""It's hard, could it be that." Lu Ming's words were very clear. Yuanzi and Xiaolan turned their heads to look at Shigu Kunifan who had been silent:"Could the suspect in this case be Shigu classmate?"

"That's right.

" Lu Ming nodded and said,"Student Shigu first used the excuse of feeling unwell to skip classes in the afternoon and stayed in the health room.

He knew from the weather report that there would be showers between the afternoon and evening, but he didn't know when it would rain, so he could only wait patiently.

When it started to rain, he secretly moved tables and chairs from the warehouse and placed them on the playground, covered them with umbrellas, and returned to the health room.

When the rain stopped, he went to pull the umbrella back.


"So that's how it is. So, when I first saw the principal,……"Lu Ming's words made Tsukamoto Sumei understand.

Lu Ming nodded and said,"Because that umbrella is exactly the same as the principal's umbrella, it is normal for Sumei to be confused."

"Please."Shigu Guofan, who had been silent, finally spoke after entering the art room:"Just because my umbrella was soiled, do you regard me as a suspect? The reason why my umbrella was soiled was because I thought it was too dirty, so I washed it with tap water. Moreover, if it comes to creating such supernatural events, it is not just me, everyone here can do it. Teacher Lu Ming, you suspect me so much, it seems unfair to me."

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled faintly:"No, Shigu classmate, the suspect can only be you. Coincidentally, other supernatural events that have occurred in the school can also point to you as the suspect."

"You, what did you say?" Shigu Guofan's face changed.

Lu Ming continued to reason:"In the library of Hanhen, we found that the books that Baoban Yingzhang borrowed during his lifetime were relatively erotic. If other people want to find these books, it is almost impossible to do so, unless this person is Shigu, who grew up with Baoban Yingzhang and knows his hobbies very well."

"Then, how do we explain the cursed staircase? Could it be that even the water under the stairs was caused by Senior Seko?" Sonoko asked

"That's right.

" Lu Ming nodded and said,"You should remember that there is a hole at the bottom of the stairs that was deliberately left for the fire extinguisher.

I think Shigu prepared some ice cubes after school and hid them behind the fire extinguisher.

After one night, the ice cubes melted completely.

The next morning, there were water stains on the floor.

Also, I found a layer of wax under the hole.

Since wax can prevent water, no one will notice that the water is seeping out of the hole.

To do this, only Shigu, who lives next to the school, can do it.


"But why did he do this?" Tsukamoto Susumi asked puzzledly:"He and Hosaka Eiaki are obviously good friends."

"Perhaps, Seko thinks that Hideaki Hoban did not die in an accident." Lu Ming walked towards Seko's side and looked him straight in the eye:"If I'm not mistaken, the reason you created all kinds of supernatural events is to lure out the person who framed Hideaki Hoban."

"That’s right, Baoban Yingzhang was killed after I was bullied while I was in the hospital.

" Shigu Kuniharu no longer concealed the truth, with anger on his face:"Baoban Yingzhang and I have been good friends since childhood, and the reason why I know those four books so well is because he would bring them with him every time he came to the hospital to see me.

When I was lying on the bed, he often told me stories to cheer me up...

But later, he stopped coming to the hospital.

At first, I thought he had a girlfriend so he was free.

I never expected that Baoban would die unexpectedly.

I started to investigate his affairs after I was discharged from the hospital, but I only knew that he fell down the stairs until I found the table with Baoban Yingzhang’s signature on it in the sports warehouse...

So, I thought of using supernatural events to lure out the murderer who framed Baoban.


"You misunderstood Shigu." The classmate who had been drawing in the art room suddenly interrupted, his face full of self-blame:"This matter is actually my fault"

"What did you say?

"I still remember that morning, someone delivered two new plaster statues to school. It happened to be my and Baoban's duty that day. We planned to secretly move the plaster to the door of the art room and give the art teacher a surprise as soon as he opened the door. But at that time, I seemed to be walking too fast, my foot slipped, and I almost fell down. In order to protect me, Baoban Yingzhang used his body to block me and the plaster statue. That's why……"

"You, what did you say?" Shigu Guofan stared blankly:"So, no one is framing Baoban Yingzhang, and he didn't die unjustly.……"

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