Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 247 Arriving in Kyoto

"I still feel a little pain in my stomach."

Walking out of Kyoto Station, Yuji carried a small bag and sighed.

After lying in Nara Prefecture Hospital for three days, he finally couldn't help but be discharged. Thanks to the fact that the wound was not serious, after assuring the doctor that he would be absolutely careful, Kaori brought him to Kyoto.

"I was so sleepy in the car just now. Now I can ask you why you came to Kyoto?" Scratching his chin, Yuji turned his head and looked at the girl who was looking around.

"No, actually..."

"What! Your grandfather and parents want to see me?"

The boy swallowed his saliva with his eyes wide open, and wanted to retreat to the station in a panic. But after thinking carefully, he stood firm again, like a newborn deer, holding the wall and trying to move forward.

"I... I will try my best."

Seeing Yuji muster up the courage, Kaori laughed happily, hugged the boy's arm, and slowly walked to the side of the road. A black car was parked here, and the rear window was rolled down, revealing Ooka Momiji reading a newspaper inside.

"Long time no see, Kaori."

After folding the newspaper and putting the side of Hattori Heiji with his teeth showing behind the driver's seat, Ooka Momiji held her chin and smiled.

"Long time no see, Momiji."

Looking at Kaori's hand holding Yuji's, Momiji asked the two to get in the car quickly.

"Iori, drive first."

Seeing the hurried expressions of pedestrians on the road in Kyoto, Yuji leaned on the glass of the passenger seat in confusion, looking at the bodyguard Iori who was driving in confusion.

"What happened?"

Glancing at Yuji's belly, Iori drove the car onto the main road and did not answer Yuji's question until there were not many cars.

"Since the Suzuki airship incident, five people have been killed in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto in the past four days. It is said that the victims are all members of the criminal organization of Genji Hotaru."

Genji Hotaru...ah, I remember. I saw it in a TV report before. It seems that like those unlucky guys, he is also a guy who targets Buddha statues.

Looking at the cherry blossoms outside the window, Ooka Momiji shook her head: "Okay, let's put those murderers and the dead behind us for now. It's rare that you come back, I'll take you to see the cherry blossoms."


Just as the two got on the Ooka family's car, the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto just arrived at the station. Maori Kogoro adjusted his tie and looked at the four children following him.

"Kyoto is really the hometown of the Japanese!" After stretching, Sonoko turned her head and nudged the boy with her elbow, seeking his approval.

"Isn't that right, Zhen?"

"Ah... yes." Holding the five-person gift, Kyogoku Zhen straightened his chest and raised his head, saying with a righteous face: "I will never put Sonoko in danger again this time!"

After seeing the Suzuki Group's airship hijacked overseas, the karate kid immediately booked a flight back to Japan. The first time he saw Sonoko in Tokyo, he hugged Sonoko in front of the Suzuki couple.

"Okay, okay, I just came back from abroad, I don't want to see your boring exchanges."

After punching Conan on the head, Maori Kogoro took out the handkerchief his wife bought for him abroad from his chest pocket and kept wiping the back of his hand, as if he had hit something dirty.

Damn, just when he was about to sleep for three days and three nights, his daughter told him that Conan had taken a commission for him. He finally adjusted his biological clock at home, and now he has to come to Kyoto again.

"Listen, I agreed to bring you here out of kindness, don't cause me trouble!"

Looking at her proud and complacent old father, Xiaolan coughed twice, stopped a taxi, and went to the destination of this trip, Sannoji Temple.

Entering Sannoji Temple, the five saw the monk who was talking to three people. They wanted to wait for a while, but were discovered by the monk. He stretched out his hand and walked towards Maori Kogoro enthusiastically.

"Ah, Mr. Maori, thank you so much for coming all the way here. I am Ryuen who called Maori Detective Agency earlier."

Ryuen pointed to the old monk who came to his side and said, "This is the head monk of our Sannoji Temple, Master Yuanhai."

Seeing the man in the suit coming over, Ryuen hesitated for a moment, but still introduced them together.

The one wearing a purple suit, slightly plump, and dressed like a profiteer is Sakura Masazo who runs an antique shop on Teramachi Street. The one wearing a kimono and looking a little thin is Mizuo Harutaro, the young master of the Noh drama Mizuo Ryu. Finally, there is Nishijo Taiga, the owner of a used bookstore dressed in sportswear.

The three of them knew the recently famous and dormant Kogoro, and they handed over their business cards and greeted Kogoro Maori one after another.

"The three of them are all pilgrims of our temple."

Shaking his head, Yuan Hai smiled and turned to explain: "In fact, compared to pilgrims, we are more like kendo enthusiasts."

"So that's how it is. No wonder the host is so healthy at such an old age."

Kyogoku Makoto blurted out subconsciously, and found that Sonoko was looking at him, so he explained: "Although the host is very old, when he walked over just now, his steps were steady, and his body was straight, unlike Detective Maori who was hunched over."

Hey, hey, hey, you kid are here to ruin my show, right!

Glazing at Kyogoku Makoto, Uncle Maori looked around Sannoji Temple and asked curiously: "By the way, I heard that your temple has a Buddha statue that is only opened once every twelve years. Is it true?"

"Yes." Yuan Hai nodded: "That is the main Buddha of our temple, Yakushi Tathagata."

After seeing off the three pilgrims, the two monks welcomed Maori and his party into the temple. Without the others, Longyuan monk opened the niche where the Buddha statue was placed with a sad face.

"So that's it. The Buddha statue that was stolen from you eight years ago was this Medicine Buddha." Maori Kogoro took out his mobile phone and looked at the photo Conan sent to him. He frowned and took the letter handed to him by Longyuan monk and sent it to Sannoji Temple together with the painting in the photo.

"But why didn't you call the police to find it?"

"Because Master Yuanhai said that as long as you have a connection with the Buddha statue, sooner or later the Buddha statue will return to Sannoji Temple, and he said there is no need to force it."

This old monk... how to say it, it's quite strange.

"I found this letter in the mailbox in front of the temple." Longyuan monk knelt on the ground and made tea for the five people.

"There is no stamp, and there is no sender's name. Does that mean the sender put it in the mailbox himself?"

"But it is also possible that the sender asked someone else to help put it in the mailbox, or paid someone to put it there."

Hearing Maori Kogoro's inference, Conan hurriedly added, but he didn't expect to be punched in the head again.

"Stupid, of course I know about this kind of thing. Does the famous detective Maori Kogoro need a little kid like you to remind him?!"

Opening the envelope, Uncle Maori stopped looking at his daughter who was rubbing Conan's head, and put the contents of the letter on the table.

[As long as you solve the puzzle of this painting, you will get the location of the Buddha statue. 】

The portrait under the letter is exactly the same as the photo sent by Conan.

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