As a police officer, Officer Takagi naturally knew that what Officer Shiratori said was true. Thinking that the birthday gift he had finally chosen for Officer Sato was going to be taken away like this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"By the way, there are some strange things."Conan said again:"The robber was wearing a helmet. If he hadn't taken off the helmet when he fell, he wouldn't have shed so much blood. Also, when we were in the jewelry store, the robber sneered when he knew that Officer Takagi was a policeman. Isn't that strange? If the robber's first reaction after seeing the police is surprise or fear, that's normal, right?"

"That's a bit strange indeed. Officer Takagi pinched his chin, thinking about the previous scenes, and nodded.

""Have you found out the identity of the deceased?" Officer Sato asked the police officer beside him.

The police officer nodded, took out the notebook on his body, and reported to Officer Sato:"The name of the deceased is Houcun, and he works in this area. As for his employer, it is a man named Maotian."

"Eh? Nekoda? It's him?"

Officer Takagi was surprised when he heard the name.

Officer Sato turned his head and looked at Officer Takagi in confusion:"What's wrong, Takagi, do you know this man named Nekoda?"

Officer Takagi nodded:"Yes, in fact, the client of this move is Mr. Nekoda, but this can't be such a coincidence."

"What a coincidence, why not call him over and ask him?"Officer Shiratori said, and called Mao Tian who was standing in the distance. After he confirmed, it turned out that the deceased was indeed his former employee.

After there was a clue, the next investigation also had a direction. Officer Shiratori looked at Mao Tian and asked for his opinion:"Then Mr. Mao Tian, I wonder if it would be convenient for us to go to your old company to take a look?"

"Going there, why?" Nekoda asked puzzled.

Officer Sato explained:"Because if the criminal had planned to commit the crime in advance, he might have left some traces in your previous company."

"So that's how it is. Okay then." Maotian agreed.

"Uncle, can I ask you a question?" Conan interrupted again at this time:"Have you known these police officers before?"

""Huh?" Maotian was stunned. Although he didn't know why the child in front of him asked him this, he still smiled and answered:"How could my uncle know these police uncles and aunts? I am a good man and have never done anything bad."

Conan blinked:"Is that so? It seems that I was wrong."

"Mr. Maotian, please lead the way. Officer Shiratori said to Maotian.

Maotian nodded and led the others forward.

"Officer Gao Mu, please wait a moment."When Officer Gao Mu walked past him, Lu Ming suddenly grabbed his arm.

""Teacher Lu Ming, did you discover something?" Officer Gao Mu looked at Lu Ming excitedly. If this was true, then he might be able to perform well in front of Officer Sato and make her look at him with new eyes.

"No, no, no." Lu Ming shook his head:"I just want to know why Officer Shiratori seems to be hostile to you. Do you two both like Officer Sato?"

Officer Gao Mu sighed. He thought Lu Ming was going to tell him the clues of the case, but he didn't expect that he was asking him for gossip. However, thinking of Officer Shiratori's hostile look towards him, he was indeed a little embarrassed. On one side was his colleague, and on the other side was the girl he liked. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.

"I heard from the people in the police station that Officer Shiratori seemed to have known Officer Sato when they were children. Officer Gao Mu quietly told Lu Ming:"But Officer Sato didn't seem to have any impression of Officer Shiratori."

"Then maybe they were childhood sweethearts." Lu Ming looked at Officer Gao Mu with a smile:"Your situation is not optimistic."

Officer Gao Mu sighed again.

Arriving at Mr. Mao Tian's old company, Mao Tian pointed to some places that Hou Cun had used and introduced them to the police:"This is Hou Cun's locker, and this is the table that Hou Cun used."

Officer Sato looked around and said:"It seems that there are still a lot of his things here."

"Yes." Maotian nodded and said,"Because I'm moving to a new company, I want to change the atmosphere and buy new things, so I threw all these things here and don't plan to take them with me."

Officer Shiratori carefully checked the office and said,"It seems that I can't see any clues related to this matter."

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