After coming out of the principal's office, except for Lu Ming, Yuanzi and Xiaolan all looked a little disappointed. Since the person that Tsukamoto Suzumi saw was not the principal, their clues were broken again.

Why don’t we go to the health room and ask that classmate Shigu how he is doing? Lu Ming said,The health room is right in front of the playground. Maybe that classmate just happened to see the person standing on the playground.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan’s eyes lit up, as if they had found a new direction.

The three of them came to the health room, and after explaining their purpose to Shigu Guofan who was lying inside to rest, he shook his head and said,I’m sorry, I don’t know. After you left, I stayed in the health room, but you see.

Shigu Guofan opened the curtains, pointed outside the window and said,This is the first floor. Because it is blocked by the trees, you can’t see the playground at all. So even if there is a suspect walking around in the playground, I can’t see it at all.

Everyone looked and it was just as Shigu Guofan said. Looking out from the window of the health room, they couldn’t see the scene on the playground at all.

This time the clue is broken again. Yuanzi followed Lu Ming out of the health room with a frustrated look on her face, pouting and saying,Teacher Lu Ming, if this is not the ghost of Baoban Yingzhang, then how do you explain all this?

I can definitely explain it. Lu Ming answered calmly. The three of them walked along the way and unknowingly came to the cursed staircase again.


Lu Ming seemed to have discovered something. He squatted down, slid his fingers lightly on the floor, and then took a closer look. He found that his fingers were stained with a layer of wax.

What is this?Xiao Lan asked curiously.

Lu Ming smiled faintly:This is wax, used for waterproofing

water proof?

That's right. Lu Ming nodded and looked at the playground outside:Just now we all focused our attention on the table and the note on the table, and didn't check other places carefully. Now think about it, maybe that's the clue we need.

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Yuanzi took Lu Ming's hand and walked outside:In this case, let's go to the playground to have a look.

The three of them came to the playground. Because it had rained, the playground was muddy.

There doesn't seem to be any other signs here except for the footprints. Yuanzi looked around and couldn't find any other suspicious places. She looked at Lu Ming and asked doubtfully:Teacher Lu Ming, did you make a mistake?

No, I have found the suspicious place.Lu Ming pointed to two clear cuts not far from him and said,Isn't this it?

But what does this mean?

This shows that the suspect did use some method to arrange the scene that surprised us, and it is not the ghost of Baoban Yingzhang who is haunting us.

Xiaolan seemed to understand something, and looked at Lu Ming and asked:Teacher Lu Ming, do you know the truth of these things?

Lu Ming nodded and said with a smile:Yes, I almost understand all the supernatural events that happened in the school. Xiaolan, go and call classmate Shumei over. I think she must be very interested in this matter. Yuanzi, go and call classmate Shigu from the health room. Oh, by the way, remember to ask him to bring his umbrella. I will wait for you in the art room.

Okay, we'll go right away. The two girls nodded and went to the library and the health room respectively.

Ten minutes later, everyone gathered in the art room.

Tsukamoto Kazumi looked at Lu Ming and asked,Teacher Lu Ming, I heard that you have solved several supernatural events in the school?

That's right. Lu Ming nodded:But this is not the supernatural event mentioned above, but just a prank by a classmate.

However, the tables and chairs on the playground and the notes on them were not damaged. If someone had placed them there after the rain, there should have been footprints on the playground. But you also saw it, Teacher Lu Ming. At that time, apart from the footprints of me, you, and Yuanzi, there were no other footprints. Xiaolan looked at Lu Ming and asked. This was something she still couldn't understand.

Lu Ming smiled lightly:In fact, we all overlooked a problem, that is, heavy rain can wash away the traces left behind. As long as the suspect moved the tables and chairs to the playground when it rained the most, and then ran back, there would be no footprints left on the playground.

But wouldn’t the table and the papers on it be soaked by the rain?

If we put an umbrella on top, can we avoid this situation? Lu Ming asked.


That’s right, the suspect just used an umbrella tied with a thin string, and when the rain stopped, he pulled the umbrella back.

In this way, not only would no footprints be left, but even the table and the note on it would not leave a drop of rain.

The two cuts left on the playground are the best evidence left when the suspect pulled the umbrella.

Of course, after the suspect took back the umbrella, he would naturally shake off the rain on it, but if you just rely on the action of shaking the umbrella, you can’t shake off the rain.

Over time, the water will slowly seep out.

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