
Yue Yesue didn't expect Lu Ming to suddenly appear behind her. After a little surprise, she forced a smile and said,"Mr. Lu Ming, what are you talking about? I don't understand. What do you mean by dying just like that?"

Lu Ming chuckled and grabbed Yue Yesue's hand holding the medicine, took the medicine out of her hand, and asked,"Then tell me, what is this?"

"It's just a normal vitamin."

"Ordinary vitamins? Not necessarily." Lu Ming kneaded the medicine into powder and washed it with water. Then he looked at Yue Yexue who was silent and said,"Ms. Yue Ye, you killed Miss Xiaoxun, didn't you? Oh, now Miss Xiaoxun's life has been saved, so it might be more appropriate to use the word"harm"."

"What are you talking about?" Yue Yesue leaned against the pool, perhaps this would give her a sense of security:"You said I was the murderer, then where is the murder weapon, the thing that cut Xiaoxun's neck, the police searched the whole house, but still couldn't find the murder weapon, and the murder weapon was not on me. If I am the murderer, can you tell me where the murder weapon is?"

Lu Ming smiled gently and said,"In fact, we all made a misunderstanding from the beginning, thinking that those sharp knives must have cut Miss Xiaoxun, but in fact, some things may not look like they can be used as a murder weapon, for example, your nails."

"Oh? You mean my fake nails." Yue Yexue raised her hand and looked at her fake nails:"But the police have also examined these nails and found no blood stains."

"The nails I'm talking about are not your fake nails." Lu Ming shook his head and said,"Those nails hidden under your fake nails are second only to your teeth in thickness. After being sharpened, they are as sharp as knives. I think the nail on your right thumb, which is thick and easy to use, is the weapon you used as the murder weapon."

Yue Yesue's face changed.

Lu Ming seemed not to see it, and continued,"Before committing the crime, you sharpened your nails, and after using them to commit the crime, you immediately cut them off. Afterwards, just stick the fake nails on, and everything will be fine. It's no wonder that the police didn't think of it, because no one would think that the nails that can be seen at ordinary times and are not noticeable at all would actually be the murder weapon."

"But if it is really as you said, then tell me, where is the scissors I used to cut my nails now?" Yue Yesue looked at Lu Ming, pretending to be calm.

Lu Ming sighed softly:"You don't need nail clippers at all. I just said that nails are second only to teeth in toughness. Yes, you can completely use your teeth to cut off your nails and then throw them into the drain to flush them away. In this way, even if the police really find that nail, they will not think that it is the murder weapon. Moreover, if I am not mistaken, after you cut off the nails, there should still be traces of Miss Xiaoxun's blood on your lips."

"I see.

" Yue Yexue smiled bitterly:"In fact, after hearing that Xiaoxun was out of danger, I knew that I had failed...

But I just couldn't accept it.

To be honest, I like Mr.

Kenzaki very much.

However, when I learned that Mr.

Kenzaki and Xiaoxun were going to get engaged, I still went to congratulate Xiaoxun.

But, do you know what she said? She told me that she was just hyping the news.

Haha, I didn't expect that I would be so angry in my heart...

Now that I think about it, I was really stupid.

If I had cut deeper at that time, it would have been fine, but as soon as I saw Xiaoxun's face, I couldn't do it.

We used to be good sisters.

I don't want to, I really don't want to.


Lu Ming looked at Yue Yexue and sighed again. Friendship, when mixed with one's own selfish interests, will always lead to misunderstandings, and these misunderstandings will often make people regret after they are resolved.

"In fact, I think you may have really misunderstood Miss Xiaoxun." Lu Ming looked at the crying Yue Yexue and said slowly

"What did you say?"Yue Yexue looked up at Lu Ming with a puzzled look on her face.

Lu Ming explained:"If I am not mistaken, the engagement between Miss Xiaoxun and Mr. Jianqi is just a fake show."

"Fake show?"

"That's right, the person Miss Xiaoxun likes in her heart should be Mr. Jianxiong. The reason why she is engaged to Jianqi Xianheng is probably to make Mr. Jianxiong speak his mind and win her back."

"How is this possible?" Yue Yexue looked at Lu Ming blankly:"How do you know that the person Xiaoxun likes is Mr. Jianxiong?"

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