The first time, the first time, was a long time ago.

Early in the weekend morning, the group went to the airport to start the tennis tour in Kumamoto. The children of the Junior Detective Team had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and they were relieved until they saw Huiyuan and Hayashi Jianhe coming.

"Huiyuan, Hayashi, are you all well from your colds?" Mitsuhiko looked at Huiyuan with a little concern.

"Yes, you took leave these days, and the Junior Detective Team is not complete." Genta nodded.

"We are really worried about you," Ayumi noticed the bandage wrapped around Hayashi Jianhe's finger while talking, "Janhe, what's wrong with your hand?!"

"This is--" She knew that these children would definitely ask about the bandage, so she had already thought of a countermeasure.

These days, she and Huiyuan both took sick leave for colds. Since she was sick, it meant that the chef at home was sick. If she accidentally cut her finger "to cook for sick Ai", these children would probably look at her with new eyes.

But before she could finish her words, as if knowing what she was up to, Huiyuan said lightly: "She is imitating the characters in the recent animation."

What? !

Lin Jianhe was caught off guard by Huiyuan's backstab, and immediately turned his head to look at her in shock, "What am I--"

--When did you watch animation...

"Ah! Lin is imitating the new characters in Kamen Rider, right!"

"I like him too!"

"Lin! Let's watch Kamen Rider together next time, okay!"

Facing the gazes of the three children, Lin Jianhe could only smile dryly and nodded in agreement. Suddenly, she saw Conan sitting at the edge, smiling with his head turned away. Her eyebrows jumped and her tone became smiling: "We have to take Edogawa-san with us too."

"Of course!"

"Hey!" Conan, who was gloating just now, felt a chill on his back.

After successfully turning the spearhead, Lin Jianhe looked at Huiyuan speechlessly, "What do you mean by imitating anime characters..." She really didn't know why this person suddenly said such a thing.

Huiyuan looked at the book in her hand expressionlessly, then raised her eyes to look at her, with a smile on her lips: "Oh, don't you like to show off the most? If you know more about the popular topics of elementary school students nowadays, you will become popular."

Hearing her speak in this tone, Lin Jianhe shuddered all over and rubbed his arms with a little chill. This person is definitely sarcastic, sarcastic. I just broke a schoolbag, how could she hold on to it and use it to tease me?

The three people who traveled with them this time included Maori Ran, Maori Kogoro, and Suzuki Sonoko. The first two were mainly responsible for accompanying, while Sonoko came to play purely out of her own pocket.

"Really, uncle is still so afraid of heights."

After getting on the plane, Maori Kogoro looked like he was carsick, leaning weakly on the back of the chair without moving. Conan looked across the aisle again, and Lin Jianhe, who was sleeping behind Maori Kogoro, complained to Huiyuan: "Why can't she ever wake up..."

"Are you asking me?" Huiyuan still stared at the book in her hand, and then said lightly: "Well, it's been like this since the past, and I'm used to it."

"Ah, she sleeps all day in that place?" This subverted Conan's understanding of the organization. In a place like that, shouldn't you be alert all day long and use one person as eight people?

"Of course not. On the contrary, she is a very serious person. She is so serious that she will do whatever people ask her to do."

"To some extent, she is indeed like a child."

Graybara still spoke in a disjointed style, which confused Conan, but he was obviously used to the way this person spoke, so he just laughed dryly and didn't respond.

Graybara closed the book, and then looked up at Hayashi Kaku who was sleeping soundly beside him. As if he remembered something, his expression was slightly pleased.

The plane landed quickly, and at the same time, Hayashi Kaku woke up from his sleep on time, squinted his eyes and blinked, and followed the large group down the plane.

"Did you sleep enough?"

A girl's voice came from the side, Hayashi Kaku stretched and yawned, "I slept well."

Graybara looked at her with a smile, "Then tomorrow's tennis match will definitely win first place."

"What are you talking about? I'm a killer. If I can't even play tennis well, ...

If I don't get first place, I'll be ashamed to face people."

"Are you betting your career on a tennis match? "

The girl chuckled, and Hayashi followed her pace in confusion. She felt that Ai today gave her the feeling of Shirley, who was full of evil taste in the organization.

Hayashi felt a little cold again, recalling the days when she was oppressed and didn't get enough sleep in the organization...

After arriving at the hotel, Mitsuhiko organized everyone to go to a nearby park to start special training before the game. Hayashi wore the same team uniform as everyone else, and followed the team leisurely, running slowly.

And Conan and his group in front ran a few laps, obviously exhausted. On such a hot day, they should turn on the air conditioner in the room.

Under the shade of the tree, Huiyuan was holding a book in her hand, and Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko were also on the lawn, but there was a certain distance between them.

It was past noon, and it wouldn't be too hot to sit under the shade of the tree. She noticed from the corner of her eye that everyone was running around the park. Huiyuan held her cheek with her hand and shouted, "Come on."

"Huiyuan, I will do my best! "Mitsuhiko, who had planned to stop after running this lap, suddenly heard this cheer and was immediately encouraged to run another lap.

"I can't do it anymore!"

"I'm so tired..."

But it was obvious that Ayumi and Genta behind him could no longer hold on.

"Why don't we take a break first?" Conan also suggested at this time.

Mitsuhiko stopped with a little dissatisfaction, "We will have a competition tomorrow, of course we have to take it seriously!"

Ran Mao Li leaned down, "Mitsuhiko, we finally came to Kumamoto, today we will practice here first, how about everyone go around and look around?"

Genta: "I agree, I agree!"

Rin Jianhe walked to the shade of the tree where Huiyuan was on the other side and sat down, and the people around him also handed him a handkerchief in time, "You seem to be enjoying it."

"Enjoying it..." Lin Jianhe took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking.

"Okay, let's go to Kumamoto Castle!"

"Target Kumamoto Castle! "

Looking at the children's excitement, Huiyuan stood up and patted his clothes mercilessly, "I won't go."

"Then you go and have fun, remember to take more photos." One person said he was going to leave, and the other one followed suit.

"Hey, it's not easy to come to Kumamoto, you don't want to go..."

"It's such a bummer."

Several children protested again, but it was obvious that they couldn't keep the two.

Lin Jianhe smiled apologetically, "Sorry, Xiao Ai may have a little heat stroke..."

Using sick leave as a pretext, these children stopped making a commotion. After all, these two people have just recovered from illness, and there is really nothing they can do if they are uncomfortable.

"Xiao Ai and Jianhe have a really good relationship. "Ran Mao Li sighed as she watched the two people leave side by side. For some reason, she suddenly remembered the days when she went to school with Shinichi when she was a child.

"Those two little brats, maybe..." Suddenly, Sonoko touched her chin, squinted her eyes and stared at the two people in the distance.

Conan was refreshed and paid close attention to what Sonoko was going to say next.

——No way, could it be...

"It's like the relationship between Xiaolan and me! After all, we are soul mates who have known each other since kindergarten!" Sonoko smiled and put her arm around Xiaolan's shoulders.


Conan's mouth twitched with a dry laugh, thinking that he really overestimated this young lady.

"Not at all." Ayumi's voice suddenly came. She looked at Sonoko and Xiaolan, and subconsciously refuted it decisively, but when everyone's eyes were looking at her waiting for the next words, she hesitated again.

Looking at Ayumi's expression, Conan was shocked.

——Hey, hey, hey, it can't be...

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