Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 248 Kaori's Family

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎]

"The cherry blossoms here are really beautiful."

He picked up a thick omelette with chopsticks and was about to put it into his mouth when Yuuji was stopped by Kaori, who looked at the girl pitifully.

"No, no. You can only eat liquid food for a week."

She took out a small bowl of porridge from the food box and handed it to Yuuji. The girl stared at him and muttered as she ate the food, then took out a handkerchief from her pocket to wipe his face.

"Really, I feel that your life skills have deteriorated a lot in the past few days in the hospital. How can you drink porridge on your face?"

Sitting on the picnic mat blankly, watching the boys and girls flirting opposite, Ooka Hongye held chopsticks in her mouth and looked at the cherry blossoms with envy.

The sun was not strong today, and the comfortable breeze moved the branches, constantly knocking down the pink and white cherry blossoms. On the green ground, the cherry blossoms ran away again, clearing a path for passers-by.

"But if you want to see Grandpa Nan, you'd better be careful." Ooka Hongye suddenly spoke, causing Yuji to turn his eyes from the cherry blossoms to the opposite side.

"Indeed, Master Nan is indeed a fierce old man." Iori nodded, making Yuji even more uneasy.

Generally speaking, would you use fierce to describe an old man...

"How did Ooka-senpai know Master Nan...?" Yuji sat up straight and stared at Ooka Hongye seriously.

"My grandfather and Grandpa Nan were childhood sweethearts, so Xiaoxiang and I knew each other for a long time."

The evil childhood sweethearts again, the childhood sweethearts of two old men? I remember that Ooka Hongye's grandfather was the former prime minister...

Seeing Iori, Ooka Hongye and Kaori's expressions became ugly, Yuji suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, pointed behind himself, and signaled with his eyes.

[Behind me? 】

After the three of them nodded at the same time, the young man slowly turned his head and looked at Master Nan who was standing behind him.

The old man looked at Yuji gloomily, then glanced at Kaori who was sitting next to him, grinned, and scared the young man half to death.

"Are you back?"


Holding the crutches, Minami Masamune and Ooka Hongye said hello: "How is the old man in your family?"

Standing up, Ooka Hongye and Iori bent down at the same time and said respectfully: "Thanks to you, grandpa is in good health."

Waving his hands, Minami Masamune snorted: "Thanks to me, don't say such things in front of me. By the way, I drew something new and asked someone to bring it back to him later."

After that, the old man glanced at Yuji, turned around and walked towards the car in the distance under the protection of the bodyguards.

"Let's go home." After a pause, Minami Masamune added, "That kid, you come too."

Yuji, who didn't dare to breathe and didn't want to admit that he was scared by the old man, tried to stand up by holding the grass, but found that his legs were weak.

Strange, he didn't change his expression when the gun was pointed at him, why did his legs become weak when the old man stared at him.

Rejecting Kaori's support, Yuji stood up against the tree trunk and gritted his teeth to follow.

"It looks like your family won't be at peace tonight."

Looking at Yuji's back with pity, Ooka Momiji shook his head and watched Iori pick up the debris on the ground.

"Too slow."

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Minami Masamune saw Yuji slowly walking over, rolled down the window, and stared at the boy coldly: "Are you injured?"

"Nothing, not worth talking about." In order to fight for his breath, Yuji straightened his chest and was about to say that he was fine when he heard Minami Masamune say.

"In this case, young people should exercise. I'll ask the driver to drive slower. You can run behind us."

"Grandpa!" Pushing Yuji away, Kaori stood in front of the car window with her hands on her waist, squinting her eyes, and her hair seemed to float up.

"Yuji is injured, how can you do this!"

Giving his granddaughter a blank look, Minami Masamune pointed to the front and asked the two to get in the car quickly.

"No, I'll run behind you." Frowning, Yuji handed the backpack to Kaori and made a gesture of invitation to Minami Masamune.

What a joke, if I get in the car, can I still raise my head in front of the Minami family in the future?

Seeing the car slowly start, the boy ran slowly. Although there was some pain in his stomach, it was still bearable. It was just that he had been drinking porridge these days, and the nutrition was not enough. Yuji felt very hungry.

I don't know how many corners he ran past, and vaguely saw Conan walking on the road with his chin in his hand. Yuji put on the hat on the back of his clothes, covered his stomach and continued to run.

"Yuji has a gunshot wound on his stomach, Grandpa, please let him get in."

Looking at her grandfather who was resting with his eyes closed, Kaori shook Minami Masamune's shoulder, but was slapped away by the old man.

"When Ooka was attacked by a killer before, I also helped him block the bullet, and even carried him for a while."

Minami Masamune took out a piece of information from the side compartment, glanced at it, and threw it between Kaori and himself.

"It's just that his appendix was shot, how can it be so delicate? And it has been recuperated for three days. If he really got in the car just now, I would not agree with your business."

What, this stubborn old man.

Seeing his granddaughter turning her head with heartache from time to time, Minami Masamune still relaxed a little: "You don't have to feel too sorry for him, I will let him get in after passing the next intersection."

"Sir, he has fainted."

"What? Stop the car!"

Opening the car door and walking out of the car with a cane, Minami Masamune watched his granddaughter fall on the boy who fainted on the ground, squatted beside him, and pinched Yuji's wrist with his hand.

"Yuji...did he faint from the pain of the wound?" Kaori held the boy's head and stared at her grandfather's face angrily: "If anything happens to him, I won't go home!"

Slowly putting Yuji's hand down, Minami Masamune instructed the bodyguard to lift the boy to the car, helplessly looked at the crying granddaughter, and knocked on the ground with his cane.

"He fainted from hunger."

"Hungry...fainted from hunger?!" The hand that was rubbing his eyes stopped, and Kaori looked at her grandfather in surprise, and suddenly understood something: "Three small bowls of porridge a day are not enough?"

Isn't it said that you can't eat too much after appendectomy...

"You are really, no wonder his steps are so floating, I thought he had a problem with his style."

Shaking his head, Minami Masamune walked towards the car and stopped looking at his granddaughter.


Another ceiling I haven't seen before.

Opening his eyes and looking at the classic Japanese-style room, Yuji raised his head and rested it on his forehead, and saw the IV needle inserted into the back of his hand.

Behind his head, there was an IV drip hanging high, and the word glucose could be clearly seen.

"Ah, you're awake!"

The door of the Japanese-style room was opened, and a girl in a kimono walked in from outside. She looked about twelve years old and looked very similar to Kaori, with typical long black hair.

She knelt down beside Yuji's head with a tray in her hand, and her eyes widened as she watched the boy sit up with the help of the tatami, and then handed the porridge on the tray to him.

"Although it's just white porridge, it has a lot of high-quality ingredients. They were fished out later, but it tastes good."

Taking the spoon she handed over, Yuji scooped the porridge a little bit and asked curiously: "It's delicious. Are you Kaori's sister? I haven't heard her say that?"

"Well, it's about the same." The girl twirled her hair with her fingers: "I'm Xiaoxiang's mother."

Continuing to eat the porridge, Yuji nodded and suddenly froze.


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