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Tải ảnh: 0.027s Scan: 0.079sGin was still as careful as usual and asked,"There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Gil nodded,"Yeah, I was overthinking it. So Gin, can you put the pistol you aimed at me from behind the car door back into the holster? If you shoot me because of some strange suspicion, no one will be able to help you get rid of DJ."

Gin snorted coldly, put the gun back, and said,"Forget it. Anyway, we have spies within a 500-meter radius of this building. If a suspicious car approaches, we will know it immediately. Okay, Gil, let's confirm it for the last time. Tell me about our action plan."

"The time is 13:00, the location is Eddie P, I am in charge of interviewing DJ, I will guide him to that location"

"Right, right, that's it."

Just as Kil finished speaking, another car drove over and stopped next to Kil's car. The person who spoke was a woman with short hair and a swallowtail butterfly tattoo on her left eye. She played with the sight in her hand, looked at Kil and said,"You have to let the prey come into my shooting range, so that I can have some fun, hahahaha……"

The woman's laughter sounded a bit harsh, and from the excited expression on her face, it could be seen that she was a BT killer with a lot of blood on her hands.

"It turned out to be Chianti, Cohen is here too."Kil glanced at the two companions in the car and smiled faintly:"This is really reassuring. Then, it will depend on you two later. Although our achievements cannot be made public, our failures will be widely known in an instant."

Gin snorted coldly:"Whether it is success or failure, the general public will not know about it. This is the organization's way of doing things."

"So, it seems to be true"

"Well, it's almost time, we should set off." Vermouth suddenly interrupted and said,"I hope you guys try your best not to let me and Fenjiu appear, okay?"

At this time, on the other side.

In a yellow Beetle car parked on the side of the road, Conan frowned, with a pair of headphones in his ears. After hearing Vermouth mention the word Fenjiu, he was stunned, looked at Haibara who was sitting next to him, and asked,"Haibara, do you know someone named Fenjiu in the organization?"

"Fenjiu?" Hearing this code name, Huibara's face slightly turned pale and she asked back,"Is he also in Gin's car?"

"It should be."Conan nodded. I just heard Vermouth say that we should not let her and Fenjiu appear. Do you know this Fenjiu?"

Huiyuan's face was a little complicated. After thinking for a while, he said,"I have only heard about this person in the organization. I only know that he is a very difficult person to deal with. In terms of strength, he is not on par with Gin. If he really participated in this assassination, then Edogawa, you must be careful."

Huiyuan's words made Conan's brows lock tighter. Gin had already made him overwhelmed. After several investigations, he did not get any useful results. Now there is another Fenjiu whose strength is not less than Gin. Conan feels that he is falling into a bigger and bigger whirlpool.

Huiyuan looked at Conan who was lost in thought and sighed secretly in her heart. To be honest, she was very reluctant to see Lu Ming and Conan face to face. These two men were very important in her life. After experiencing despair and death, what she hoped most now was to see the people around her live well, even if it was a luxury.

Lu Ming once told her that she would not show any mercy to Conan. As long as he had the chance, he would kill him without hesitation. The same was true for Conan. Once he knew Lu Ming's true identity, he would do everything he could to send Lu Ming to prison.

This pair of natural opponents, only one can survive.

Underground parking lot.

After hearing what Vermouth said, Chianti's face suddenly changed. He got out of the car, walked around to the back door of Gin's car, knocked on the window and shouted at Vermouth:"What is this, why are you here? How can you, a woman who took Calvados out without permission and watched him being killed, be involved in this plan?"

"Chianti, get back in the car."

Belmaud didn't even look up at the woman, Gin said


"Vermouth and Fenjiu came just in case, and this was the order given by that person."

When mentioning that person, the anger on Chianti's face suddenly turned into helplessness. After glaring at Vermouth hatefully, she returned to the car unwillingly.

Vermouth did not take Chianti's rudeness to her to heart. She adjusted her sitting position and said,"But I really didn't expect that the location would be chosen at Eddie P, but it is also a veritable hunting ground, isn't it?"

""Eh?" Vodka turned around and asked,"What do you mean by that?"

Vermouth smiled faintly,"Vodka, you should know more about the history here, Gin, your subordinate is really not as good as mine."_

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