"No." Yuanzi shook her head and looked at Lu Ming expectantly:"Teacher Lu Ming, my sister is going to have a class reunion this weekend, and I hope you can come and attend."

"Me?" Lu Ming laughed and said,"Classmate Suzuki, your sister is having a class reunion, it's not appropriate for me to go."

"How is it inappropriate? The more people there are at a party, the more lively it is. I also invited Xiaolan, and I want to introduce you to my sister. I told her that we have a new teacher who is very knowledgeable. She said she would like to meet you if there is a chance. After all, I have never praised a teacher at home."

Lu Ming smiled again. Yuanzi's invitation was very sincere. Since the words have come to this point, he couldn't refuse his student's kindness. Thinking that he had nothing to do on the weekend, he nodded and agreed:"Okay, I will definitely attend the party as scheduled on the weekend. Just send me the address."

"I will send you the address later." Seeing Lu Ming agreed, Yuanzi's smile became even more intense:"Then, I won't bother you anymore, and I look forward to your next class."

After saying that, he happily returned to his seat.

Lu Ming walked out of the campus. The beautiful weather made him feel particularly comfortable. The sky was as clear as a piece of blue paper. A few thin white clouds, as if melted by the sun, floated slowly with the wind. The sunlight shone through the dense layers of branches and leaves, and printed large and small sparkling spots on the ground.

Good weather, suitable for walking.

Lu Ming did not drive today. If he wanted to go back, he could only choose to take a taxi or take the bus, but at this moment Lu Ming would rather choose the most primitive means of transportation, walking.

The beautiful scenery on the roadside, watching while walking, is also a great enjoyment in life.

Just after walking ten meters away, Lu Ming stopped. Less than a hundred meters away from him, a black Porsche was parked there.

Lu Ming frowned slightly and walked towards the Porsche.

Perhaps noticing Lu Ming's movements, when he approached the Porsche, the passenger window rolled down, Gin glanced over with a cold face, and smiled at Lu Ming:"Teacher Lu Ming, long time no see."

Lu Ming walked around to the back seat with an expressionless face, opened the door and got in.

As soon as he sat down, Vodka started the car and drove towards an unknown destination.

"" Gin, what do you want to talk to me about?" Lu Ming asked straight to the point.

Gin had a cigarette in his mouth, and the strong smell of cigarettes filled the small space. He did not answer Lu Ming's question, but asked:"Last time I asked you to monitor Shirley's actions, was there anything unusual?"

"Everything is normal, no signs of betrayal."

"Hey." Gin smiled coldly:"Based on this alone, it is not clear that she will not betray the organization. Shirley's sister Miyano Akemi asked me to leave the organization with her sister."

"Miyano Akemi? Is she the ex-girlfriend of Akai Shuichi who betrayed the organization?"

"That's her." Gin put out his cigarette, took out another one and lit it:"I told her that as long as she can bring 1 billion yen to the organization, I will release her and her sister."

"Did she believe it?"

"She can only believe that this is her only hope"

"The only hope is death." Lu Ming shook his head:"I don't think you will keep your promise to release her and her sister even if she hands over 1 billion yen."

Gin smiled grimly:"Only dead people can betray the organization"

"So you came to me just to tell me about this? This matter seems to have nothing to do with me, right?"

"Miyano Akemi is now working at a bank in Beihua Town. I hope you can help me."

"Help you?" Lu Ming changed to a comfortable posture, looking at Gin with a half-smile:"I don't think I have this obligation."

Gin finally turned around for the first time, his black hat and bangs covering half of his face:"'That person' values you very much. On the premise that you don't betray the organization, I don't mind helping you."

The implication is that even without your help, I can complete this matter, but I am optimistic about your potential, so I am willing to share some of the credit with you.

When it comes to 'that person', Lu Ming fell silent. He has been in this world for more than a year, but he still has no information about 'that person'. This makes Lu Ming anxious and helpless.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Ming finally accepted Gin's kindness, nodded and said:"Okay, call me anytime if you need my help."

Gin turned around again, as if he thought of something, and asked:"By the way, has Vermouth contacted you recently?"

"Some time ago, she communicated with me and said that the situation in the United States had been almost resolved and she would return to China after waiting for a while."

"Humph, that woman is still so lonely." Gin snorted disdainfully:"Besides you, only Calvados would be so devoted to her."

Lu Ming smiled indifferently:"What can I do? After all, I am her subordinate. To put it bluntly, if the higher-ups tell us to die, we have no room to resist, right, Vodka?"

Vodka smiled awkwardly.

After chatting about everything for a while, they finally reached their destination.

This is a very secluded place. Apart from a few wild cats basking in the sun leisurely, there are almost no passers-by.

Gin took the lead and walked in front. Vodka and Qianming followed behind him. After turning a few corners, they finally walked into a small bar.

The bar was very deserted. Apart from a bartender sitting on a bench in front of the counter, there was only a woman sitting inside. There was a cocktail in front of her. Although she looked down, it was obvious that her attention was not on it.

Gin walked towards her with Vodka and Qianming.

Hearing the footsteps, the woman raised her head, looked at Gin, and said lightly:"You are here?"

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