The police arrived as quickly as ever, led by the familiar face Officer Megure.

"Hey, isn't this Attorney Hime? Huh? Miss Yukiko is here too?" Upon seeing the two beautiful ladies, Inspector Megure was slightly stunned:"What are you two doing here?"

"To be honest, I am here to investigate the case entrusted to me by Kogoro." Kisaki Eri spoke first,"The purpose of the investigation is to find out the person who is threatening to take the life of the owner of this house, Mr. Fujieda Mikio."

"I am here for this matter as well, but Yusaku was supposed to come today, but he had something urgent to do and couldn't get away, so he asked me to come in his place." Yukiko said with a smile. Inspector Megure nodded

, and looked at Lu Ming next to the two girls:"So, Mr. Lu Ming is here for this matter as well?"

"That's about right." Lu Ming glanced at Fei Yingli and said,"Lawyer Fei said she couldn't handle this matter alone, so she asked me to help."

"So that's how it is...

So what do you three think about this matter?" Officer Megure asked.

The three people in front of him were not ordinary people.

Yukiko, as the wife of mystery novelist Kudo Yusaku, had been influenced by him for a long time.

Although her reasoning ability was not as good as those detectives, it was much better than that of ordinary people.

Kisaki Eri, herself is a lawyer, and she has outstanding performance in both observation and logic.

As for Lu Ming, although he is just a teacher, Officer Megure has seen his ability, which is no worse than that of ordinary policemen or detectives.

On the contrary, although Maori Kogoro is called a famous detective, Officer Megure still doubts this title in most cases.

"We initially thought that this should be done by someone in the family, because both threatening letters were found under the pillow in Mr. Qianxiong's room."Lu Ming said:"And the only person who can do this is someone who lives in this house."

"As for the time when the murderer committed the crime, it should be around 8 o'clock in the evening."Hiki Eri continued:"We saw on the surveillance that Mr. Kan's hands suddenly raised, as if he was threatened by someone. We rushed over in a panic, but heard two gunshots from the room. In desperation, we could only break in, and then we saw the current situation."

"So that's how it is." Officer Megure nodded. The conversation between Lu Ming and Kisaki Eri gave him a general understanding of the case.

The police soon found a result. Officer Takagi brought the found pistol and reported to Officer Megure:"Officer, the pistol used by the murderer has been found, and a total of three shells have been found, which matches the number of bullet holes found on the body. It seems that the murderer should have shot the victim through this window and then fled in a hurry."

"So the murderer must be an outsider."

"Officer Chiba hurried over with a burnt towel in his hand and said,"We found a burnt towel near where the pistol was found."

"Burn marks?" Officer Megure was stunned:"Could this be……"

"This should be to eliminate the gun smoke reaction that occurs on the pistol when shooting, or to reduce the sound of the gunshot."Yukiko said

"That's right." Hibiki Eri nodded in agreement:"In any case, Officer Chiba, you should first be responsible for checking the trajectory of the shooting."

"Huh? Okay"

"Officer Takagi went to investigate if there were any suspicious people wandering around in the area."

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Officer Megure stared in amazement at Kisaki Eri giving orders to her subordinates. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Yukiko,"By the way, I'd also like to trouble you to compare the bullet remaining in the victim's body with the bullet that was placed under the pillow at the beginning."

"As for Officer Megure, you will come with me to the living room with the forensic personnel." The two women gave instructions one after another, and Eri Kisaki said to Officer Megure,"After investigating the reaction of everyone in this room to the smoke, we will immediately conduct individual interrogations."

After that, she and Yukiko left the room together

"Princess, Princess Lawyer……"

Watching the back of Eri Kisaki leaving the room, Officer Megure felt helpless. Who has the final say here?

With a hand on his shoulder, Officer Megure turned his head and looked back. Seeing Lu Ming looking at him with a smile, he said,"Officer Megure, do you feel like you have suddenly become redundant? Both Attorney Kisaki and Miss Yukiko are much more powerful, smart and straightforward than you."

Officer Megure nodded. When the two women were talking just now, he couldn't get a word in.

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