A few minutes later, the manager pushed the door open.

Seeing that there was only the manager outside the door, and that Kaoru Kusano, one of the protagonists today, was not with him, Yoko Okino asked curiously,"Huh? Where's Kaoru? Why didn't she come with you?"

The manager said,"Actually, I called her several times just now, but she didn't respond to me."

"He is not still angry with you, is he?"Yue Yexue said.

The agent remained silent, but in his heart, he actually thought so.

"In this case, let's ask our hero to call our heroine."Lu Ming looked at Jian Qixiu and said,"When a girl is angry, as long as the boy she likes comforts her, she should be fine."

"Wow, Mr. Lu Ming is very experienced." Yue Yesue touched Lu Ming's arm with her shoulder and jokingly said,"Do you often coax other girls like this?"

Lu Ming instinctively said something wrong and laughed dryly,"This is just pure theory. I still have zero practical experience."

"Then please trouble Mr. Kenzaki to take a look."Okino Yoko didn't care about being jealous and said to Kenzaki Osamu

"OK, I'll go check it out." Jian Qixiu stood up from the sofa and smiled at everyone,"Just get ready and give Xiaoxun a surprise."

The girls nodded vigorously, excited, as if they had seen what was going to happen.

Lu Ming sat on the sofa, eating melon seeds, watching the three girls who were still busy, and spitting out the melon seed shells from his mouth, perfectly into the trash can next to him.

""Ah!! Xiaoxun, Xiaoxun, what's wrong with you?"

Not long after, they heard the loud shout of Kenzaki Osamu who went to call Kusano Kaoru outside.

Everyone was stunned, and before they could react, Lu Ming had already rushed out of the room.

The sound came from the bathing room. When Lu Ming ran there, he saw Kenzaki Osamu standing there blankly, his eyes staring straight ahead, his legs trembling.

Lu Ming walked around him, and his heart skipped a beat after seeing the scene in the bathtub. The water in the bathtub had already turned into blood. Kusano Kaoru was half lying on the edge of the bathtub with one hand sticking out. There was a bloody mark on her neck caused by a cut. Lu Ming squatted down, touched his pulse, and breathed a sigh of relief and said,"She still has a pulse. If she goes to the hospital immediately, she may still be saved.""

""Okay, I'll make the call right away." Kenzaki Osamu looked around, trying to get something to cover up Kaoru Kusano's half-naked body.

Lu Ming kicked Kenzaki Osamu directly on the buttocks. He knew that this man was not Kaoru Kusano's real fiancé, so he didn't bother to be polite with him and yelled,"Why do you still care about these things at this time? Do you still want your fiancée's life?"

Kenzaki Osamu was frightened by Lu Ming's sudden scolding. Having lost the ability to think, he could only do what Lu Ming said, leave the nursing room, and call for emergency services.

Lu Ming quickly looked around the nursing room, pulled down a towel, wrapped Kaoru Kusano's body, and carefully carried her out of the nursing tank.

"Xiaoxun, Xiaoxun……"

At this time, the remaining few people finally arrived at the yu room. After seeing what happened inside, the agent could no longer control the sadness in his heart. He went forward to hug Kaoru Kusano and shouted her name.

The ambulance came very quickly because the police arrived almost at the same time. After everyone discussed and someone insisted, the agent followed them to the hospital.

"I really didn't expect something like this to happen."What was originally a happy event turned into a tragedy. Everyone was a little depressed. While they were worried about Kaoru Kusano, they were also wondering who had done this to Kaoru Kusano. Officer

Megure and Officer Takagi arrived at the room. After seeing a room full of celebrities, Officer Takagi seemed a little overwhelmed while excited.

When Officer Megure saw Lu Ming was also here, he was surprised.

"So, Mr. Lu Ming accepted Miss Yoko's invitation and came with her to Miss Kusano's engagement party. When the time came, the agent went to call Miss Kusano who was taking a bath, but there was no response, so Miss Kusano's fiancé was called. However, when he entered the bath room, he found that Miss Kusano had been cut in the throat. Am I right?" Inspector Megure briefly reviewed the scene of the crime.

Lu Ming nodded:"Yes, fortunately Miss Xiaoxun still had a pulse when we found her, so we immediately called an ambulance and reported the police."

"Officer."At this time, a forensic police officer walked into the house, holding a few things in his hand and reported to Officer Megure:"We found these things outside the house."

"Raincoat, gloves, eye drops bottle, and a handkerchief?" Inspector Megure pinched his chin and said,"If it's as expected, these things should be what the murderer used when committing the crime."

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