart.

But the surprise this time is that the academy actually sent two people in a group to carry out survival activities. They will put the students into various locations in the forest. Most of the places where they are put are full of dangers and wild beasts and poisonous creatures, but the team-based subjects like now have never appeared.

And this time the subject is slightly different. The academy put 100 murderers who are about to be executed into the forest. And gave these death row prisoners some generous "rewards". For each student killed by the death row prisoners, they can live one more day, and if they kill more than five students, they can be exempted from the death penalty.

The generous rewards offered by the academy made these vicious criminals, who had one foot in the coffin, feel like they were grabbing the last straw to save their lives. Not only that, the academy also equipped them with professional protective weapons to ensure that they would not be at a disadvantage when confronting the students.

After explaining the rules of this time, Aiye You's expression inevitably became solemn. Although there have been students killing each other in the academy in the past, this is the first time to face a real murderer.

The black curly-haired girl was in the same group with Aiye You. Since she left at the entrance of the cafeteria last time, the girl has not been pestering him for a while. After not seeing each other for a few days, Aiye You felt that the annoying breath on the girl was even heavier.

She looked away with a little discomfort, but the girl was tactful this time and did not disturb her.

The two of them were blindfolded, and then flew a distance in the helicopter. After rising to a high altitude, the blindfolds were taken off and then pushed down from the sky. They had trained this kind of parachuting many times before. After landing safely, Aiye You turned around and looked for the girl. But she saw the girl landed in the bushes, touching her hair and looking at her awkwardly.

She sighed, walked over and pulled her out of the bushes.

"Thank you." The girl patted the fallen leaves and dirt stuck on her body.

Aiba Yuu suddenly stared at her arm intently. The girl's eyes were often dark, as if she hadn't slept well for a long time, "Are you injured?"

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