"Just call me Fenjiu." Seeing the doubt in Miyano Akemi's eyes, Lu Ming took the lead and sat down, saying with a smile:"Like Vodka, he is also Gin's subordinate."

Miyano Akemi opened her mouth, a little surprised, or rather, what Lu Ming said was somewhat inconsistent with the facts. If Lu Ming was really Gin's subordinate, how could he sit down before Gin?

Miyano Akemi took a deep look at Lu Ming. This man who claimed to be Fenjiu was not simple.

Gin snorted coldly and sat down with Vodka.

"Miyano Akemi, how is the progress?"

After the bartender brought three cocktails, Gin asked Miyano Akemi in his deep voice.

"Everything is going well." Miyano Akemi retracted her gaze towards Lu Ming and said,"Give me some time to prepare and then we can act.……"

Miyano Akemi looked at the man in front of her who made her very afraid:"I hope that after this incident, you can abide by the agreement and let my sister and I leave the organization."

"Don't worry, as long as you can complete this task, I will let you go."

"I don't know if I can trust you"

"You can only trust us." Gin didn't care about Miyano Akemi's suspicion of him, and even smiled with sarcasm:"If you want to leave the organization with your sister, then do as we say."

"I understand." As if accepting her fate, Miyano Akemi sighed.

Lu Ming had been listening to the conversation silently. After finishing his cocktail, he looked at the scenery outside the window, as if the things here had nothing to do with him.

After the two agreed on the next plan, this meeting ended.

Gin stood up, looked at Miyano Akemi meaningfully, and said:"Whether this plan will succeed depends on you."

Miyano Akemi nodded silently.

"Vodka, let's go."

"Yes, Boss."Vodka also stood up.

"Hey, you two are not going to leave me here, are you?"

Seeing the two turned around and left, Lu Ming couldn't help but yelled.

Gin looked back at him and said,"We have other things to do, it's not on your way, you can go back by yourself."

"Hey, you, you guys...……"

Seeing that the two of them really left the bar without caring about him, Lu Ming said angrily

"Mr. Fenjiu, if you don't mind, let me take you back." A gentle voice came from Miyano Akemi's mouth. She stood up, straightened her clothes, and said to Lu Ming with a smile.

"I'll trouble you then, Miss Mingmei."At this point, I can only trouble this woman.


"Mr. Fenjiu should not be Gin's subordinate."

On the wide road, a red car was driving. Miyano Akemi was driving the car. Lu Ming was sitting lazily in the passenger seat, looking at the scenery outside the window. Miyano Akemi glanced at him and asked casually,


Lu Ming withdrew his gaze from the scenery outside the window and focused on Miyano Akemi. After a long moment, he shook his head and said,"Ms. Akemi, you and your sister Shirley, also known as Miyano Shiho, are really different."

"You, know my sister?"

"We met once before." Lu Ming nodded.

"Then why do you say I am different from her?"

"She knows what to ask and what not to ask."

Miyano Akemi knew that she had touched on a sensitive issue. She was silent for a while and whispered,"I just hope that I can spend the rest of my life with Shiho in peace and without having to worry every day. You say... can we realize such a small wish?"

"That depends on whether you can complete the task assigned to you by the organization."

Lu Ming sighed in his heart. He certainly sympathized with Miyano Akemi. Even if she completed the task, she still could not escape the fate of death. For Miyano Akemi, the life of an ordinary person was just a luxury.

"What if I can’t finish it?"

"Then I'll use my gun to shoot a bloody hole in you"

"Really?" Miyano Akemi smiled bitterly.

Lu Ming turned his eyes away from Miyano Akemi and pointed to a fork in the road ahead and said,"Stop the car in front."

"Don't I need to send you home?"Miyano Akemi was stunned.

Lu Ming shook his head. How could he let Miyano Akemi, who was obviously going to betray the organization, know where he lived? This place was not far from his residence. He could just walk a few steps to digest what had just happened.

"I understand."

Miyano Akemi nodded and parked the car at the fork in the road.

Lu Ming pushed open the car door and just stepped out. He seemed to have thought of something and said,"The fate of some people may be determined from birth, but some people may be able to change their fate. Look forward to miracles, Miyano Akemi." Miyano Akemi stared blankly at Lu Ming's departing back.

This man was like an abstract painting. No matter how she looked at it, she could not understand his inner world. The words he said before he left, those whose fate was determined from birth, should refer to herself, but who would those 'people who change their fate' be?

Him, or...

A person she hadn't seen for a long time appeared in Miyano Akemi's mind.

"Maharaja, can we still meet again?"

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