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Tải ảnh: 0.052s Scan: 0.019sAfter attending the coronation ceremony of Princess Mila, Lu Ming and his party officially embarked on the journey back home.

Time flies, and most of the hot summer has passed. As the weather begins to become cooler, it is the best time to go out and embrace nature.

At Yuanzi's invitation, Lu Ming and Xiaolan plan to stay in Yuanzi's villa in the mountains for a few days, one to escape the heat, and the other to better integrate into the nature that can no longer be seen in the city. On the mountain path where almost no one can be seen, there are towering trees on both sides, and in the distance, mountains are looming.

""Yuanzi, why haven't we reached your villa yet?" Xiaolan looked around, but apart from the big trees and mountains and the huge rocks, she couldn't see where the villa was. She wiped the sweat from her face and couldn't help asking Yuanzi.

"We are almost there. After walking this road and turning the corner, we will reach my villa."Yuanzi said,"Xiaolan, hold on a little longer. You can have a good rest when you get to the villa."

"But Sonoko, the villa you are talking about is not the one where the dismemberment murder happened before." At this moment, Xiaolan suddenly remembered that she had been to Sonoko's villa before, and a look of horror appeared on her face. She still remembered the experience of that night vividly. If it weren't for Teacher Lu Ming who rescued her, her ghost might still be wandering in the villa.

Lu Ming could understand Xiaolan's feelings, and smiled and comforted her:"Xiaolan, you can rest assured about this. Didn't you notice that the route to the villa this time is completely different from the last time, so don't worry about encountering Chikako's ghost"

"Besides, there are only three of us going to the villa this time, so there will definitely not be the same thing as last time." Yuanzi assured Xiaolan:"Even if there is a BT character, Teacher Lu Ming will definitely beat him away, right?"

Although this situation should not happen, in order to make Xiaolan feel more at ease, Lu Ming nodded and said:"With the teacher here, no one will hurt you."

"Actually, I'm not afraid." Seeing that Yuanzi and Lu Ming were taking such good care of her, Xiaolan felt embarrassed and quietly defended herself,"I just don't want anyone to get hurt."

Lu Ming and Yuanzi both smiled knowingly, without any defense from Xiaolan.

After walking for nearly ten minutes, finally, Yuanzi's villa appeared in front of the three people. Xiaolan was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but she heard Lu Ming say to her in a very strange tone,"Yuanzi, is there a cable bridge in front of your villa?"

"Oh my god, why is the bridge broken?" Yuanzi exclaimed:"Could it be that someone with ulterior motives wants to do something evil?"

"No, it shouldn't be man-made this time.

" Lu Ming stepped forward to look at the cable bridge and said,"It should be the rain that caused it to collapse from the bottom.

This is the result of cutting corners.

Yuanzi, teacher has a suggestion for you.

If your family builds a villa in the future, you should choose an open space that does not need a cable bridge to pass through.

In this way, there will be no worries about not being able to enter or exit the villa after the cable bridge breaks.

" Yuanzi blushed.

After all, it was her own thing.

Now that her favorite teacher saw her bad side, she couldn't save face.

However, now that the cable bridge is broken, it is impossible to go to the villa.

Yuanzi sighed and said,"It seems that I have to call my sister and ask her to pick us up, but……"

Yuanzi took out her cell phone and looked at it, showing an expression of"as expected", and said helplessly:"It seems that there is no signal here"

"How could this happen?" Xiaolan was at a loss for words. The area around here was desolate. If they couldn't get out before nightfall, they would have to camp here.

"Hey, look over there." Lu Ming suddenly pointed in the direction of 45 degrees:"There is also a villa there. Let's go there and borrow the landline from the owner to call Yuanzi's sister."

Yuanzi and Xiaolan's eyes lit up. They thought they had reached the end of their rope, but unexpectedly, there was a silver lining. Yuanzi said happily:"If there is a landline, then we don't have to sleep in the wilderness tonight." After determining the target, the three of them walked towards the villa.

The door of the villa was tightly closed. Lu Ming went forward and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"It seems that no one is inside." Xiaolan said disappointedly.

"Really, I thought we didn't have to camp here, it seems that we were too happy too early."Yuanzi kicked a small stone at his feet and apologized to Xiaolan and Lu Ming:"I'm really sorry, Xiaolan, Teacher Lu Ming, I didn't expect the cable bridge in front of the villa to be broken. It's all my fault for not coming here to check beforehand, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.……"

"How can I blame you for this?" Lu Ming smiled softly and said,"It's not you who cut the cable bridge. This is all an accident, right, Xiaolan."_

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