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Qin Chuan is very confident. AlphaGo has improved again during this period of time, and its Go level has reached an incredible level.

Artificial intelligence is different from humans. Artificial intelligence can learn and improve endlessly, and the capacity and memory of computers far exceed those of human brains. This is the most terrifying thing about artificial intelligence.

Computers can remember thousands and tens of thousands of recent games without any mistakes, but human brains can't do it at all.

AlphaGo's previous battle with Li Shishi fully demonstrated the advantages of artificial intelligence and became a god in one battle.

And now, Qin Chuan is going to send AlphaGo to the field again!

In fact, the last time Li Shishi lost to AlphaGo, although it shocked the world, many people also expressed doubts.

For example, a small group of H media questioned that it was just three games. Victory and defeat are common in the military. How can these three games be used to make a conclusion?

There are also many professional chess players who think that although AlphaGo is strong, it is not invincible.

For example, Ke Jie, the world's number one Go player, posted on Weibo:"Even if AlphaGo can beat Lee Se-shi, it can't beat me. I am stronger than Lee Se-shi."

Ke Jie is a Chinese Go genius player. He is only in his 20s. He has defeated Lee Se-shi in many world competitions and is currently ranked first in the world.

After AlphaGo defeated Lee Se-shi, AlphaGo is currently ranked second in the world and has the title of Go 9th dan.

It can be said that Go is a very rigorous chess game with strict segmentation for players. AlphaGo was awarded the qualification of Go 9th dan only after defeating Lee Se-shi, which shows respect.

However, although AlphaGo has defeated Lee Se-shi and was awarded the title of Go 9th dan, there are still many Go masters who are eager to test AlphaGo's depth.

It can be said that although AlphaGo defeated Lee Se-shi, the Go masters are still very unconvinced.

In particular, many Go masters have realized that AlphaGo is so famous now that as long as they defeat AlphaGo, they will become famous and even make a sensation in the world!

Therefore, this is definitely the only way to gain reputation!

Therefore, many Go masters are sharpening their knives and want to have a Go match with AlphaGo.

Qin Chuan also knows the psychology of these Go masters.

Qin Chuan is also ready to let AlphaGo attack, so Qin Chuan simply posted a Weibo of his own, saying on Weibo:"Hello everyone, I have good news for you. Friends who are interested in AlphaGo can pay attention to the recent, and you may have unexpected gains."

Just a few words triggered crazy comments from netizens.

Although Qin Chuan rarely posts on Weibo, the quality of his Weibo fans is surprisingly high.

Therefore, every time Qin Chuan posts on Weibo, it will almost attract the attention of a large number of netizens.

Just like this time, within a few minutes after Qin Chuan posted on Weibo, there were immediately tens of thousands of comments.

Apart from those who called him"husband" or"king", there were also many comments about AlphaGo. These people were people who were very interested in artificial intelligence, including scientists, journalists, technology fans, and Go masters...

For a time, received a lot of attention, and many people even registered a account for this. is currently the largest Go website in China and abroad, and it is also a high-end Go website. Almost all famous Go masters and players have Yehu accounts and can play Go online.

Many keen people have already noticed that looking at this posture, it means that Qin Chuan wants AlphaGo to go to to compete with the world's top Go masters?

If so, it will be interesting to see!

In fact, the netizens' guesses were quite good, and Qin Chuan's idea was exactly the same.

Aren't there Go masters who are not convinced?

Then beat them until they are convinced!

Under the curious gaze of Mu Qingyi, Qin Chuan registered an account on, named"Emperor", and submitted the application data at the same time, and obtained a Go 9th dan certification.

After that, Qin Chuan controlled AlphaGo and started to stir up a bloody storm on

Many Go masters also guessed Qin Chuan's possible actions and joined the ranks of watching or wanting to fight.

Many Go masters heard the news and appeared on

At the same time, Mu Qingyi and Yi Xue almost witnessed the birth of this scene.

Qin Chuan controlled AlphaGo to enter and began to look for prey.

Mu Qingyi and Yi Xue were extremely curious. They both knew the attributes that AlphaGo could grow, but they didn't know what level AlphaGo had reached now.

Soon, Qin Chuan found his first opponent.

Former world Go champion, H country Go champion Park Yanheng!

AlphaGo vs. Park Yanheng.

Park Yanheng's ID on is his real name. The IDs of these top Go masters are all their real names, but AlphaGo chose the online name"Emperor".

Park Yanheng faced AlphaGo, and was stunned when he saw the opponent's arrogant ID"Emperor".

Then, realizing that the opponent was most likely AlphaGo, Park Yanheng suddenly became excited. If he could beat AlphaGo, even if he only won one game, he would be famous!

Park Yanheng excitedly played against AlphaGo and played with all his strength.

But soon, Park Yanheng lost the first game with a pale face.

Not long after, Park Yanheng lost the second game tragically.

Gritting his teeth, Park Yanheng sorted out his mentality and started the third game carefully, but the result was still a miserable defeat.

After losing three games in a row, Park Yanheng's mentality was a bit explosive. He continued in the fourth game and still lost.

Finally, Park Yanheng tried again and made a final struggle, but he collapsed and lost the fifth game.

Five games in a row!

Lost five games in a row!

AlphaGo almost won the former world champion with a crushing attitude. The pride of H Go is also one of the leaders.

Park Yanheng lost five games in a row and his mentality collapsed instantly.

When the news came out, the was boiling. Everyone knew that AlphaGo was coming!

A Go master named"Emperor" suddenly appeared, with a Go 9th Dan certification, and was able to beat top Go masters like Park Yanheng. He must be AlphaGo!

As a result, was in an uproar. Almost all Go masters went online the moment they got the news, and came to encircle AlphaGo!

Qin Chuan smiled lightly. These Go masters came to encircle AlphaGo, which was what he wanted.

This time, he wanted to let these Go masters know what it means to be truly invincible!


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