Lu Ming noticed that Yue Yesue's expression next to him changed slightly, but it was only for a moment. Soon, Yue Yesue returned to her worried look.

"But Officer Megure, the most important thing now is that the murder weapon that cut Miss Xiaoxun has not been found yet." Lu Ming reminded Officer Megure:"In addition, there is one thing I am very concerned about, how did the murderer get into the brothel, is there a possibility that the murderer and Miss Xiaoxun knew each other before?"

"you mean……"Officer Megure understood what Lu Ming wanted to say

"He meant to say that the murderer is most likely one of us." Hoshino Terumi interrupted everyone in astonishment:"It is normal to have such suspicion, because when we were changing clothes, we were out of sight for a period of time. Also, if the murderer is really one of us, then the murder weapon must still be on him. Even if the blood on the murder weapon is wiped clean, there should be some hemoglobin left, even if the amount is very small.���There should still be a glowing reaction."

Hoshino Terumi's words made her look less like an actor, and instead gave people the illusion that she was a detective.

Lu Ming looked at her with interest and said,"I didn't expect Miss Hoshino to know so much."

Hoshino Terumi smiled faintly,"I just like to read some mystery novels, and some little knowledge in the books."

"In that case, you, Takagi, will be in charge of Mr. Kenzaki, and the rest of the girls will be left to the policewoman. I hope everyone can cooperate." Officer Megure gave the order.

While everyone was being investigated, Officer Megure pulled Lu Ming over and asked him quietly,"Teacher Lu Ming, do you think that the agent who went to the hospital with him, Mr. Jianxiong, could be the murderer?"

Lu Ming shook his head and said,"It's hard to say, but Officer Megure, please rest assured. When Mr. Jianxiong went to the hospital, I told the doctor to contact me immediately if he showed any suspicious signs or actions."

"That's good." Inspector Megure breathed a sigh of relief.

A few minutes later, the investigation was over. Unfortunately, the police did not find anything suspicious on the people.

Inspector Megure pinched his chin, listened to the report of Inspector Takagi's investigation, and sighed:"Really? Didn't find the murder weapon in this room?"

"Yes." Officer Takagi nodded and said,"We have searched everywhere, both indoors and in the drainpipes."

"Have you carefully checked all the accessories worn by the three young ladies?"

"Yes, we checked Ms. Takeno's fake nails, Ms. Hoshino's earrings, and even Mr. Kenzaki's necklace, but none of them showed any blood reaction."

"What about Mr. Kuma who went to the hospital?"Inspector Megure did not forget that there were more than just a few people in the house who were suspects.

Officer Takagi said:"According to the investigator, even the pair of glasses he wore were examined in detail, but still no results were found. In addition, it is said that before the investigator arrived at the hospital, he had been sitting in a chair with a frown on his face, and the murder weapon should not have been on him."

Officer Megure sighed:"In this case, the murder weapon should have been taken out of the house by the murderer, which means that the murderer is very likely to be an outsider."

At the moment, this is the only explanation, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty for the police.


The phone in the room rang at this time.

Yoko Okino walked over and answered the phone

""Hello? That's right, my friend of Kaoru Kusano is...what...Xiaoxun?"

Everyone looked at Yoko Okino nervously, especially when two lines of tears fell from her eyes, everyone's heart was in their throat. After waiting for Yoko Okino to hang up the phone, everyone came forward and asked impatiently:"Yoko, Xiaoxun, how is she?"

Yoko Okino wiped the tears from her face, smiled and said that Xiaoxun is fine, the operation was very successful, and she should be able to regain consciousness in a few hours."

This is definitely a news worth celebrating, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Inspector Megure also breathed a sigh of relief and said:"Since Miss Kusano is fine, she must have seen the murderer's appearance. In this way, the difficulty of the case will be greatly reduced."

When everyone was happy, Yue Yesue pursed her lips, quietly left the crowd, and walked towards the kitchen.

Lu Ming looked at her back, and after a little thought, he followed.

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Okino Yoko, who had been focusing on Lu Ming, saw the two's actions, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. She also quietly followed.

In the kitchen, Yue Yuexue calmly poured herself a glass of water. When she was about to swallow the medicine in her hand, a hand patted her shoulder.

She turned her head in surprise and saw Lu Ming looking at her with a smile.

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