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"I'm in the building opposite."Conan pointed at the building opposite.

Officer Takagi and the other two looked at each other, and saw incredible

"In fact, this method is very simple."Lu Ming explained:"Just measure the height from the balcony of the old office on the ninth floor to the balcony of the home on the fourth floor, then pass a rope twice as long through the railing of the company's balcony, tie it up at both ends, and then make a circle at the other end that is almost big enough for your body to pass through, and then throw this circle and the rope at the other end from the balcony of the company to the top floor opposite."

"Next, President Nekoda escaped from the jewelry store and pretended to be chased to the building opposite. With his back to us, he used his windbreaker as a cover, tied the ring around himself, and then jumped down. He was able to fly from the roof over there to this side. Conan has already proved with practical actions that this can be done."

"I see." Officer Takagi nodded and said,"But if you bump into me like this, you'll definitely get hurt."

"This is simple. Just put some protective measures on the balcony."Lu Ming said:"For example, if you put the bed where President Maotian sleeps, you can put it upright and stack it up, so that he won't get hurt by collision."

"Wait a minute." Seeing that things were beginning to go in a direction that was not favorable to him, Mao Tian felt that he had to explain himself:"After the robbers jumped down, didn't you look down and see the body on the truck? How do you explain this?"

Lu Ming smiled lightly:"Regarding this point, I think you should have found a reason to call Mr. Houcun to your company, and then pushed him out of the window when the moving company's car stopped downstairs.……"

"What about the sound?" Mao Tian continued to ask:"If someone falls, it will definitely make a noise, and people nearby will definitely notice it."

"But by chance, this place is under construction." Lu Ming said:"The noise generated by the construction is enough to cover up other sounds."

"However, when a person falls on a truck, the truck will vibrate, and the people at the moving company will definitely notice it."

"That's why you called the employees of the moving company and the driver up in the order of moving."Lu Ming said:"But they said that they would wait for you at the door before opening it from the inside, right, Conan."

Conan nodded:"Yeah, me too, those uncles did that."

Lu Ming continued:"I think you should have used that time to push Mr. Houcun down, then fix the stunt rope and close the blinds, so that the employees of the moving company would not find your mechanism after coming in."

So far, Lu Ming's reasoning is very well-founded, and those confusing points have become clear after Lu Ming's explanation.

"Besides, I heard that Mr. Maotian had canceled two moving company proposals. This is because it didn’t rain on those two days." Lu Ming looked at Maotian, whose complexion was getting worse and worse:"On rainy days, everyone would hold an umbrella and not go to the balcony. In this way, you wouldn’t see the rope in the air or the body on the truck."

All kinds of signs pointed out that Maotian was the final murderer. Officer Sato looked at Lu Ming with admiration and said:"Now we only need evidence. I think Mr. Lu Ming should be sure of this point."

"That's right." Lu Ming nodded and said,"After Mr. Maotian jumped off the roof, he appeared in front of all of us. He had no time to deal with the pin he picked up in the jewelry store. I think the pin, as well as the windbreaker and helmet he was wearing, should be nearby. As long as we find these things and verify the fingerprints on them, I think President Maotian will have nothing to say."


Finally, President Maotian could no longer bear the pressure in his heart and knelt on the ground powerlessly. Even though he didn't say a word, everyone understood that Maotian admitted his crime.


After Maoda was taken away, Officer Sato came over to express his gratitude to Lu Ming:"This time, thanks to Mr. Lu Ming's help, otherwise, we would probably treat this case as suicide. Officer Megure is right, Mr. Lu Ming's reasoning ability is no worse than that of the famous detective Maori Kogoro." Lu

Ming smiled and said,"I just happened to find a piece of crucial information, and then I thought that Mr. Maoda might be the murderer. Compared with Mr. Maori, I am still a lot worse."

Officer Sato took this as Lu Ming's modesty and thanked him again:"If I have time, I will treat Mr. Lu Ming to coffee as a thank you for this incident."

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