After a long time of checking the rabbit, Aiye Yu finally determined that it was just a common ornament. It was not difficult to see from the exchange between Sharon and the man in black that the two of them were a bit tit-for-tat, and it seemed that Sharon did not like the girl.

So Aiye Yu gave up the idea of ​​giving the rabbit to Sharon and put it in his pocket for the time being.

"Who are those two people?"

"One is a colleague, and the other..." The voice paused, and Sharon sneered, with a slightly disdainful expression on her face.

Looking at her attitude, Aiye Yu was thinking. The organization where Sharon was, like the academy, seemed to be a place that could not be seen in the light. The basement of this abandoned building has been completely converted into an organization base. Aiye Yu just took a simple glance and roughly understood what the base does.

It should be a base similar to drug research and development. You can see several people in white coats when you walk a distance inside.

Sharon took Aiye Yu to visit the organization and told her a lot of things outside. It seems that she wants her to yearn for life outside more. Only with expectations can she survive in the academy.

Aiye Yu's eyes are full of confusion and numbness. Sharon admires this child very much. There is an inexplicable attraction in her. What she wanted to say before was not finished.

But she knows very well that as a killer, she also needs feelings after struggling in the black organization for so many years. If these original feelings are abandoned, she will become a complete weapon, and even if Aiye Yu can walk out of the academy alive, she is sure that Aiye Yu will die sooner or later.

After visiting the organization for a while, the two finally came to a staircase and walked up.

The top seems to be a rooftop. Sharon took Aiye Yu to the rooftop. At this time, someone called her. Then she asked Aiye Yu to stay on the rooftop and went down by herself.

Aiye Yu lay on the railing of the rooftop. The breeze made her mind clearer. You can see a very good scenery from the rooftop. The abandoned buildings here form a clear dividing line with the bustling commercial street not far away. This distance seems to be close, but it seems difficult to cross. It's like you can't fly directly from this rooftop.

Aiye Yu stared at the street in the distance and suddenly realized that the world outside is really beautiful. But the word "freedom" is the most expensive thing in the world for her.

"You are new here."

Suddenly, a voice appeared behind Aiye Yu. She turned around and found that it was the child she had seen in the afternoon. She was about to speak, but she remembered that Sharon told her not to talk casually before coming in, so she just shook her head in the face of the girl's question.

This was the first time that Shiho Miyano had seen a child of her own age in the organization, and the indifferent girl couldn't help but observe the person in front of her more.

Aiye You was also observing the other party. Suddenly, she remembered the rabbit pendant she picked up in the afternoon. Just as she reached into her pocket to touch the pendant, the door to the rooftop was pushed open.

It was Sharon. She had a sandwich and a can of juice in her hand. The moment she saw Shiho Miyano, her brows inadvertently sank. And it seemed that the girl also knew the other party's malice. After she came in, the girl turned around and left.

"Are you hungry?" Sharon ignored the girl's existence, but walked to Aiye You and handed her the sandwich and juice.

"Thank you." After wandering around with Sharon for a day, she was indeed a little hungry. She opened the juice can and tore open the packaging bag. Aiye You put her nose close to it and smelled it carefully. After confirming that there was nothing strange, she felt relieved to eat it.

This was not because she didn't trust Sharon, but because of her habit over the years.

Of course, this does not mean that she completely trusts Sharon, but she knows that the family still has a contract with Sharon, and she has been allowed by the academy to take herself out of the academy, which is a guarantee. So she is not worried about anything happening in the process.

Gradually, the night fell, and Sharon looked at the sky gradually covering the distance, and the breeze blew her golden hair. These days, she is more and more certain that she wants this child.

If you cultivate it by your side, it will definitely become a very good helper.

"How about it? Come here to find me after you get out of the academy."

Aiba Yu held the juice can in both hands. Indeed, if she succeeds in getting out of the academy, as a killer, she will either follow the family's arrangements and work for the family, or find another way out for herself. So Sharon's proposal is not bad.


"Let's talk about this matter after I get out of the academy alive."

Listening to Sharon's words, she has begun to imagine her future life. It is not a good thing to explore the future in the bubble of nothingness. Putting hope in an illusory and uncertain dream, if it is broken one day, even she will feel a little lost.

One day of freedom is very short and luxurious. That night, Sharon drove back to the academy with Aiba. After that, she stayed in the academy for another half a month and taught Aiba Yu voice changing technique. This technique and disguise technique complement each other.

Perhaps beautiful women can always be favored by people. A month of getting along also laid the foundation for their future relationship. Until Sharon left, Aiba Yu lived in the academy for another four years and finally graduated successfully.

She really had no place to stay, and she chose to join the organization in order to abide by the agreement with Sharon. However, the road ahead was not as Sharon expected. She was appreciated by the boss, but she failed to win Aiba Yu to become her subordinate.

The boss handed over the power of control over Aiba Yu to Gin, and later, she was arranged to be the bodyguard of the young scientist until now.

Until now, when Lin Jianhe recalled the past, he would sigh at the coincidence of fate.

She suddenly remembered something, went to the locker in the bedroom and searched, and finally opened a square iron box, which contained some old things, including a notebook, a fountain pen, and a rabbit pendant lying quietly in the iron box, with a yellowed color.

At night, Lin Jianhe and the doctor had already eaten dinner, and did not wait for Huiyuan to come out of the laboratory. After confirming that she was fine and was just waiting for the antidote to expire in the laboratory and continuing her research, Lin Jianhe returned to the bedroom.

In the dead of night, the people in the basement came up. The girl was wearing pajamas and looked a little tired. She walked into the room and saw Lin Jianhe sleeping soundly on the bed.

The desk lamp in the room was still on. Huiyuan Ai walked to the bedside and suddenly noticed something in her peripheral vision, and her steps paused.

There was one more thing on the tidy desk. Her eyes fell on the rabbit pendant and she walked up to pick it up. Although it had been a long time, she still remembered this ornament. This rabbit was given to her by her sister before she went to study abroad.

But before she left, she didn't know how she lost it, and she secretly hid and cried, and was sad for a long time.

Huiyuan Ai held the rabbit pendant in her hand, and suddenly remembered something. Her eyes fell on the person who was sleeping badly, and a smile rose on her face.

"Stupid, I knew it was you..."

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