After returning to the cafe, Xiaolan complained to Yuanzi in a blaming tone:"Yuanzi, why are you like this?"

"What's wrong with me?" Sonoko drank her coffee and blinked in confusion. She didn't know that Xiaolan already knew the meaning of X.

Xiaolan snorted:"I already know what X means, Sonoko, you can let me send this kind of message to Shinichi, he will laugh at me when he finds out"

"Ahaha." Yuanzi looked at Lu Ming with a dry laugh:"Teacher Lu Ming, have you told Xiaolan the answer?"

Lu Ming spread his hands:"If I don't tell her, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the toilet today."

Lu Ming had no interest in participating in the conversation between the little girls. He walked over to Officer Megure and asked him:"Officer Megure, have some of the names on the list been eliminated?"

"Yes." Inspector Megure nodded:"Although some people have been eliminated, there are still many names on the list. It seems that we can only use other means to determine who the murderer is."

""Um, can you show me the briefcase in the deceased's hand?" Lu Ming asked.

Officer Megure hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and handed the briefcase in a sealed bag to Lu Ming.

He and Lu Ming had been at the same crime scene several times before, and he knew very well that although Lu Ming was a teacher, he had outstanding observation and reasoning abilities. Perhaps showing him the things would help him find some important clues.

Lu Ming held the briefcase, and the three symbols of circle, cross, and triangle on it were very conspicuous.

He looked at it carefully, and suddenly, he uttered a sound.

"What's wrong, Teacher Lu Ming, did you find anything?"Hearing Lu Ming's movement, Officer Megure was startled and looked at Lu Ming expectantly.

It seemed that it was right to give this briefcase to Teacher Lu Ming.

Lu Ming pointed to the bloodstains on the corners of the briefcase and said,"Officer Megure, look here, there is a little bloodstain on the edge of this circle, so I was wondering, is there a possibility that in addition to the circle, cross and triangle, did he leave any other marks?"

"Oh, there is indeed such a possibility."Judy came behind Lu Ming without knowing when, and heard his speculation, clapping her hands and said:"Teacher Lu Ming's observation ability is really excellent."

"This was just an accidental discovery." Lu Ming said with a smile, but he was alert in his heart. This FBI member seemed to have some hidden meaning in his words.

Officer Megure took the briefcase from Lu Ming, looked at it carefully and said,"But we didn't find any similar bloodstains near the body."

"What about that place? Have you looked for it?" Lu Ming pointed to the escalator that had stopped working and said,"When we found the body, the escalator was still running. Could the bloodstain be on the side we didn't see?"

Officer Megure was stunned, and then immediately ordered Officer Takagi beside him,"Takagi, go investigate quickly."

"Yes. Officer Gao Mu also knew the importance of the matter, so he called in several police officers and started investigating the elevator. After more than ten minutes, the investigation results came out, and a square bloodstain was found on a step in the elevator.

"In this case, the clues left by the deceased are not three symbols."Inspector Megure pinched his chubby chin:"It is a quadrilateral, a circle, a cross, and a triangle. But what does this mean? It is really hard to understand."

"Well, what do you think will happen if we put these together?"

Just when Inspector Megure was puzzled, he suddenly heard Sonoko say this.

Lu Ming looked at Sonoko and said,"Sonoko, do you have any ideas?"

Sonoko nodded and said,"Look, if you put the quadrilateral and the fork together, it will be a field character. In this way, anyone with the field character in their surname or name will be very suspicious.……"

"It is indeed interesting to think this way."Lu Ming said with a smile:"However, if we calculate it this way, the scope is still too large, and it is easy to make mistakes during operation."

"That's right." Yuanzi sighed. She thought she had come up with a very good idea, and was secretly happy about it, but in the end she found that she had done a useless work.

"But what Sonoko said reminded me of something."Lu Ming said,"Officer Megure, we now have four people who fit the bill. Is it possible that these are part of the names on the list?"

"Part of it?" Officer Megure was stunned.

"That's right." Lu Ming nodded and said,"Perhaps the deceased only wrote part of the murderer's name in order to avoid the murderer's attention. Or, in other words, the deceased actually wrote the murderer's name, but the other part was taken away by the murderer?"

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